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Posted (edited)

My mates and I were talking last night about the long term health of Naval Action.  We love the game but it seems that there needs to be some changes in how it flows.  Most players can attest to the grinding required to climb in rank, build, trade, etc.  Right now, we are seeing people leaving the game that have had enough of the work required to get that next coveted ship.  The reality is that people wan PvP action and don't have the time or patience for the huge downtime between actions.  While I don't want the game to be easy by any stretch, the long dead time can be a real passion killer for a lot of players.  Traveling for what seems like eons to get a mission done or trading is one thing you really can't avoid; not unless you have a smaller map that becomes a superhighway.  However, I think there can be changes made that would help take out some of the onerous tasks we find in the game.  


One change I think needs to be done is to do away with the 4 hour delay for teleporting from outpost to outpost.  You should be able to teleport immediately to transfer ships or to complete actions at each of those ports.  Let's say you need to sell a frigate at Concepcion to help pay for a Tric at Port Royal. Well, you transfer to Concepcion, sell the frigate and call it day.  Not fun.  The time has already been invested in sailing for hours to get to ports to establish outposts.  It becomes a source of frustration not being able to move between them a timely manner in order to move about quicker.


Oh, and please add a search function on the world map so we can find where the hell some of these places are!  



Edited by Teamski
  • Like 1

My mates and I were talking last night about the long term health of Naval Action.  We love the game but it seems that there needs to be some changes in how it flows.  Most players can attest to the grinding required to climb in rank, build, trade, etc.  Right now, we are seeing people leaving the game that have had enough of the work required to get that next coveted ship.  The reality is that people wan PvP action and don't have the time or patience for the huge downtime between actions.  While I don't want the game to be easy by any stretch, the long dead time can be a real passion killer for a lot of players.  Traveling for what seems like eons to get a mission done or trading is one thing you really can't avoid; not unless you have a smaller map that becomes a superhighway.  However, I think there can be changes made that would help take out some of the onerous tasks we find in the game.  


One change I think needs to be done is to do away with the 4 hour delay for teleporting from outpost to outpost.  You should be able to teleport immediately to transfer ships or to complete actions at each of those ports.  Let's say you need to sell a frigate at Concepcion to help pay for a Tric at Port Royal. Well, you transfer to Concepcion, sell the frigate and call it day.  Not fun.  The time has already been invested in sailing for hours to get to ports to establish outposts.  It becomes a source of frustration not being able to move between them a timely manner in order to move about quicker.


Oh, and please add a search function on the world map so we can find where the hell some of these places are!  




Well i don't really now what answer to you because, since we re playing to NA with my clan (we are coming form Elite Dangerous) we are a little annoyed by how quick is the level up to the 3th rate ship... Only 200h and we re in 3th rank ship.... Hopefully, there are some other more powerfull ship to grab. It's all perception question, because, all we don't want, and i'm talking in name of something like 20 players, is a quick/ insta pvp action game... 

  • Like 3

Game is slow paced, but if they add these:


We need more random loot. Loot that can be exchanged for something nice. (Loot example - jewels, sapphires, diamonds etc..).

We need treasure maps.

We need demand items for every port. Such items must be crafted and delivered for a reward. 

We need every 2 hours a massive 24 player vs 24 NPC mission with awesome rewards. ( AKA - Boss mission)


 will make game play more interesting. 

  • Like 3

We do NOT need instant, unlimited teleports.


There should be no problem in creating an outpost in a hotspot if you want a lot of PvP in a short time.  If you don't have the time to sail, stay in a local area that has the game activities that you need.  The world is supposed to be large, instant, unlimited teleport kills that.

  • Like 7

We need more random loot. Loot that can be exchanged for something nice. 

We need treasure maps.

We need demand items for every port. Such items must be crafted and delivered for a reward. 

We need every 2 hours a massive 24 player vs 24 NPC mission with awesome rewards. ( AKA - Boss mission)


Just these few additions will make game play interesting. 


(hidden in the cover of his office desk) ...does...that...mean we are getting these in the future?


Why does everyone have to rush to max levels?  As soon as they get there, they complain about the lack of "end game" content...  /sigh


Take your time, relax as you sail through this admittedly beautiful ocean, and enjoy the slower pace...  If you just want to shoot stuff, there are plenty of other games...


PS  This is not aimed at you, Teamski...  You were just the straw for my camel...  ;)

  • Like 7

Well i don't really now what answer to you because, since we re playing to NA with my clan (we are coming form Elite Dangerous) we are a little annoyed by how quick is the level up to the 3th rate ship... Only 200h and we re in 3th rank ship.... Hopefully, there are some other more powerfull ship to grab. It's all perception question, because, all we don't want, and i'm talking in name of something like 20 players, is a quick/ insta pvp action game... 


Well, you can still create a game with more PvP and yet adjust the XP to keep the pacing stable.  The issue is the downtime.  Sitting there for 2 hours switching between the internet and the game to pass the time just doesn't sound right to me. 




(hidden in the cover of his office desk) ...does...that...mean we are getting these in the future?

Ask developers, they will tell you if this is possible or not.  :D  I am here to provide ideas for them.


We do NOT need instant, unlimited teleports.


There should be no problem in creating an outpost in a hotspot if you want a lot of PvP in a short time.  If you don't have the time to sail, stay in a local area that has the game activities that you need.  The world is supposed to be large, instant, unlimited teleport kills that.


Perhaps limit teleports to 4 a day or something like that.  I see your point, but you have the make the world a compelling place to live. Right now, it really isn't.  Talking with my clan mates (many are up to Commodore or past it) and they are wondering what else is there besides the fleet bashing or capping.  PvP is the holy grail and we just don't have enough of it in the real world.  Just my personal opinion.....



  • Like 1

You're asking to remove the need for sailing...in a game about sail ships.


No, you still have to sail to get to missions, establish outposts, search for capping/xp/traders, etc.  You don't get trucked to a battlefield in a first person shooter, do you?




Why does everyone have to rush to max levels?  As soon as they get there, they complain about the lack of "end game" content...  /sigh


Take your time, relax as you sail through this admittedly beautiful ocean, and enjoy the slower pace...  If you just want to shoot stuff, there are plenty of other games...


PS  This is not aimed at you, Teamski...  You were just the straw for my camel...  ;)


I completely agree.

Before Steam EA, in the era of TP w/ ship and 7h cooldown,  it was stated that there will be no teleports at all, and that is how I would like it best.

But the "no ship TP" is a good compromise, if you want to hunt NPCs, stay in an outpost that isnt very hot in regards to PvP, if you want PvP, TP to your outpost near the windward passage where you have a few ships stored from before and do PvP.

One thing I would not stand for is TP with a ship. Back to capital is fine, doesnt hurt anyone. But between outposts is a no-no, completely defeats the purpose of having an OW map.

If you want quick action use the battles events. And missions spawn close enough that you cant really complain.

  • Like 1

Why does everyone have to rush to max levels?  As soon as they get there, they complain about the lack of "end game" content...  /sigh


Take your time, relax as you sail through this admittedly beautiful ocean, and enjoy the slower pace...  If you just want to shoot stuff, there are plenty of other games...


PS  This is not aimed at you, Teamski...  You were just the straw for my camel...  ;)

Not that anyone here played it or if they did it was a bad thing, but WoW partly created a mindset that the game really didn't start until you had hit max level.


Getting to max level was basically the first step in doing "end game" content, where most people spent their time, so it's not surprising to find that same mindset ported over to any game with leveling.


No, you still have to sail to get to missions, establish outposts, search for capping/xp/traders, etc.  You don't get trucked to a battlefield in a first person shooter, do you?




This isn't an FPS, nor is it mean to be anything like an arena game (it was an arena game early in testing to flesh out the combat mechanics - attendance died out to nearly nothing over time because everyone earned their Santi and had nothing left to do. :)


I couldn't dis-agree more with the OP. This is an age of sail game. Shit takes time. Be thankful for an accelerated OW travel speed.

I don't doubt that there are those that refuse to grind, so be it.

The people that appreciate the time period and the devs desire to portray that as accurately as possible within limitations, are plentiful.

  • Like 5
Posted (edited)

My mates and I were talking last night about the long term health of Naval Action. We love the game but it seems that there needs to be some changes in how it flows. Most players can attest to the grinding required to climb in rank, build, trade, etc. Right now, we are seeing people leaving the game that have had enough of the work required to get that next coveted ship. The reality is that people wan PvP action and don't have the time or patience for the huge downtime between actions. While I don't want the game to be easy by any stretch, the long dead time can be a real passion killer for a lot of players. Traveling for what seems like eons to get a mission done or trading is one thing you really can't avoid; not unless you have a smaller map that becomes a superhighway. However, I think there can be changes made that would help take out some of the onerous tasks we find in the game.

One change I think needs to be done is to do away with the 4 hour delay for teleporting from outpost to outpost. You should be able to teleport immediately to transfer ships or to complete actions at each of those ports. Let's say you need to sell a frigate at Concepcion to help pay for a Tric at Port Royal. Well, you transfer to Concepcion, sell the frigate and call it day. Not fun. The time has already been invested in sailing for hours to get to ports to establish outposts. It becomes a source of frustration not being able to move between them a timely manner in order to move about quicker.

Oh, and please add a search function on the world map so we can find where the hell some of these places are!


I've played for a month now and I am ranked enough for a Tricom but not 3rd rate yet. I've done nearly nothing but PVP. Between ow pvp, port battles and the arena pvp there really isn't a reason to grind. Now PVE grinding is faster xp than pvp and perhaps that needs to be looked into.

That said, the non-stop grinders are doing this to themselves. The game masters aren't going to reprogram human natures. Many of us are like mice of treadmill. Grind grind grind...get max level..get max ship....grind grind grind. It's not the game making you do that. A level 10 captain is no better sailing a Brig than a level 4. The level ONLY matters if you must have the biggest floating castle in the game. So if anything is the game masters fault it's for putting rate ship carrots on strings at the front of the treadmills. If those Victories and Santis weren't there these guys might release themselves from their self created grind tortues and figure out ways to play the game. Consider this, all that population endlessnessly grinding is actually population that isn't available to pvp. Sort of a self fulfilling prophecy for reducing pvp by over grinding levels to win pvp.

The easiest way to get what the OP wants would actually be to remove rate ships from the game or only make them assessable through pvp. But as long as you can "win" the game by having the biggest ships out there those mice are going to stay on that treadmill.

Edited by Bach




I'm a little tired of people complaining about the grind required to reach high ranks. If you have to be in a santissima to have fun, there's something wrong, but it's NOT that it takes too much work to get in a santissima.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to reach tier 10 in world of tanks/warships? It's months of grinding in battles back-to-back. How do you have fun in such a scenario? You stop trying to grind, and just play it.


It takes a lot more experience to become a good player than you think. The long wait is to ensure that the people in high level ships are actually good enough players. In World of Warships, everybody is still torpedoing each other at rank 5-6, because it's such a fast trek to those tiers. The higher level matches are fun, because the people at those ranks are all good enough to be a challenge.

  • Like 1

I would rather see an "autopilot" for your trade ship (or whatever) that would sail it along a preset course of your choosing to your capital, essentially as an NPC, rather than having *any* teleports.


This would allow you to take out a different ship to do PVP, craft, whatever you wanted to do besides the apparently boring task of sailing one's goods from port to capitol.


I understand that this would expose those goods to capture, and that's entirely the point of the suggestion.


The reason is that this game needs something more to do on an RvR level than the current "Power Level so you can Port Battle in a SOL" meta which is currently too dominant in the game, to the detriment of other play styles.


For pirating and privateering to matter in a RvR sense, there needs to be an economic warfare angle possible, and currently due to the abused teleport mechanic, there really isn't.


I get that people want action and that's fine - if traders were required to sail in the OW, there would be TONS of action available, for even Midshipmen to take part in, and it would matter - a lot! - in a RvR sense.


Currently newbies are forced to PVE powerlevel up to at least a Frigate before they feel like they're really taking part in the game, and that's silly. They should be primarily hunting player traders - or protecting them! - while doing this, it would give actual meaning to their activities for the entire server, and more fun for everyone as a consequence.

  • Like 2

Definitely need to be able to get back to port, at least your home port, after a battle. There's nothing to dampen the feeling of a good fight more than a half hour grind 'sailing' back to any port. And forgeet if there's a storm. The game is unplayable. Ports and missions need to be visible with at least a marker. Considering how long these 'storms' last, I log out for a while.


2 hour teleport cool down.  with teleport to capitol replaced with teleport to last port.  while retaining to teleport without ship to other outposts.


an Open Sea speed increase across all ships of about 15% would be nice.  just takes way to long to haul my goods around each day.  that would also help with doing missions and getting to pvp action quicker too.

Posted (edited)

You had me at "Autopilot".


Hey that might fun. Autosailor for each port have only one route (like highway). If you are pirate or something and you know the route, you have easy target because so many people will use it  :lol:

Edited by Nash

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