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I know the supposed "ingame mechanic" for punishing Green on Green is in place. But in this instance i believe that the people Green on Greening me were deliberately trying to avoid punishment via this mechanic by mostly shooting sails and ramming (not generating much -xp but still sinking me)


3 Members of the OFF clan (all Pirate) followed me (Pirate) and one of them in a large ship (Constitution) attacked me, then his two friends in smaller fast ships (Rennomees) joined in (on my team) so that they spawned right next to me, they then used this to shoot my sails to try and let the constitution catch me, when they figured this was too slow one started shooting me with ball, whilst the other started ramming me repeatedly until i sunk from leaks yet his rams wern't showing up in the damage log, i have screenshots of him directly ramming my side repeatedly.



Here's full screenshots proving that they were ramming me and shooting me sails (Which doesn't show up as high damage in the log) therefore they were deliberately trying to avoid this supposed mechanic based on damage but also hinder and sink me very fast, please pay attention to my rudder angle (trying to avoid them) and the battle chat log


I made an F11 complaint against them including a screenshot of them ramming me and the damage log, however a few hours later i saw them still sailing around in the same ships apparently unpunished or anything. I sincerely hope that this "automatic team damage report" mechanic is something other than the -xp recieved for damage, as they wouldn't get much for shooting my sails out and ramming me compared to shooting at me with ball. So i make this thread with proof, showing that they speak English and that i told them that Green on Green isn't allowed, ignoring that, sinking me, then sailing around a few hours later seemingly unpunished, hoping that they receive some actual punishment for this and that i'm told what that punishment actually is.



TLDR: these two green on greened and sunk me by only shooting sails and ramming me which doesnt make much -xp, then saw them sailing round hours later same rank same ships, making me skeptical of the "automatic anti green on green mechanics", so making this thread hoping that an admin will look at it and deal with them properly.


[OFF] Usub = shooting my sails and shooting some ball into my hull

[OFF] Pecheneg71 = deliberately avoiding shooting me (avoiding -xp etc mechanics) but ramming me repeatedly and trying to turn me into the wind



The Situation



Me trying to get away from Pecheneg71's ram (left ruddering) whilst he goes straight at my side




Damage log of Usub chain shotting my sails




Me sinking as a result of Pecheneg71 continuously ramming me (very little armour damage on me, just got sunk by being rammed)







The chat log from the battle



  • Like 3

This is not Bartholomew Fair gentlemen.


If you're not directly involved in a tribunal, either to add evidence or defend yourself against charges leveled against you, you are not to post.  Period.


Continued spamming of Tribunal will result in warnings.


Thank you.

  • 2 weeks later...

И так игрок под Именем Tugmund, кричал во все чаты и даже на форуме о том, как несправедливо с ним поступил игроки из клана OFF. Смею заметить сам Tugmund себя полностью считает невинным ангелом, невинной овечкой которая пострадала в результате жестокого с ним обращения. А теперь про взглянуть на доказательства того что клан FTS 04.06.2016 22:51 по времени на напала под Pecheneg71 игрока (фото 1). Однако игрок по имени Pecheneg71 удалось уйти, но что мы видим игроки клана FTS 2 напали раз на игрока Pecheneg71 и опять хотели отобрать у него корабль на фото 2 мы наблюдаем что игрок под именем адмирала Phaggamemnon уже на напал Pecheneg71 игрока. И в связи с тем, что на сторону атакующего игрок Tugmund не смог попасть, а попал в сторону защитника они пытались отобрать корабль не у других игроков других наций, а именной у своих пиратов. Мне интересно как это на это ответит игрок Tugmund. Ведь именно его действия и его клана повлекли за собой, тот момент в котором игрок Tugmund кричит о том, что его атаковали зеленые игроки.  

      А на последки хочу вот что сказать игроку под игроком Tugmund. Если ты кому-то объявляешь войну, то будь готов к тому что меры последуют незамедлительно. И не надо об этом кричать на форумах и в чате тем самым позоря себя и свой клан. А на этом все спасибо за ваше внимание.



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