Babble Posted April 1, 2016 Posted April 1, 2016 Preface: The following is an extensive list of suggestions intended to take this beautiful game the devs have given us and help it realize its full potential. A roadmap if you will. I wouldn't expect for any of these changes to come quickly as some of them will take considerable scripting time and the dev team is doing this as a project of love, but having a road-map is always useful when trying to find your destination. I hope to be playing this game 5 years from now. The skeleton is there, but for that to be a reality some changes need to be made. I will attempt to detail some of the suggestions I have come across from others on the forums as well as myself below without getting too long winded but if there are any questions about any of the following please feel free to ask in thread or send me a PM. I will try to move in a logical fashion from introduction towards long term sustainability. This post is to spur discussion on game improvements and not intended to be a final decision on numbers or specifics. Warning: I may have gone a bit too far. ################################################################################ (Edit: Added this color to indicate something has already been covered in a previous post or it is not covered in detail in this post or is a recipe and is not super important to understanding the concepts..) section 1-8 > 9-10 > 11-12> 13-14 ################################################################################ Table of Contents 1.)Server Transfers 2.)Sailing Speed a.)Trade Currents 3.)Character Creation and Nation Select 4.)Start Ports upon Map Reset 5.)Conquest Admiralty Missions a.)Conquest Mission b.)Secondary Mission 6.)Diplomacy (National) a.)Mechanics (Admiralty) 1.)Allies and War 2.)Surprise Attacks 3.)Trade Agreements 4.)Raids 5.)Diplomatic Delegation 6.)Trade Mission 7.)Missionary b.)Mechanics (Player) 1.)Reinforcements 2.)Captured Officers c.)Levels d.)Increasing/ Decreasing National Diplomacy 7.)Standing/ Notoriety/ Diplomacy (Player) a.)Mechanics 1.)Traders 2.)Piracy 3.)Letter of Marquee 4.)Bounty Hunters 5.)Letter of Pardon 6.)Faction Change b.)Levels c.)Increasing / Decreasing Standing 8.)Admiralty / Pirate Cove and Admiralty Points a.)Missions b.)National Initiatives c.)Commissions 1.)Commission Officers 2.)Ships of the Line 3.)Outpost Certification d.)Goods and Services 1.)Ships 2.)Resource Bundles e.)Earning Admiralty Points 1.)Missions 2.)Turn ins 3.)Game-play 9.)Resources and Resource Distribution a.)Common b.)Uncommon c.)Rare d.)Nation Specific 1.)Dyes 2.)Goods e.)Resource distribution Overview f.)Types of Port 1.)Capital 2.)Regional Capital 3.)Alternate Starting port 4.)Mining 5.)Agricultural 6.)Homestead 7.)Forestry 8.)Free Towns g.)Specific port Distribution (Coming soon) 10.)Production and Manufacture Buildings a.)Production Buildings 1.)Logging 2.)Mining 3.)Plantation 4.)Hunting Lodge 5.)Fishery b.)Manufacturies 1.)Carpenter 2.)Lumber Mill 3.)Forge 4.)Refinery 5.)Provisioner 6.)Textile Mill 7.)Academy 11.)Seamen, Officers, and their Abilities a.)Recruits 1.)Recruitment Office 2.)Boarding Combat b.)Training 1.)Experience 2.)The Academy c.)Usage and Abilities 12.)Port Upgrades / Improvements a.)Production Improvements 1.)Timber Rafting 2.)Vein Exploration 3.)Irrigation 4.)Deadfall 5.)Fish Market 6.)Wood Working School 7.)Metal Working School 8.)Bazaar 9.)Port Granary 10.)Weaving School 11.)Recruitment Office 12.)Regional Capital Specialization Upgrade b.)Defensive Capabilities 1.)Local Militia 2.)Courthouse 3.)Standing Army 4.)Local Patrol 5.)Professional Patrol 6.)Simple Fort 7.)Advanced Fort 8.)Town Walls 9.)Citadel C.)Religious Buildings: 1.)Church 2.)Cathedral 3.)Holy Site 13.)Religion A.)Religions by Nation B.)Religions by port C.)Influencing a ports Religion D.)Religion and Unrest 14.)Port Unrest and Happiness A.)Mechanics B.)Raising / Lowering 1.)Raising Happiness 2.)Port Unrest Degradation Percentage Changes 3.)Raising Unrest C.)Levels: 15.)Port Battles A.)Capture Windows B.)Port Battle Mechanics (coming soon) 16.)Pirates and Piracy A.)Experience and Goods B.)Allies and War C.)Piracy D.)Standing Notoriety E.)Limitations F.)RvR 17.)Conquest(RvR) A.)Conquest Period B.)Conquest Victory 1.)Methods of Victory a.)Domination 2.)Attrition 3.)Anarchy C.)Conquest Rewards D.)Conquest Coins 18.)Cease Fire and Map reset 19.)Customization: A.)Sail design 1.)National Dyes. To the meat. ############################################################################## 15.)Port Battles A.)Capture windows: 1.)Neutral ports and Alternate starting ports: At map start each neutral port starts with 1 of 3 possible 8 hour capture windows. (1-8, 9-16, 17-24). Every 7 days if not captured they rotate to the next windows. (1-8 moves to 9-16.) Ect. 2.)Captured ports : Once a port is captured the person who purchased the flag sets the 8 hour window. This is now the permanent 8 hour capture window. a.)Shortening the capture window: There are several ways to shorten the port capture window. i.)Simple Fort: Building the simple fort upgrade in a port shortens the capture window 2 hours off the front of the window. (I.E. 1-8 become 3-8) ii.)Advanced Fort: Building the advanced fort upgrade in a port shortens the capture window 3 hours off the front of the window. (I.E. 1-8 becomes 4-8) iii.)Town Walls: Building the Town Walls upgrade in a port shortens the capture window by an additional hour on top of either the simple or advanced fort. (I.E. 4-8 for advanced fort + 1 = 5-8) iiii.)Citadel: Building the Citadel upgrade in a port shortens the capture window to two hours. (I.E. 7-8) 3.)Captured ports reverting to neutral: If at any point a previously captured port reverts to neutral (via unrest or piracy) then it returns to the rotating 8 hour window model based off the current ports capture window end hour. a.)Example: Mobile is captured by the French and they set the capture window to 10-17. They build an advanced fort moving the window to 13-17. After a few weeks they decide Mobile is too far away to care about and stop paying attention to the port. Unrest drops to -4000 the populace over throws the French rule and the port becomes neutral again. Since the Capture window set by the French was 13-17 the new neutral port’s capture window is 10-17 for the next 7 days. After those 7 days it moves to 18-1. And so on. Until captured again by another faction. B.)Port Battle Mechanics: (This section needs some work and is important to get right for the RvR to function properly. I am withholding it until a time where I feel its more complete. For the time being our current game play will suffice.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16.)Pirates and Piracy This is a touchy subject with much heated debate on every side of the argument with differing opinions on what role they should play if any at all. I firmly believe pirates need to play a major role in this game in order for it to be a fully functioning sandbox. However I think that role should be more anarchy then nation building. Below I will summarize some of the changes highlighted earlier in the document as well as expand the changes of pirate mechanics further. Experience and Goods: (Section 3) Pirates receive 50% XP against NPCs Pirates receive 130% XP against Players Pirates receive normal amount of goods from NPC traders Pirates receive 150% goods from player traders. (to promote piracy) Allies and War: (Section 6) Pirates can have no Allies. Pirates Can be at war with up to 4 nations Raids Piracy (disguise): (Section 7, a) National Flags Standing Notoriety The entirety of Section 7) Docking at national ports Limitations on Crafting Ships: Pirates can only Craft up to the Pirate Frigate Pirates are only faction that can craft Pirate Frigate Pirate Frigate Requires a commission from their Admiralty in order to craft Pirate Frigate needs some buffing/ tweaking in order to fill the correct role Fairly Fast, Fairly Maneuverable Say 14.2 top speed 3.3 turn rate Stern Chasers 48 total guns 310 crew 700 /2830 / 286/ 3220 Pirate Sol. Glassy cannon. Fast enough to catch most boats but not great in a line fight Pirates can sail anything they capture from nationals. (Crew provided) RvR: Port Conquest: Pirates can only capture and hold a total of 14 ports at a time (Including their capital and alternate starting port)(These ports are labeled strongholds) After the pirates have 14 ports captured they can continue conquering ports in port battles but they do not hold them long: Ports captured after the (14) limit start with a -2000 unrest level and accelerated unrest degradation. They can build production and manufactory buildings in the port but they cannot build or repair port upgrades. With a -2000 unrest rating, (17%) unrest degradation, and no way to please the populace the port reverts back to a neutral port 8 days after the port is captured. If at any point any of the Pirates (14 Stronghold) controlled ports does not have a Warehouse built there by a pirate player, any pirate player can choose to abandon the port. A message is flashed on the pirate nations’ players’ screens saying the port is being abandoned At next server maintenance, if no warehouses have been built in that port, the port enters abandoning mode. Unrest Degradation locks at 30% and cannot be influenced by player actions When the ports unrest level reaches -4000 the port reverts to neutral If at any point during the abandoning process a pirate builds a warehouse in the port the abandoning process ends and the port reverts to its previous level of unrest degradation. Conquest Victory: Pirates win a conquest period by promoting piracy and anarchy After the pirates own their 14 (strongholds) every port they capture via Port battle reverts to neutral after 8 days. To win a conquest victory the object of the pirate faction is to over throw the oppression of European rule and free a majority of the regions ports. At map start a 50 countdown begins. At the end of the 50 days the server takes a tally of nation controlled ports V.S. neutral ports. If the score for neutral ports is higher than any given nation’s score then the pirates win the conquest period. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17.)Conquest (RvR) A.)Conquest Period: Is the duration of gameplay before the scores of each nation are tallied the map is reset if a faction does not win prior to this. The Conquest Period is 150 days barring victory by other method such as Domination, Attrition, or Anarchy. B.)Conquest Victory: There are several way for a faction to win a conquest period. 1.)Domination: There are a total of 361 ports on the map. 8 Capitals and 33 free ports. That Leaves 320 capturable ports. Each basic port(225 total) is worth 1 point. Each Luxury Port(42 total) is worth 2 points. Each Regional Capital (45 total) is worth 3 points. Each Nation’s Alternate starting point(8) is worth 4 points. That gives up a possible 476 points if a nation controlled all capturable ports on the map. At map start a 50 day countdown timer starts. At the end of the 50 days the server takes a tally of nation controlled ports. If at the end of the 50 period any Nation has 210 points or more total from controlling ports they have won a domination victory. a.)At the end of every 14 days following the 50 day timer the tallies are rescored to determine a domination Victory. This allows for 8 possible chances at a Domination Victory before the conquest period ends. (150 days.) 2.)Attrition: If no Nation wins via domination during the conquest period then the port control tallies are scored at the end of the conquest period (150 days.) The Nation with the most points wins the war of Attrition. (Pirates cannot win the war of Attrition.) 3.)Anarchy: If at the end of the 50 countdown timer, or at any point when the scores are tallied after, no Nation has at least 68 points then the Pirates win the conquest victory via the anarchy of over throwing the European rule. a.) 476 possible points for ports / 7 nations = 68. C.)Conquest Rewards: (The rewards for conquest can be developed further but these will do now as a place holder.) 1.)Domination Victory: Every player of the Winning nation gets 3 Conquest coins. 2.)Attrition victory: Every player of the Winning Nation gets 2 Conquest coins. In the event of a tie each player in the nations that tie get 1 conquest coin. 3.)Anarchy: Every Member of the Pirate nation gets 3 Conquest coins. D.)Conquest coins: Can be traded in at the Admiralty for 750 Admiralty points each. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18.)Cease Fire and Map Reset: If at any point during the conquest period a faction wins the map enters cease fire. Every Nation is locked with the current ports they control for 3 days. No ports are capturable. No flags can be purchased. PVP rewards are doubled. At the end of the 3 day cease fire the Map is reset and all ports except Capitals and Alternate starting ports are set to neutral and another conquest period begins. 3
Peter Fouche Posted June 21, 2016 Posted June 21, 2016 Okay, this is a very interesting idea but I think it needs to be rethinked a bit. Instead of conquest, why not call it wars? Instead of giving it a set time to run and let the map revert back to all neutral ports... Why not keep it open ended and let the nations hold whatever territories they can. Your other mechanics will prevent nations to become too powerful. And if they can afford it, then why not let them keep it? People will become tired of "starting over" every time. If I had a lvl3 production building in "Mobile" and the map resets, I need to rebuild everything? This is not nice, people like to take breaks from the game to revisit it later but if all your hard work goes to waste every 150 (maybe even shorter) days... Well I think people will lose interest very quickly. Also, what happens to your ships/officers/crew/captains lvl/etc when it gets to a reset? If I lose everything every 150 days, I will not even bother to play the game anymore. No sir, this mechanic I do not like. However... the rest you have proposed is absolutely amazing! well done on all your hard work, I hope it pays of! 1
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