admin Posted August 12, 2013 Posted August 12, 2013 Hello everyone. We have discussed with you on this forum that you want your maps and scenario generators for organised battles part. Certain thing are impossible at this stage like a battle generator (due to other priorities) but on maps we would love to hear your ideas and maybe see examples of the maps and types of battles you want. So what we need from you is Map charts Potential battle scenarios: Taking into account the battle flow (battle will usually flow into the direction of the wind) You can go as creative as you want: indicate shallow waters, potential NPC units placements (ai ships, forts, shore batteries), islands, capture points etc. Best map ideas and scenarios would be implemented in the next milestone in September. 2
Barberouge Posted August 12, 2013 Posted August 12, 2013 What would be the biggest map size ? (in miles ?)
admin Posted August 12, 2013 Author Posted August 12, 2013 14 knots is 16 nautical miles per hour. So for a maximum comfortable battle length (1 hour) we can assume that 10-15 miles is more than enough.
Barberouge Posted August 12, 2013 Posted August 12, 2013 From an Open World point of view, I can see 2 big categories: battles which are started from the navigation view (Navigation Battles), and battles which are fought on determined coastal locations like ports (Goal Battles). From a warfare type point of view, here are some potential ideas: 1. Coastal warfare Navigation Battles: There would be land as coast or islands, reefs, shoals with different sea/weather conditions. If the large shoals zones would be indicated on the navigation view, it could create interesting navigation and battle tactics. Ships with less draft would have more sailing options to escape or chase. Goal Battles: If some ports aren't "free ports" but smuggling has to be enabled in that region, I'd see some coastal locations like bays with beaches. The smuggler is caught at night loading/unloading cargo with a launch, and has to quickly set sails to escape the patrol or fight. 2. Fleet warfare Navigation Battles: Same as coastal warfare. If the "navigation to battle" scale enables it, some navigation view coastal characteristics could make for good battle environments, like the Gibraltar Strait. In general, any battle fought close enough to the coast could include some shapes of the navigation view. Sacrificing some escort ships to give merchants some time to escape through islands could be interesting aswell. A naval blockading fleet attacked close enough to a port could generate a naval blockade battle which would include the port defenses, the channel and the harbor, one side having the possibility to enter the safe zone of the port. Goal Battles: Amongst the conquest attack options, one could be to destroy a fleet which is lying at anchor inside a port (fleet destroy battle). Instead of sailing off the coast of the port, the attacking fleet could blockade the entrance of the port itself. Instead of spawning outside of the port, the defending fleet would spawn inside (port blockade battle). Another conquest attack option could be to bomb the port infrastructures or the city (bombing battle). Those maps would include the defenses, the channel, the harbor and its dykes, the outer port, the port. To avoid empty port blitzkrieg campaigns, some time would be given to the defenders to prepare for those battles: the spies got informations about a port attack. 3. Combined operations Goal Battles: In those conquest battles both the defending fleet and all the defenses would have to be totally destroyed in order to land troops on the docks. Those could be plunder battles or invasion battles. If you can code it, another possibility would be to send launches to land troops under fire. That would be quite fun 2
CJFlint Posted August 14, 2013 Posted August 14, 2013 Hello everyone. We have discussed with you on this forum that you want your maps and scenario generators for organised battles part. Certain thing are impossible at this stage like a battle generator (due to other priorities) but on maps we would love to hear your ideas and maybe see examples of the maps and types of battles you want. So what we need from you is Map charts Potential battle scenarios: Taking into account the battle flow (battle will usually flow into the direction of the wind) You can go as creative as you want: indicate shallow waters, potential NPC units placements (ai ships, forts, shore batteries), islands, capture points etc. Best map ideas and scenarios would be implemented in the next milestone in September. Is this going to be similar to say "Age of Pirates 2" or POTBS were you have a navigation map that you use to travel around the world and and for battle you have it goes into like a 1st/3rd person battle mode? If this is the case I would prefer something more like the system "Age of Pirates 2" had. Were when you engaged in battle the navigation map reflected what was in battle map. Taking from POTBS there was a current system and wind both in battle and on your navigation, I would like to see both synced together. Also weather played a huge role in any kind of maritime activity during the period. I would like to see this added and both maps synced. One of the things about potbs I always thought took away from the realism was when you engaged in battle on the open sea, the battle map did not at all reflect what was on the navigation map, which took away from game play immersion. So battle map with currents, weather, land masses (with in reason) that reflect what is on the navigation map. Now I have spent my child hood and adult life sailing and boating, weather and currents play a huge role in any maritime activity and should be shown. If this is a "World Wide Open World Game" I would like the land masses and weather conditions to reflect what part of the world your in. Also I have some books about the period, I would like the charts (mini maps ect) them selves to, to resemble real maps from the period. It dosn't have exact, just resemble them. I also agree with what barberrouge on what he was saying regarding the combat side. 1
admin Posted August 16, 2013 Author Posted August 16, 2013 Would love to hear Digby, Adair and Verhoeven in this thread on the battle maps. As they were requesting he custom maps.
jokash Posted August 16, 2013 Posted August 16, 2013 I also think that the "Age of Pirates" map system is the best option...there may be balancing issues or problems like that but whats the alternative...sailing realisticly for hours or unrealisticly fast sail ships. You could only see other player ships if they are in your line of sight on the navigation map thus you will not have just frigates running for the helpless merchants, you have to search known trade routes and as a merchant you try to find a route that isnt too long and filled with enemy ships. 1
CJFlint Posted August 16, 2013 Posted August 16, 2013 I also think that the "Age of Pirates" map system is the best option...there may be balancing issues or problems like that but whats the alternative...sailing realisticly for hours or unrealisticly fast sail ships. You could only see other player ships if they are in your line of sight on the navigation map thus you will not have just frigates running for the helpless merchants, you have to search known trade routes and as a merchant you try to find a route that isnt too long and filled with enemy ships. I agree 100 %, think age of pirates 2 did have a pretty good in game navigation system. The navigation map view (which allowed fast vast distances travel via time compression) matched what was on the your 3rd or 1st person view. Also the game was set up so you needed to collect maps to accurately navigate on land and sea. It was also allot of fun collecting them and looking at them. I would like to see Naval Action take use a similar system, but expand on it. Here's a link to how ships would check there depths Another instrument is the sextant. Age of Pirates 2 (Gentlemen of Fortune mod) was probably my fav Age of Sail Game of all time. There is a ton of good lessons to learned from that game. The reality it is a bit dated now. I really want to see a 3rd installment.
PIerrick de Badas Posted August 22, 2013 Posted August 22, 2013 Scenario: - Destroy ennemy fleet (ship vs ships) - Destroy ennemy small Fortification (ship VS ship+fortificaton) - Land troops to a point (Ship v Ship) - Land troops to a point and then attack the main port (landing troop to destroy a large fortification which protect a port). Then when landed troops have destroy the main battery, enter the port and destroy the target (ships/fleet...) - Feed a port (passing throw the blockoading fleet) (ship v ship) - Blockade a port (sunk the ships who try to past) - Catch a special ship. (IA choose a ship into the "defending fleet". This ship has to join a point withtou sunking. Rest of the team defend it at all cost. opponent don't know wich ship they have to sunk) Maps: I would love to get differents kinf of water with Open sea and lands. The small ships like frigate could go near the coast when line ship have to stay away from it exect if usings channels. 4
Adair Posted August 31, 2013 Posted August 31, 2013 I like Plerrick's suggested scenarios. I think that covers all the basics. The thing about the maps is that unless there's a reason to be near land, most battles took place on just a plain, blank map. And if the wind was blowing you towards a lee shore, you and your opponent may soon have bigger things to worry about than blowing each other out of the water.
Capt Warren Loly Posted August 31, 2013 Posted August 31, 2013 It would be nice if battles are fought on the open Sea. In potbs you travel on the open sea and when you attack you go in a different encounter. This is very unrealistic. I suggest having battle on the open sea and anyone of any nation can join in at any time.
Ampen Posted October 2, 2013 Posted October 2, 2013 I think both open sea and archipelago battles could be interesting. With open sea battles more rigid tactics are needed, more care need to be taken to wind etc, while fighting amongst islands will require not only different ships, but also different tactics, and a bit more creative approach to clinch a victory. Archipelago battles could be coupled with certain objectives as well, as a few of those mentioned above, like blockade, or siezing a fortress.
L'Abattage Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 Not sure if it is possible or how exactly it would work in your game, but there are many times when large amphibious landings would be taken to try to capture a towns and control entire regions. Examples are: Like I said not sure how to implement this, but creative assembly does a good job at this with their total war series esp. with empire total war and napoleon total war. I am really looking forward to this game.
Ned Loe Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013,_Plate_1.jpg 1
Ned Loe Posted October 17, 2013 Posted October 17, 2013 Destroy enemy fleet (ship vs ships) Board a Leader Ship Destroy 2 gun emplacements. Start a town blockade. 2
BullpupBarrie Posted October 21, 2013 Posted October 21, 2013 Outgunned French* fleet flees a British* blockading squadron, and makes for a lee shore in an attempt to escape, hoping their enemy won't dare to follow them. A randomly generated shore line could be interesting (obviously I don't know if that's possible), with the French players maybe getting some incomplete maps to represent them knowing the local waters better. This way they could attempt to even the numbers by baiting the British onto rocks. * Insert alternatives to taste.
Barberouge Posted October 23, 2013 Posted October 23, 2013 Difficult to propose a map without knowing the punch of a broadside and the maneuverability of the ships. 8 nautical miles map featuring a combined operations battle: dark blue is deep sea light blue is shoals light brown is land at low tide dark brown is land at hight tide red is attackers (showing a 20 ships main line sailing, with max range and effective range) yellow is defenders (showing a 20 ships main line in static line formation, with max range and effective range) black is forts (with 36-pound range and 64-pound range) 1 and 2: attackers spawn points 3 and 4: defenders spawn points 5 and 6: landing beaches 7: port 8: port fort 9: harbor fort 10: sea fort 11: channel fort 12: Kraken 13: harbor 14: channel 15: Bay of Death 16: islands The ranges and scales aren't excessively precise. The forts have to be built by the port owners, and cannons have to be put in the forts. The port and the forts have garrisons. Landing troops in 5 and 6 enables to attack and possibly take the harbor fort (9) or the port fort (8) - but it decreases the number of available men (and cannons ?) on the ships. Landing troop in the port (7) without having taken or destroyed the port fort (8) can be dangerous. The battle can be fought in low, high or mid tide with corresponding currents (which I didn't draw). Some dykes could be added. The wind can be 360°. It shouldn't change too much during the battle. Both defenders and attackers have a wide range of viable tactics at their disposal. Depending on the tide and the wind, the defenses, and their fleet composition, they can choose to attack/defend the harbor fort by controlling the landing points, to destroy the outer forts, to destroy the opponents fleet, or to use cheesy tactics with frigates. The harbor (13) can be defended by a static line, provided the line is heavy enough and there aren't strong forts that could be taken by the attackers. If it's mid-tide, the current might be too strong. The channel (14) is kind of a bet. A leeward fleet usually has an advantage between coasts. But if it's pushed downwind, it could end stuck in the harbor or in the open sea with no more advantage. Frigates can be sent through the shoals. The Bay of Death (15) is... a Bay of Death ! And the islands (16) are there to provide interesting tactics when the fleets sail between the landing point and the channel, or engage a fight in that zone. Ships of the line don't have all options open, and frigates can shape the battle going for the bows or the sterns of the opponents. More islands could be added. One of my favorite PotBS maps was Jawbone Bay. The purpose doesn't have to be taking the port. Some forts can be destroyed, and the attackers would come back before the defenders could re-build them. The sea fort looks like this But all this should be corrected after we know how fights look like. 4
admin Posted October 24, 2013 Author Posted October 24, 2013 Difficult to propose a map without knowing the punch of a broadside and the maneuverability of the ships. But all this should be corrected after we know how fights look like. beautiful work would write you in skype on this focus test we wont make it but next round will try to build something like this.
Barberouge Posted October 24, 2013 Posted October 24, 2013 Thanks. You shouldn't bother too much with that map though. Basically I just wanted to show the possible tactical effects of changeable tides and currents, and how a battle with troops landing can open options aswell as dynamic defenses building. Also I read that a leeward fleet is always at a disadvantage, but it's not necessarily true depending on the situation and the ships sizes. Any historical map could become a good basis, but once again how fights are working will tell how maps could be setup. Especially the islands shapes and sizes should be aimed at creating diverse tactics. So maybe this map wouldn't give as many interesting options. Looking forward to the first focus testing Also some "admin" already got my skype.
Ned Loe Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Ok, so I spent some time and created this map sample. (30 mins) I can put more details and objects any time. I can copy any real world maps and redesign it. I have endless ideas for maps. If you need any help you can contact me here : I hope this link works: Btw, I speak Russian/Ukrainian/English 1
Ned Loe Posted November 18, 2013 Posted November 18, 2013 I will have more time this week and will work on some new maps and ideas.
Ned Loe Posted November 24, 2013 Posted November 24, 2013 Ok, here is a map I call "Trinity Islands" with 2 islands and a landmass. 4
Ned Loe Posted November 25, 2013 Posted November 25, 2013 Here is a scenario for a map "Dead Man's Cove" 1. Destroy Fort 2. Sink All Enemy Fleet 3. Invade Town (Optional) Save Friendly NPC for a bonus reward. Feel free to give any other ideas for this map! 3
Ned Loe Posted November 29, 2013 Posted November 29, 2013 Scenario: 1.Protect at least 2 towns from enemy destruction. 2.Destroy all enemy ships. (Optional) Protect 3 towns for a bonus reward. 1
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