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1,567 members have voted

  1. 1. Please vote on the priorities for the next 3-4 content patches

    • Hired crew and officers (incl supplying them with provisions, food production and fishing)
    • Overhaul of War & Peace mechanics and national relations, pirate role and national alliances
    • Open world PVE: epic events, more variety of fleets, more missions (incl delivery missions)
    • Arranged PVP: Leaderboards, tournaments, pvp events, duels and ow duel flags, balancer improvements
    • Overhaul of resource distribution, labor hours rework, crafting improvements, exploration for resources

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I voted for PVE content. It's very much needed.

There is few mentions that PVE could affect RVR. I like that idea but i'm also worried about that->pve-player sails his/her hard earned snow near Enemy port and starts grinding trade ships to affect RVR. Then there is one full Group waiting to gank his puny little ship with their Super frigates.

I can understand pvp'ers desires too but it seems that population is declining all the time. Many pvp'ers are skilled and it makes it hard for New players to join pvp. I think that most of us starts with PVE and then moves to pvp after learning the game mechanics and getting a good ship. Supplying for pvp needs good foundation of resources and usually PVE is needed to achieve that.

This game needs both PVE and PVP. We should find a way how those two can work together.


We need some kind of War & Peace mechanic. Maybe a dungeon master type of style where everything is decided by the dungeon masters (kings) and they take suggestions from players.

This way, all the unecessary drama between clans will end and everyone can start having more fun with their battleships.

Posted (edited)

While i want to Overhaul of War & Peace mechanics and national relations, pirate role and national alliances 


This will require a server wipe which i think is a tad to soon as alot of things need to be put in place before we lose our ships etc and start from scratch.



So i would prefer  Open world PVE: epic events, more variety of fleets, more missions (incl delivery missions) 


As this would a good filler for when the server wipe and would make  grinding ships etc alot more interesting and different rather than doing this same thing again but with some faction diplomacy




Also Overhaul of resource distribution, labor hours rework, crafting improvements, exploration for resources should come with Overhaul of War & Peace mechanics and national relations, pirate role and national alliances.


These need to come together as they both effect each other greatly.


So i put my vote on Open World PVE then hopefully you work on Overhaul Resources etc and Diplomacy.



I hate the fact everyone has jumped onto Diplomacy without thinking this through as i get a feeling people are to hot headed over current pirate stuff and the colour of Circle (Ports) on the map, While i understand small nations need it, that change will not make that faction bigger it'll just make it clearer who not to attack and give factions a grace period.

Edited by Bloody Hound
Posted (edited)

Maybe you developers should make a new system where pvp players dont flee all the time but fight instead. Open world battles are too boring. I have stated it before and I say it again: pls make it fun and rewarding to get into larger battles in open world for cutter captains and 1st rate admirals all together. It must be possible. Clans should be about coordinating raids, battles etc. Not sit in ports luring eachother out. And gameplay before the rank of Flag Captain? Its just harvesting AI-fleets or bow chase smaller fish than yourself. This game is more boring now than ever before. It can be fixed but that require you to make the larger battles in OW more frequent and the possible loss of a ship less catastrophic. 


Get rid of that pve playstyle (except on pve-server). And enhance the immidiate rewards on pvp gameplay. (Not like now where you need to be a member of a clan and play for months before accepted into a port battle). Needless to say that the player base will shrink pretty fast. This is a game for the few dedicated with too much time to spare. No one in ordinary life would have the time required to get the most out of this game. Sorry to say, dudes. 


Pvp is dead. Its only about bow chasing or getting 3rd rates waiting in ports. This MUST be fixed at all costs!


1) get rid of battletimers (OW 2 min timers that is) or at least make them longer. Large battles in open sea almost never happens now.

2) get rid of port battles or change them dramatically

3) enhance the possibility to meet larger engagements in Open World.

4) drop the whole idea of harvesting AI-fleets (lead to complains about "ganking"/actual pvp engagements - complaining about such a thing is NUTS! in a pvp game. Imagine that players in a fps complains about being shot at!)

5) farvour the bold and brave captains that participate in pvp-battles - even in a lost battle (like Company of heroes2). Maybe pvp should be the only way to advance in ranks? ;-)

6) think about the OW as a place where those nice ships are actually sailing and do combat instead of habour-sitting on a clan basis dependant on timers 24/7.

7) Just remember: Nelson would have been bored in this game! A port manager maybe not so much....

Edited by fox2run
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

 Needless to say that the player base will shrink pretty fast. This is a game for the few dedicated with too much time to spare. No one in ordinary life would have the time required to get the most out of this game. Sorry to say, dudes. 


No nessesarily. Count all unemployed all over the world altogether, add students,

how big is the player base? Millions! And millions of hours spent hanging around ports and waiting for

the 4h teleport in order to teleport to a free town to look for some action...


Despite, you can listen to some youtube-docs nearby and learn a bit about the "pirate life"...

Edited by Wilson09
  • Like 2

TBH devs should make all of those point ASAP and move forward. In current pace they will make this game next 5 years to reach halfway.

Posted (edited)

Good point Glazo.

Just think of changes that don´t work and need to be changed and so on...consider the size of the studio

and you know where you will be...


I´d just be happy if they got the SMALL BATTLES done.


It is the only way a time limited player can play battles when you have a spare 1 hour.


Right now, more and more battles there are CLAN GROUPS in it. Last battle the [GNF] group of 3 players were splitted,

2 St. Pavels and one of them played on our side of casual gamers


What happened?


I sterned and graped 1 Pavel, the 3rd rate figured out it is going to be dangerous, he blocked me,

preventing me from further damaging his "clan mate". And they all argued it is not their fault "as the MM system

should have put them together...."


I am so pissed by the system + the unsportsmanlike playstyle of those clan nerds.


Another 1 hour annoynece and wasted life time....

Edited by Wilson09
Posted (edited)

Maybe, one solution.

Obviously big ships-groups  enter the scenery in "small battles" only, as it is easy to figure out


i) risky to bring in a 3rd rate on your own, too often you play single = sure death

ii) almost certain you don´t loose anything as a group


I see it as an "indicator" that clan-groups get somehow bored or have a "downtime" (waiting for PB or something),

in the meantime enter a small battle.


It certainly takes the fun away, as random teaming can be a lot of fun.


Sadly, I´d make it a no-loss and no-reward "small battle" now.


It just does not "fit" into an open sandbox. You either develop an World of Warhsips-like environment,

or focus on the sandbox. I´d vote for "small battles", duelling, just as a no-loss and no-reward.playingfield

now, to test ships and guns...it appears to be "exploited" for the GRIND now....yeah, the human nature...

Edited by Wilson09
  • Like 2

I think  crew, fishing, ... is more important because Lone Wolves can do it ;) fishing, helping the faction without clan or beeing pirate. Fishing ships would add a new kind of fun to try :D

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hello Captains


As we are coming closer and closer to land in battles content patch.

It is our long and valued tradition to give players the opportunity to help us choose the right priorities for the development. 


Previous 2 priorities were delivered to mixed results. Not everyone was happy with the production buildings. Crew management was an exciting addition. 


Please vote on the next priorities for the development and share your concerns if something is missing.

Proposed priorities are in the poll. 



All hail for the developers!


The last patches going to the right way imo.


I will let u know my priority list:

0.1. Change back to the old repair system! They players always vote on that less battle repair is better. i think because we dont want to go for an arcade stylish game. U always try to get in more and more repair periodically. The old style is much better with no recreation of masts in close combat, what is a joke in a game type like this. Appart from this the close combat is awesome for me. By the way battles should start with guns loaded, if we go into battle without gun loaded like going into wedding bed without a di... (sorry).

1. Make diplomacy. Status/status change request between nations should be about nations poll/daily routine. Nations status should be in 3 type of relations with each other: peace, war, alliance). Peace should mean no town engagement on each other, but can engage on OS. Alliance should mean if somebody attack on OS on an alliance ship, he became pirate. Make a national status window on strategic map.

2. Make underdog status. 1 or 2 weakest nation should get that if they are under a certain number of ports, or with another regulation (less player, most attacker on them, and so one as u wish). Underdog nation should be peace with all other nation if they get the status. They should able to attack any nation with the loosing of thier status at least for 1 week.

3. Make possible 1 national main fleet attack for 1 million gold/week/nation. Make a counter on startegic map, when each nation can launch that. National main fleet attack should be the high end content in this game, make the diplomacy far more exciting. The main fleet attack should be purchased in Capital Towns, and happens 24 hour after purchising the flag. It can be deployed for any enemy status city on the map (so have to be war with the owner nation), but can not be deployed on underdog nation. 30 minutes before the battle beggins main fleet attack battle should appear on mission list, and from that nation everybody should join from every port, highest BR can get in with the attack starter (who bought the main fleet attack flag) selecton. For that 30 min the targeted city owner should has that battle join window too. The battle should be on open sea, with even wind with a small luck direction change. If attacker wins, they get the targeted city, and the ships which last to the end of the battle should be deployed in the new conquered city, or the starter city either depending of captains choice. Only 1 national main fleet attack can be deployed on the strategic map within 2 hours avoid the paralell attacks, and the server crush :).

4. Make officers. (i m not inetersetd in that atm.)

5. Make the crafting more exciting, diversified. I think every crafter should make only basic ship from every type. After crafting some (1-3-7) should get the certificate to make 1 level higher ship. The certificate price should be rise exponentially with ship lvl and with ship type (rate). Like for Santissima except certificate should be like 1 millon gold total, for Mercury should be like 2-300K. this system and the National attack should make new goals for players.

6. Make larger unified servers.

7. Make the possibility of paint ships, sell for money.

8. Make a better interface. What do u think how many gamers wont buy this game when they see it on youtube with that frugile interface. Pay for one more emplyees for 1 month guyz....

Edited by DrZoidberg
  • Like 1


8. Make a better interface. What do u think how many gamers wont buy this game when they see it on youtube with that frugile interface. Pay for one more emplyees for 1 month guyz....

No need to pay/hire another employee, just make that blue background a picture file, so we users could exchange it with whatever we like the most. This would be an easy temporary solution which would not take much resources (if any at all).


Fuhajins of Autumn, on 03 Apr 2016 - 3:35 PM, said:

Hello, my post right there is about the PVP server. (sorry my crap English).

It is a good thing to take diplomacy and pirates play at great priority. As a customer i appreciate and can't wait for it !

Then i see people want more pve. This is not a problem at all itself, pve can be very interesting if well used (and if the AI is good...which is not currently).

What i do not like is that the devs want to add pve things like epic event, etc.

It is a good idea when the game approach completion, but at this point, i think they should work on linking some of the already existing pve environment to the pvp and diplomacy/war environment.

Problem is actually, the relations between pve and pvp are non existent as pve is, indeed, static and void of any life.

When i came into the game i was thinking: "oh lets take a small fast ship and raid some English traders to weaker their nation and avoid angry player patrol frigates while sailing to the 90°.

Guess what, it did not happen because none of those elements are actually connected in any way.

I was recently quickly thinking at some mechanics for this.

Remember, before cutting my throat and dropping me in the sea that any proposed values of course can be tweaked to achieve some balance !

So this is it. In a situation where diplomacy stuff and pirates rework happened.

This would somewhat partially or totally fix:

- The lack of incentive to use small ships out of ganking or "just having fun attacking a lone player trader because of having fun".

- The lack of use of frigates, patrol ships or interceptors to shut down these little raiders.

- The lack of real pirates jobs.

- The static and two sided feel of the game. PB and farming both not even connected.

It would add:

- More pve/pvp mission content other than go there, kill that lone AI, repeat.

- A pirates mechanic.

- A world where your pve action or pvp actions will influence your environment.

To start with we need to have an unrest/prosperity status in all ports (out of capitol maybe).

The unrest/prosperity ratio of the ports on a small island should be even more sensitive (fast to go up and down).

Then we need some simple resources.

Those resources will be produced/spawned in some ports and/or even imported by Europeans traders.

All ports need some variety of goods in sufficient amount.

Players can buy them and sell them to make a little money.

- Basics goods (grain, beans (food), beer, oil, clothes, pottery, tools...(?)

Basics goods when in sufficient amount in a city/port will keep the unrest of that port very low and will make the populace happy.

Basics goods when insufficient in a port will start to raise the unrest and then lower the prosperity ratio of the port, making the people there unhappy.

- Luxury goods (Coffee, Paper (?), Good tobacco, Paintings, Fine women dress...(?)

Luxury goods when in sufficient amount in a city/port will not change the unrest of the port but will raise the prosperity (see this like a bonus) giving benefits.

Luxury goods when in insufficient amount in a city/port wont change the unrest of the port but wont give any benefit.

Luxury goods wont have any effect if the port have already a significant unrest level.

Player wont be able to sell them very good if the city/port have unrest because the need of them will go down significantly.

Now: All, yes everyone of them, AI traders in the game world need to be spawned from producing cities to dynamically delivery these goods to other ports.

If a nation is allied or neutral with another, traders will go delivery luxury goods to that nation ports.

If a nation break the alliance, neutrality, trade treaty or is at war with another nation. The AI traders will cease (stop, wont...) the delivery of goods between these two nations.

If traders are sunk by pirates, corsairs or angry rivals nations. Their goods wont be delivered as they sank. Because AI traders will now be connected (yes!) to the game world instead of being statics items just there to be farmed for money and xp.

So what happen then?

There it is:

If a city have unrest, their need to be a penalty (or reward for the aggressor). Since the devs want players to control greatly the economy, we can't directly apply the penalty to NPC resources producing at is wont be ever noticed.

Instead i go for something that is very tied to the ports locations:

- Happy city with no unrest and prosperity (filled with common goods, luxury goods, and no recent conquest/uprising).

Cheaper taxes, slightly cheaper labour pay and slightly more labour hour per building for players.

Slightly more AI trader spawns from this city/port.

Slightly more goods production from this city/port.

- Happy city with little or no unrest.

Nothing will happen, it will be the default status.

- City with unrest. The longer a city lack goods and the stronger they lack. The worse the unrest goes up.

You are better to fix it before it goes out of control and pirates or enemy nation see a good occasion to establish their own control there.

City with unrest will reduce the producing of goods dynamically up to nothing.

City with unrest will reduce the spawn of traders dynamically up to nothing.

City With unrest will have its contract taxes dynamically raising up.

Players buildings in city with unrest will have their labour hours dynamically reduced up to nothing.

Players buildings in city with unrest will have their labour pay raising up to very high amount (who want to work without money for the risk when cut-throat are killing and robbing people in front of the factory).

To stop this madness players can directly resupply the city/port with needed goods.

Of course players can also protect their water; and you know, that's not with a bunch of 3rd rates that you'll stop privateers to sink your trader cutters. Ah, yes, try to use some frigates or else.

To stop this players will have juicy (reward) delivery missions available in the mission tab asking them to supply the city/port (xp and money).

Yes, it is dangerous, but if your escorts/patrols do the job or you are smart, money will come plenty !

Players can have a mission (dynamic) from the mission tab that tell them to escort one of these dynamically spawned traders to the city/port (xp and money).

The trader will be auto grouped with the player upon spawn(?). If the player cancel the group the mission is cancelled. If the player cancel the mission, the trader will ungroup.

If an enemy nation initiate a PB and capture the port, martial law will be applied and the unrest wont be be shut down but rather its effect will be frozen. Also the port wont be able to produce anything NPC or player wise for a short period of time (martial law).

A port full of unrest and madness wont support the defender during a PB. The more the unrest, the less players will receive any support up to nothing.

Try to resupply at least the newly acquired city/port. Be careful of the revolt to not erupting again !

This mechanic does not aim to change or force a new PB mechanic, a nation can initiate a PB as usual.

Pirates, lets say their mechanics are reworked, can try to establish a base and take over a city with great unrest because it will be unlocked for them.

It is up to the nations to stop the pirates from taking advantage of the troubles in the area.

Players can choose to "secure" their city/port with the army paying a consequent price and making the city/port unable to produce or spawn anything for a long (yes long) period of time (martial law and army brutality).

All nations can have a limited amount of army intervention for a period of time to prevent the richer to just chain-shut-down all unrest.

Even under martial law the unrest level wont move but instead its effects will be frozen unless you resupply the city/port. Be careful of it to not erupt again !

The last point is that a city/port with a great unrest for a very long period of time but no one to take over or stabilise the situation will become independent by itself and its unrest level will go down very slowly over time.

Last additions:

- Pirates ports should naturally produce LESS goods. But pirates should naturally (hum..) pick some to their neighbour and bring them home for a good price and a happy populace !

- If you control a far city without allies in the area, it will be of course harder and longer to supply it and protect its supply lanes.

- If two nations are at war, contracts available in the mission tab should be given to make player have a bonus if they sink enemy traders (xp and money).

- Someone who kill many traders AI or player maybe have a bounty, a mission then can appear for players to sink the pirate or the corsair ! The first to bring his head win the prize...

- Fleet who are static and not linked to the environment should be completely deleted and instead, big (you wanted pve stuff...) convoys of traders (from cutter to gros ventre and more!) with strong escorts with them (up to 4rth rates? or even some line ships?) should be spawned dynamically (is this realistic?).


I know some will say: "But all of this will be linked somewhat to pvp and then we can die !". Well as much as it is true that if players defend their trades lanes you can die, it is also true that the server is actually called PVP x.

So i suggest your should ask the dev to rename it "mixed" so you wont be confused anymore when you choose a server. Or maybe you DID choose the wrong server?

This was just a wild suggestion, please remember that everything can be tweaked or modified and that's not my job. So please do not raise these torches and fork toward me so fast.

Have a good sailing and good hunt people !

PS: I am very sorry and i apologies for my crap English. It is not my home tongue.

Just and idea...

Please hand this man the nobel price please. THIS I want  

I didn't vote for it but the production and labour hour side of the game needs more work than most things in my opinion. Diplomacy first of course but next SHOULD be that and along with that do some PvE mission updates or additions.

Or at least make Events around the map worth doing other than a challenge, offer rewards at the end of them like possible ships with lower durability and random upgrades or even huge gold rewards to all who join it.


History is always a point to start from.

After that, it is in the hand of the "players".


The only thing, any game can be designed to follow on "historical" tracks by introducing AI-events,

helping the Spanish cause...but basically, if Spanish players are 500 and the British 2.000,

it is tough...


The other way is to "balance" the factions by limiting the factions side by a cap on entrance...therby giving

Spanish an advantage, if you allow 2.000 Spanish on 1 server, but only 1.500 British.


But 4 capitals, not capturable? I am not sure about this....


It seems to me you has forgotten the Spanish issue. My proposal will be to solve this problem with 4 Spanish Capitals, all of them must be cities not conquerable.


La Habana, San Juan, Cartagena de Indias, Veracruz.


This change will solve the problem in the historical view. As well very important if you want to balance the most important faction in the Caribbean Sea. We are the low player population in the game, but the most important in the history of Caribbean. Please DEV´s do something a little bit more historic. This won´t a big damage for the others factions.


And please,.... Pirates can not have a capital, or any others priviledges,  Pirate Faction have to be the worst place to play. As it was in those times.


Thank you.

When are you guys going to realize this game is solely not about the spanish

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

When are you guys going to realize this game is solely not about the spanish


This is not a suggestion...and nothing to do with

...Please vote on the next priorities for the development and share your concerns if something is missing.


I turn into the "forum" police now... :wub:



Okay, I don´t want to be a policemen...


Marques listen !

Watch this video, then you know your destiny...and see what happens to the Santissima !


Edited by Wilson09
Posted (edited)
 ...buff !!... I see many people doesn´t want Spain has a historic role in the game. Perfect. Is not my view. 


 Instead, I wish Devs understand that a game like this should have a minimum of historical background. (More Spanish ships, and more balanced city map).


Anyway my second proposal for Diplomacy is:


1-Viceroy. minimum requirement for the position must be Flag Captain.

2-Governor. Brigadier minimun. Admiral.

3-Lord Protector. minimun Master and Commander.


This will be a election system with:


1.You have a minimun Viceroy With 20 ports.

2.You have a Governor with a minimum of 8 cities

3. You have a Lord protector with a minimum of 2 cities.


These positions are elected on the panel vote, Diplomacy,

where each player can see the results of the their candidates.


The State of War or Peace, and commercial or military alliance, is decided for Virrey and Governors who have the agreement in number of votes of each Faction. Sum of all votes of each Clan.

In each city every player can be voted,  at any time in a panel of diplomacy that should include all options and countries.

Each player has one vote, the system is Democratic within each Clan. Each vote is visible to everyone in the clan. You can vote as a shipman, but you need experience and support to rule cities or factions.


Viceroy, (if there is any) and the Governors will have a greater number of votes for his position. More power as this way: 5% plus votes per Viceroy and 3% plus votes to each governor.

With all players votes, Viceroy and Governors can declare war, by a simple majority. Half plus one.The State of War or Peace, involves the whole clan, and IA ships.



This is my humble opnion to avoid the chaos among the clans and factions.



Edited by Marques
  • Like 2

So what's the ETA for next "big" update and map wipe? Since the last one didn't really make much of a difference in terms of gameplay I'm kind of scratching my head wondering which direction the game is headed right now, some gameplay changes seem kind of urgent like some proper port battle mechanics and most important the diplomacy changes so this ship can keep sailing.

  • Like 1

So what's the ETA for next "big" update and map wipe? Since the last one didn't really make much of a difference in terms of gameplay I'm kind of scratching my head wondering which direction the game is headed right now, some gameplay changes seem kind of urgent like some proper port battle mechanics and most important the diplomacy changes so this ship can keep sailing.


Content patch about each month. Previous one was on... Apr. 13th. with, among other things, Land in battle (quite a change in terms of gameplay) : http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13106-patch-97-land-sighted/

No ETA for map wipe.

The game seems to head for development priorities as mentioned in OP, maybe not one priority (as a whole) at a time but several (parts) at the same time.  :)


So what's the ETA for next "big" update and map wipe? Since the last one didn't really make much of a difference in terms of gameplay I'm kind of scratching my head wondering which direction the game is headed right now, some gameplay changes seem kind of urgent like some proper port battle mechanics and most important the diplomacy changes so this ship can keep sailing.




You have approximately 10-20 days before the patch lands, but it can land earlier. So do not wait please


I would add a 6th priority : "Sailing gameplay in OW and instances" including improvement/implementation of weather conditions (storms in battle, more fog...), shallows (new way of detection ? mapping ?...), wind strength...

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Yesterday a war broke out between the swedish and danish nations. In a greater political scale it probably is a bad idea for the minors to fight. But players where excited about war near the capital as they no longer had to worry about long sailing times to meet the enemy and the logistical problems in the vast distances.


Food for thought...

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