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I have seen it alot that Players from other Factions are Camping Ports where New Player Spawn.

They are High Ranked and use Fast Ships so if they themselves get Tagged they only Flee and cannot be Caught.


Their Aim apparently is to wait for new Players to Tag Missions.

They then Join this Mission and Massacre the low lvl Players.



I think this needs to be Addressed.

One Simple Solution would be to Allow other Players of the Nation to Join these Battles instead of Locking them out.

Another Solution would be to make These Missions Immune to Hijacking. So other Players cannot Just Join Pirate Forces to Harass New Players from another Nation.

The Third Solution would be to make Reinforcements Stronger and Join Automaticly rather than being Called. So High Level Players dont get tempted to Join on Low LvL Players Missions.

And one more Solution would be to Simply Lock Low level Missions entirely from Interference.


Its not Acceptable that People are Abusing the Mechanics to Harass new Players and other Veterans of that Nation cannot do anything about it because they are Locked out by the Mechanics.





No. Join a pve server if pvp worries you. New or vet.


Its not the PvP that Worries me.

But the Fact that Vets are Allowed to Single Out Newbes while Avoiding Enemy Vets.


Its fine if Newbes are not Safe from PvP

But why should Vets be Allowed to be Safe from it by Targeting Newbes ? :)


If an Vet PvPer from another Nation can Join into the Mission or Target of an New Player and Attack Him.

Than other Vets from this New Players Nation should also be Allowed to Join into the Mission and Attack the Enemy Vets. :)



Why should Vets Enjoy being Protected from Fighting Superior Foes. When New Players are not Protected from it :) ?

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