Captain Boneboys Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Oh well, back to the grind... I would just like to mention that I do not grind, in fact I am the most ungrindiest Captain on the Caribbean sea, just sailing around in a Snow jumping traders and getting jumped on by a toothless French ohIgotabigboat Tricomalee shrimp catcher Capitaine de Vaisseau ! Anyhow, this Topic is a sinking ship, even the monkey knows...
Hugo van Grojt Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Bye Dirtydiggler, nobody forces you to participate in this alpha testing phase. Your mistake might have been that you expected a full blown game when signing up with TWO ACCOUNTS (whaaat?) to this beautiful game that is in the making. While I am sure that criticism and suggestions for improvements to the game are appreciated on these forums, I am pretty sure that ranting about exploits you feel entitled to will not earn you much love. Now I shall return to not grinding but enjoying the game and the grand PvP opportunities it provides. See you on the steam review page. 2
Billy Ruffin Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 I think here lies the whole problem with many games nowadays. In the past a game was viewed for its content, graphics and of course (mainly) of a storyline and playability. It seems like focus today is more on progression (i.e.Bigger is Better) and ranking, and unless the game mechanics are there to allow a steady progression in that direction then the game is a "fail". I know the old mantra "everyone should be able to play a game how they want. I bought it..... blah blah" (and this is not being critical of the OP because most of us do it at some time) but the whole essence of why we are actually playing the game ought to be a strong factor. For me I've always wanted a Frigate simulator - not likely to happen of course but NA is about as close as I'm going to get I guess. I'd like to think that before too long (my definition here!) I'll be sailing the high seas in a Surprise. Boring as that may seem that is actually my sights for the whole game. Ok NA doesn't include a whole bagfull of other goodies I'd like to see to make this game complete in my eyes, but I'll have achieved that long-awaited dream of actually sailing a ship with fabulous graphics in the period I love the best. But then again I'm easy to please I guess. When NA was first mentioned on Steam as a possible Greenlight contender I asked if there was going to be a Single player option with a campaign/storyline etc. It was quickly explained by the devs that no there wouldn't be as it would be too time consuming and hard to implement and that there would be a MP game. I responded by saying thanks but it's not what I want - to which some other readers criticised me for being selfish! As it turns out I did become a Kickstarter (mainly because of the graphics) although I've only just got back into it. And so here we go - it's just a pity so many games seem to follow the same path. Ultimate goal is to be Biggest and Best. Developer's fundamental error as they always put what is perceived to be the juiciest cherry right at the top of the tree! 1
Wang Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Can i have your stuff ?? lol ohh btw rear admiral hear, and never used reinforcement exploit.
Justme Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 1st and most important issue. Developers don't care if the game succeeds or fails. They have stated this several times. Not a good thing despite what the fanboys think. 2nd issue the game on youtube and other forms of media is being portrayed as something it's not. More and more it's a game about no skill time sinks( trading and crafting) vs PVP. But anything you see on the game is about PVP.Again I'm sure rabid fanboys will attack this statement but any rational person sees it. 3rd. The lack of skill based content makes the game dull for anyone but WOT arty players gamer types. When you have players stating that spending 60-90 minutes staring at endless dull ocean as a great thing you know the type of people your dealing with, those who are afraid of challenge. IIRC it's been stated that there are no real plans to change OW. Of course there is the um strategy aspect, which it's really not there but the fanboys gotta say something to convince themselves this ship is not sinking.
William the Drake Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 1st and most important issue. Developers don't care if the game succeeds or fails. They have stated this several times. Not a good thing despite what the fanboys think. I absolutely love the way you continue to claim when the debs say something without any proof, we and they call you out on it, and then you get salty for getting called on your nonsense, and claim it's just the devs "silencing critics". Again, I would absolutely love to see the quote/topic where they said thid 1
beagleplease Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 A lot of players found a way to use the in game mechanics to enhance their enjoyment of the game and because you don't like it because you think its an "exploit", you spit your dummies out and start bawling. The fact is this: The game had a way of providing high end pve content, now thanks to some blowhards it's gone. For me i always hated the reinforcement mechanic and I'm glad its gone, however for the many players who have lost their content i am sorry we have such a rigidly intolerant and close minded community. The op has pointed out a lot of the things that are wrong with this game and all the majority of posters in this thread can do is throw personal attacks at him and shout SPLOIT! You guys are pathetic.
admin Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Grinding has always been filler, a way to provide content where content simply doesn't exist. Over the years most MMORPG players have grown tired of grinding, we have done it for years and we are sick of it. I enjoy this games combat, I enjoy the big battles, ect, but your ship progression, awful port battle mechinics, and nation balance issues have ruined the game for me. Leveling was a lot faster before release and it was proposed by the community to increase it greatly. Perhaps it is too strong now and could be tedious for some if your goal is to get to the first rate as soon as you can. The rest of the complaints are questionable. There is no ship progression per se. You can sail any ship you want and new crew management makes sailing higher level ships even easier. Port battle mechanics are early stage and we don't yet know what will change when land hits Nation balance in a sandbox will always be unbalanced - it is an epic struggle for caribbean domination and will never be balanced unless it is turned into a fixed installation theme park. Epic events and large fleets were promised and will be delivered. 7
Mighty Bouff Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 3rd. The lack of skill based content makes the game dull for anyone but WOT arty players gamer types. When you have players stating that spending 60-90 minutes staring at endless dull ocean as a great thing you know the type of people your dealing with, those who are afraid of challenge. IIRC it's been stated that there are no real plans to change OW. Sorry but how is there a lack of skill based content? you realise that sailing and aiming is all skill based, ie a more skilled player will generally win? By 'skill based' to you mean in-game abilities based (a la POTBS) - if so you're in the wrong game. I also don't know where you are sailing for 60-90 minutes without doing anything. I pop out of PR and I can be in conception in less than 90 minutes, or I can sail for 5 minutes towards Haiti and have all the PVP I want. Seems to me you just don't like the game, fair enough leave it to us that love it. 2
Justme Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 I absolutely love the way you continue to claim when the debs say something without any proof, we and they call you out on it, and then you get salty for getting called on your nonsense, and claim it's just the devs "silencing critics". Again, I would absolutely love to see the quote/topic where they said thid Would love to but the times I have it gets modded. Strange that. As far as not liking the game, I love certain aspects of it, hate others just like the majority of players in any game. I see what I feel is a bad trend and mention it. Nothing more noting less, least I'm honest in my criticism. I don't believe in pulling punches but others are more than happy being a kiss ass.
Flamigant Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 The thing i am playing this game for is #1 community ( The Dutch have by far the best community! :-) ).
Anne Wildcat Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 (edited) I guess I don't get it, this game has been out 2 months, why does everyone feel they have to be the highest rank? Sinking PVE fleets with friends for an hour here and there is fun PvP is better Do what you like to do & eventually you will level up. I can understand that for conquest reasons your nation needs players to sail SoLs but if grinding isn't for you, don't do it. Edited March 24, 2016 by Anne Wildcat 2
thp Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 (edited) I think grinding xp as fleet with friends are more fun to play but at the end it doesnt teach us much how to use manuel skippers properly, how to try to take advantage on the wind to stay behind a ship, how to angle their shoots to take less damage as possible, how to rake the stern to kill his crew. I suggest you should try to solo mission order as much as possible just to learn those basic stuffs. Actually you dont need to be max rank to enjoy the game, i find it s more interesting to play in frigate class ships because you can do crazy manoeuvre. Line ships in big battle pvp is just another game style, it ask more discipline, more team focus. If you dont try to rush, you can enjoy every part of the game, rushing to grind max rank could be very bad because I saw alot of people sailing a frigate like a sol and trying to sail sol like a frigate Edited March 24, 2016 by thp 1
SeaMist Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 I doubt any game can be everything to everyone. Clearly some prefer the excitement of battle and that's a good thing. There are others who don't need quite as much excitement but enjoy the sailing aspects of the game. I am amongst them which is why I am playing PVE. Personally I love the long trips to places unknown. I like trading. I like crafting. I think the rank progression is perfect. Everything I do is still a learning experience. Just learning to sail better and fight better ATM. Clearly those who simply crave excitement would not enjoy the aspects of the game as I do. There was an exploit that added that excitement apparently. It sounds like it was an exploit which is against the nature of the game. Never the less something that gives the excitement craving battle focussed people would be desirable for the longetivity of the game itself. The author is confusing his desire for action with a particular solution that may not be viable. Might I suggest to the developers that in the eventual full version that both audiences need to be catered for. How I don't know but I'm sure a way will be found. 1
Mrdoomed Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Grinding has always been filler, a way to provide content where content simply doesn't exist. Over the years most MMORPG players have grown tired of grinding, we have done it for years and we are sick of it. I enjoy this games combat, I enjoy the big battles, ect, but your ship progression, awful port battle mechinics, and nation balance issues have ruined the game for me. I have put over 300 + hours into the game, have 2 accounts, and was ready to invest into this game for the long haul. This has changed since they decided to remove reinforcements from the game and are going to force us back into grinding missions or trying to find pvp. I recently discovered the little reenforcement leveling trick 2 days ago when I moved to PVP1 over from PVP2. I left PVP2 because the server is dying, so many players have quit the game, and I was near ready to quit myself. Most of this is due to server nation imbalance, and the grind. Moving over was a last attempt for me to stick w/this game. I joined STARS and was introduced to reinforcement grinding fleet trick. It was engaging, super fun, challenging, and rewarding. It made the game feel fresh again. Today when I got home from work I was super excited to play because I had been doing this content last 2 days and have found it very refreshing. Imagine my surpise when I got home to discover reinforcements have been removed so now I must return to spending 30 mins to sail from port to point A, another 30 to do the mission, another 20 to get back to port for a new mission. Thank you but no thank you, I have had enough of your PVE missions and won't be doing another. I'm sick of sailing around your awful slow Open world, sailing into the wind, looking for PVP that doesn't exist, to have everyone you find run away, and only fight when they have numbers. I'm sick of sailing around looking for crappy fleets that are few and far between. I work and I don't have time to spend 10+ hours on the game daily. The ship grind has sent half of my friends list running from the game. People can defend it all they want, its awful, and in a PVP focused game, you simply can't have a long demanding grind, which leads to more power, and not have said grind kill off the player base. If you want proof look at darkfall. Since the steam release so many people have been able to take short cuts, and so many on PVP1 have 1st rates, 2nds, 3rds, that its an injustice to force new players coming into the game to grind the crappy long route. You should of never had a grind to begin with, ships should of been based on money and econ, not levels, and the grind will kill the game as it has been doing since steam release. I am uninstalling the game until the development time decides to do something about this rediculous grind, its not fun, its not content, and for the folks that work for a living and can't live on the game, its to much..... Expect a bad review on steam from two accounts, I have also uninstalled this game. Entitlement generation say " hey im entiled ". Do you feel the Burn ? 1
Long Beard Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 It is unbearable, and no one wants to do it. If you want to make certain ships rare, make them rare due to resources required, money sink, ect, doing it by grinding runs people away. No one wants to play a Korean style grinder, certainly one where you spent an unreasonable amount of time staring at your screen doing nothing interesting as you watch your ship sail against the wind, in the fog, looking for an X that is hard to find, so you can get sub-par xp. So you're quitting because they got rid on an exploit you were abusing? *jaw on floor* Not sure what 'grind' you're talking about. Oh you mean repeatedly doing missions for XP? Why would anyone in their right mind want to do something so mind numbing? Listen buddy. Seems you've had a tough time on PVP2 and from what I hear, population was so low that people had no other way to get XP than to do missions. Absolutely not like that here on PVP1. PVP everywhere. XP, everywhere. Also, what's your hurry? 300 hours I'm guessing you're rank 6. Plenty ships that can hold their own at that level. No need to rush to the next big thing. Forget about XP and focus on playing the game, XP comes without you even noticing it. At least give PVP1 more of a chance. As for leaving a bad review on 'two accounts'. That's just petty and immature.
Hethwill, the Red Duke Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 The last thing I noticed was hitting the Flag captain rank and fully crew the Constitution. Went... oh look ! cool. No idea what grinding is. Every single day I connected felt like a brand new sortie in a combat flight simulator. Never knew what I was going to do at all. From hitting AI traders to circumventing the map. From epic frigate level pvp to privateer in hostile waters. From running gauntlets to get into a port battle to risky missions trying to plant one under the noses of the enemy. Seriously, and this is shared by decades long computer and tabletop gamer, what the hell is grinding ? In Naval Action I, and many other players, can play a captain of a ship and decide what to do during the two hours available for playing. There are no obligations. There are no forced paths or mandatory voyages. Actually the best thing is that no rank nor ship will even give anyone the tools and skill necessary to triumph. Also in a Alpha Revision state as we have, the combat is everything. In Naval PvP there is no grind, only Action. I am very sorry for you OP, you completely missed the entire reason for the existence of Naval Action. I suggest you step back for a year and then return. 6
Long Beard Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 No idea what grinding is. Every single day I connected felt like a brand new sortie in a combat flight simulator. Never knew what I was going to do at all. From hitting AI traders to circumventing the map. From epic frigate level pvp to privateer in hostile waters. From running gauntlets to get into a port battle to risky missions trying to plant one under the noses of the enemy. ^^ THIS I think the guy's problem is he's been on PVP2 and gotten into the mind set that XP comes from doing missions. It's a shame he's not given PVP1 more of a chance to experience NA as it should be. Maybe once the rage has subsided he'll see sense.
Hethwill, the Red Duke Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 He will see sense. The surgeon says to me it is a classic case of homesickness tied to many months at sea. He should be honorably discharged for a time to rest and gain new strength.
Mrdoomed Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Would love to but the times I have it gets modded. Strange that. As far as not liking the game, I love certain aspects of it, hate others just like the majority of players in any game. I see what I feel is a bad trend and mention it. Nothing more noting less, least I'm honest in my criticism. I don't believe in pulling punches but others are more than happy being a kiss ass. Its always made me chuckle to read your post. You pat yourself on the back over and over about how great you are for being honest about not liking things but in the same breath criticize and name call anyone who is honest about liking things in the game. Its not all about justyou, justme. The sooner you entiled gamers realize the game isnt finished the sooner you can get on with your life. Rage on.
Mrdoomed Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 The last thing I noticed was hitting the Flag captain rank and fully crew the Constitution. Went... oh look ! cool. No idea what grinding is. Every single day I connected felt like a brand new sortie in a combat flight simulator. Never knew what I was going to do at all. From hitting AI traders to circumventing the map. From epic frigate level pvp to privateer in hostile waters. From running gauntlets to get into a port battle to risky missions trying to plant one under the noses of the enemy. Seriously, and this is shared by decades long computer and tabletop gamer, what the hell is grinding ? In Naval Action I, and many other players, can play a captain of a ship and decide what to do during the two hours available for playing. There are no obligations. There are no forced paths or mandatory voyages. Actually the best thing is that no rank nor ship will even give anyone the tools and skill necessary to triumph. Also in a Alpha Revision state as we have, the combat is everything. In Naval PvP there is no grind, only Action. I am very sorry for you OP, you completely missed the entire reason for the existence of Naval Action. I suggest you step back for a year and then return. Im glad that for every spoiled brat like the OP there are 100 guys like you. It gives me hope that this will continue to progress as a game for those who dont feel entiled.
Atomic Moose Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 op couldnt have been more right this game is about done for unless the dev start to change some things sure you will have your 300-600 players playing that are fan bois but that will not make the game grow the dev have stated many times they dont care if the game grows or succeeds but want to make what they want to see and that should be a big red flag to new players the game game has lost 75% of this player base since 1/21 went it went on steam 8 of my friends have quit cause of the pace of the ow and how long it takes to do something and dont give me the pvp crap 90% of the port battles i have been in have been no defense hell last nite we did a port battle with 5 people dam 5 whole people to take a port that was a big epic fight sure i could move to a free town by the opposing factions and pvp but then it will just be who will gank what the reinforcement but was a good way to have fun fast now that is gone last nite 2 more of my friends didnt come online cause they didnt want to wast any more time just sailing around doing stupid missions or looking for the odd pvp game needs a lot more to do and with only 500 people online last time on pvp 2 at primetime well lets just say that isnt good
kumisz Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 I will never understand why someone would grind. You poison your own fun game with stressing yourself. Hop on your ship, go out, find an AI or player enemy, intercept them, fight them. If it was enough, log out. See? Not that hard. 4
Yar987 Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 The last thing I noticed was hitting the Flag captain rank and fully crew the Constitution. Went... oh look ! cool. No idea what grinding is. Every single day I connected felt like a brand new sortie in a combat flight simulator. Never knew what I was going to do at all. From hitting AI traders to circumventing the map. From epic frigate level pvp to privateer in hostile waters. From running gauntlets to get into a port battle to risky missions trying to plant one under the noses of the enemy. Seriously, and this is shared by decades long computer and tabletop gamer, what the hell is grinding ? In Naval Action I, and many other players, can play a captain of a ship and decide what to do during the two hours available for playing. There are no obligations. There are no forced paths or mandatory voyages. Actually the best thing is that no rank nor ship will even give anyone the tools and skill necessary to triumph. Also in a Alpha Revision state as we have, the combat is everything. In Naval PvP there is no grind, only Action. I am very sorry for you OP, you completely missed the entire reason for the existence of Naval Action. I suggest you step back for a year and then return. I agree 100%. Are there people looking for World of Warships, but with sails?
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