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Yes the game must of also lied to you about the huge pirate nation attacking British ports too and tying up the British ships.oh well

By the way I'm with the French nation, I just dont see right blaming others for our own foul ups.

Pirates were fighting the US at that point mainly. The Pirate push hapoened after the Danes attacked Sweden and France.

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Posted (edited)

To summarize Black Friday from the eyes of the average French captain:


Facts: GB+FRA+SWE were in alliance, while NL+DEN were in alliance.

NL pushed south, met with French resistance, slowly overcame it and captured border ports. Simultaneously DEN pushed SWE and continued to northern French territories. Both nations pushed with most, if not all their clans. They coordinated it well, were dedicated and kudos to them. Since before there has not been any combined effort like this, we were caught off guard and beaten. At that time GB was fighting with pirates for Saint Nicks and Gonaives.


Conclusions from the facts: For Denmark and Netherlands to be able to push with such force as they did, their western territories were not under pressure from GB.


Rumours: 1. There has been negotiated cease fire and non agression between GB and NL+DEN that allowed them to focus on the east. 2. French called on GB to plan offensives against the Dutch and/or Danes, but were denied citing Pirates as the priority.


This recap takes into account only Black Friday and Saturday since I have noticed several interpretations of the even already.


EDIT: Deleted Spanish. I was corrected that at the time tensions with Spanish were mostly concerning only RAE and not the Spanish as a nation.

Edited by marecek05

To summarize Black Friday from the eyes of the average French captain:


Facts: GB+FRA+SWE were in alliance, while NL+DEN were in alliance.

NL pushed south, met with French resistance, slowly overcame it and captured border ports. Simultaneously DEN pushed SWE and continued to northern French territories. Both nations pushed with most, if not all their clans. They coordinated it well, were dedicated and kudos to them. Since before there has not been any combined effort like this, we were caught off guard and beaten. At that time GB was fighting with pirates for Saint Nicks and Gonaives.


Conclusions from the facts: For Denmark and Netherlands to be able to push with such force as they did, their western territories were not under pressure from GB.


Rumours: 1. There has been negotiated cease fire and non agression between GB and NL+DEN that allowed them to focus on the east. 2. French called on GB to plan offensives against the Dutch and/or Danes, but were denied citing Pirates/Spanish as the priority.


This recap takes into account only Black Friday and Saturday since I have noticed several interpretations of the even already.


All quiet true, except for a few things from the British perspective.


We had a plan in place to attack the Danes, yet ONE British captain. I wont name names...changed the plan to defend against the pirates.  We did want to help.


Also, even if we did.  We all know that Britain couldnt stomp the danes in a single night.  Also the talks to to surrender to the danes was happening at the same time as the defense against the pirates.  You expect GB to be able to swiftly come to their allies help a day after they are smashed?  Also at this time we were friends with the spanish.  So adding them in is quiet false.


Look guys again, we hold no grudges on you declaring war on us. :)


But please to blame us for your own undoing is quiet unfair, if you gave us more time we would of been come to help.  You gave us one day.  Did France give Britain one day to take back paris in WW2?  This stuff takes time.


Dont fool yourselves or anyone else here.  You have NO ONE ELSE to fight except GB or the US.  We are closer.  Thats why you declared war.

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It took you only one day to give your enemies enough space so that they can attack your ally...


It's strange that your enemies would be able to attack your ally and be sure there will be no counterattack nor any diplomatic penalty. Someone would think attacking an ally of yours would break a NAP. Seems to me it was a part of that NAP instead...


And please... "We could've came and smashed them, but someone wanted to eat dinner first"...


17 vs 24+5 towers with better ships? Oh... Great Victory for the Alliance©

I imagine they could use the daily bashing of both the Danish and Pirates in Jeremie as well...


At the end of the day, I just feel that we didn't even bother trying to turn the Danes back. We could've done something with the swedes, liberated the lost territory, the British would've sent a squadron to assist, or launched attacks to the west.

My point is that we didn't try, didn't even consider it as far as I know. And now put all the blame on people playing their own game.

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Posted (edited)

I think spain wasnt at war against britain during the dar denmark/nether-france/swed.


That is true, Spain wasn't at war anymore with Britain after being evicted from Panama. This is where it all began.

Edited by Bougainville

It took you only one day to give your enemies enough space so that they can attack your ally...


It's strange that your enemies would be able to attack your ally and be sure there will be no counterattack nor any diplomatic penalty. Someone would think attacking an ally of yours would break a NAP. Seems to me it was a part of that NAP instead...


And please... "We could've came and smashed them, but someone wanted to eat dinner first"...


Hmmm if you think things are this simple you are very wrong.


If you would like to actually talk sometime, to hear our perspective i am more than willing.  Dont want to slugfest about it on the forums. :)

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This is looking like a boxing match were the boxers provoke each other before the fight. However, the outcome is invariably on the ring.

As part of the french nation, I don't really give a hoot about who's fault it was, whether Britain is invincible, whether we are going to get our arses whipped ....


No, all that maters is that we can get some action in the evenings that allows us all to have some fun.

Pretty sure most of the fleet that sailed down towards Panama yesterday would agree ;)


Give us action Britain! Let's exchange cannon balls, ramming, and all that good stuff and may the best win.

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At the end of the day, I just feel that we didn't even bother trying to turn the Danes back. We could've done something with the swedes, liberated the lost territory, the British would've sent a squadron to assist, or launched attacks to the west.

My point is that we didn't try, didn't even consider it as far as I know. And now put all the blame on people playing their own game.


If the two rumours I mentioned were true (which at the time was an undeniable possibility), would relying on the British reinforcement squadron or attack be reasonable? What if US as a part of the NL alliance also pushed on the GB? They would have not come, but would be protecting their own interests (as is pretty much their "duty").

Than it leads to a choice whether a guerrilla warfare from Free Towns and Capital or admitting defeat and trying to build France as a nation that is able to chose it's own destiny (whether with GB, Dutch or Danes, or Swedes, or Spanish, or US, or Pirates).


Your group chose the former, as is your full right and I wish you only the best in your endeavours (due to the confidence in your group for being gentlemen), while other French groups chose the latter.


And honestly after the conditional surrender, we were still allied with the GB. However being called fools for not setting timers properly and demanding that we rescind our surrender does not help to build trust to rely on someone to come in the time of need.

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To be honest France seems to have forgotten one important thing here.

That fact is where were you when all this was going on I heard rumours that family is more important and that you were all out entertaining the family and couldn't have stopped the assault if you tried so guess what when you try defend against the English Zerg will you tell the Wife/girlfriend sorry love but the British are coming I need to stay home to defend our interests again I certainly know that as a British Commander I would certainly encourage operations to be conducted at Suppertime at the weekend.

Actually call me a troll because the other reason you seem to want to blame us for is also some thing that every other nation is doing except France which is making sure you use the port battle timer system to your advantage.

The Dutch and Danes used your staggered system against you. We didn't learn by your mistakes hence we lost Haiti.


To be honest France seems to have forgotten one important thing here.

That fact is where were you when all this was going on I heard rumours that family is more important and that you were all out entertaining the family and couldn't have stopped the assault if you tried so guess what when you try defend against the English Zerg will you tell the Wife/girlfriend sorry love but the British are coming I need to stay home to defend our interests again I certainly know that as a British Commander I would certainly encourage operations to be conducted at Suppertime at the weekend.


You also forgot one important thing here: punctuation. I mean, holy sh** o_O


But kudos for giving me even more reasons to disrespect the Royal Navy. What a glorious and proud navy, boasting about how they will do their best to avoid fighting us. Glory to you! Might the shadows be long and your hidey-holes moist and deep! 

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Posted (edited)

It was a pleasure to receive kind words from you guys on our way West. If I may suggest, just let PFK and their likes have their sandbox brawl with DRUNK, while we grown-ups take on the big red troll sitting on the middle of the map. :lol:

Edited by Bougainville
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At the end of the day, I just feel that we didn't even bother trying to turn the Danes back. We could've done something with the swedes, liberated the lost territory, the British would've sent a squadron to assist, or launched attacks to the west.

My point is that we didn't try, didn't even consider it as far as I know. And now put all the blame on people playing their own game.


We had suffered huge losses against the Dutch in the South. Even if this wasn't catastrophic and that I am sure we could fight back, it was impossible to fight the Danish in the same time.

France, Denmark and Holland have nearly the same forces and player base, and Sweden is weaker. It was and it is impossible for France to fight both, Holland and Denmark, if Sweden is beaten. And Sweden could not afford a massive Danish attack (this being said without any kind of resentment or condescending : just player base). Simple fact. I can't even consider any kind of reasoning which could conclude otherwise. This is so obvious.

What could we do? Fought a guerilla from Fort Royal and free towns, losing all possibilities for craft and trade... and most of our players on PvP1? Because it would be our situation 48h after the peace treaty, without a peace treaty.

And this is obvious since the beginning. Our alliance with England was to counter this fact. The alliance was not honoured, we had to rethink all our diplomacy.

Again, this is simple and obvious in my mind : the peace treaty and to change our alliances was the best thing to do. We had no other alternative. And England players whom have not understood why we have changed our alliances have to understand these facts.


And it's a game. We have to make this treaty and change our alliances to continue to have fun. I see no other way.


Sorry for my broken English.


Nololem, or SlipEnTitane.

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Ohhh.... sry, the game told me you guys have ports near the Danes. So i thought you were able to attack the Danes from the other side when their entire fleet ws in Sweden and France. But the game must have lied to me then... oh welll...


No, I don't think the game lied, rather that you might have misinterpreted the situation at the time

Remember that Britain was also facing a simultaneous threat from the Pirates (Pirates and Danes being close allies as you know)


I don't think there is a British player who doesn't regret the demise of the brave French and Sweeds but perhaps one day we can toast each other's health again - Ideally around a fire made up from the hulks of burning pirate and Danish ships - who, by their numbers and record have turned out to be the real 'Zerg'


No, I don't think the game lied, rather that you might have misinterpreted the situation at the time

Remember that Britain was also facing a simultaneous threat from the Pirates (Pirates and Danes being close allies as you know)

I don't think there is a British player who doesn't regret the demise of the brave French and Sweeds but perhaps one day we can toast each other's health again - Ideally around a fire made up from the hulks of burning pirate and Danish ships - who, by their numbers and record have turned out to be the real 'Zerg'

When Sweden and France were at War with the Danes the Pirates were putting very little pressure onto the Brits. In actual fact our main attention was on the US. We also had no contact with the Danes. This came after. We now currently have a Gentlemans agreement with the Danes.

Also when you speak about zergs please remember that the Brits still out number any other faction 2-1

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You also forgot one important thing here: punctuation. I mean, holy sh** o_O


But kudos for giving me even more reasons to disrespect the Royal Navy. What a glorious and proud navy, boasting about how they will do their best to avoid fighting us. Glory to you! Might the shadows be long and your hidey-holes moist and deep!

sorry about the punctuation typing from my tablet often means I forget these things!


Should I write like


  • Like 1

You also forgot one important thing here: punctuation. I mean, holy sh** o_O


But kudos for giving me even more reasons to disrespect the Royal Navy. What a glorious and proud navy, boasting about how they will do their best to avoid fighting us. Glory to you! Might the shadows be long and your hidey-holes moist and deep! 


If you open up a third front against us don't expect us to play fair.


I'm a huge advocate of setting all the ports to times we can defend and you can't attack, and then taking your only port and sending the 70-80 of you packing home. If the dutch hadn't taken back their staging port they lent you then we'd take that to harry you all the way home.


I'll consider it a job well done when you go home with no extra ports having wasted 4 days sailing across the map.

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And I thought it was the French being known for running away from a fight...

To be fair, I don't think the French have run away from fights. No more than anyone else.

But then neither have the British.

Even though I will not be fighting the British it is historical that Britain (or England before the union) and France were on opposite sides of a front line. For the best part of 800 years, enemies or rivals, and even when they did come to agreements it was normally so that they could stab eachother in the back. Even on the crusades English and French knights didn't see eye to eye.

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I'll consider it a job well done when you go home with no extra ports having wasted 4 days sailing across the map.

I foresee a huge game of whack-a-mole across the entire Caribbean :D 

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