Lord Vicious Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 (edited) They should have spread very faar and tag us from borders or even let a small group to tag us and let all the rest join from all directions, aiming purely at sails from distance, for keep us in: even if they just holded 5-6 first, we where unable to leave since we could not leave them back just 5 vs 25+ ppl They failed a lot when they piled in around me, we wanted exactly what happened a brawl fight at short range for kill them asap and re-enter carslile and worked perfectly for us, their 3rd rate fleet was already in range for joining when we managed to leave and use the invisibility+invu for get inside Even inside instead run and force us to chase them, forcing us todisperse the dps, they remained sailing around our first making our job very very easy, many tryed to ram me, expecial in small ships, u cant think to ram a santi in a trinco, u cause yourself way more leak and sink very fast, i got rammed by a 3rd 2 trinco and a frig and max water i got was 15% they all died by their own ramming Overall beside a timid tentative to focus me, the brit fleets seamed very chaotic a good 30% started to run as soon things where going bad while others immolate in middle of 10+ santi , the fleet was clearly headless Knowing our firepower i rarely called a target beside some 3rd that got fire and tryed to explode so they where sinked asap, for majority of time every first where chosing a target by himself and focus it since was best way for make kills and get out You cant expect to throw 25 pubs probably not in ts3 for a crucial role like that, withouth planning the ingagement tactics before, otherwise u just send ppl to a massacre and next time u call ppl for such role they will tell you, Sorry not with my ship. To give you an idea, when SORRY come in portillo for the first time not knowing what brits where able to bring we have come with a throaway 3rd rate fleet, with the only purpose to sink some firsts for debilitate the enemy before we show up with our main force, and worked perfectly we entered we sinked 2 vic inside 1 outside, and the enemy manage to won such fight with a superior fleet made by 5+vics some pavels and 3rds on the last 2 minute and half purely for 0.2 br, pretty much if we got another 1-2 3rd we managed to defend , but was all pre planned, after that we have seen their capabilities and even manage to crippled them so we have always show up in our main force knowing our superiority Edited April 26, 2016 by Lord Vicious 1
Lord Vicious Posted April 27, 2016 Posted April 27, 2016 (edited) Another Fts donation a Victory ganked in front of their capital, and before this they surrendered a Bellona Edited April 27, 2016 by Lord Vicious
Lord Vicious Posted April 27, 2016 Posted April 27, 2016 (edited) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SORRY CAMPAIGN VS BRITS ( activity in british waters around Carslile) 10 DAYS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 santi captured 2 sink4 victory captured 2 sink21 pavels captured 2 sink21 3rd rate captured 11 sink15 bellonas captured 8 sink98 constitution captured 53 sink7 ingermanland sink 2 captured48 trincomalee captured 61 sink11 essex captured 9 sinkminor ships frigs: 167 sink some capturedtotal: 231 ships captured 317 sink total brit loss= 548 ships (+ some others made by small groups of SORRY when i not was online so cant certify )----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SORRY losses:1 ingermanland7 trincomalee5 constitution2 pavel9 minor ships total: 24 ships(2 pavel got ganked elsewhere "i put it purely for honesty" 2 guys who logged out cause donwtime faar from MT, not loss linked by brits btw one was lost to usa one to a dutch squad)Whats interesting is the tendency of brits to leave battles as soon they turn bad leaving 50-70% of ppl to be capturedInteresting note 3 british players in pavel changed to pirate and joined SORRY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SORRY CAMPAIGN TOWARDS CHARLESTON VS USA NATION (12 days)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------USA LOST:102 3RD RATES (18 CAPTURED) (3 to shrink bug)22 BELLONAS (7 CAPTURED) (4 to shrink bug)16 PAVELS (6 CAPTURED)5 SANTI (2 CAPTURED) (1 to shrink bug)32 CONSTITUTION (11 CAPTURED)28 TRINCOMALEEE (9 CAPTURED)MINOR SHIPS SINK/CAPTURED = 98TOTAL CAPTURED/LOSS = 303 Ships--------------------------------------------------SORRY LOST:3 SANTI (1 TO SHRINK BUG 1 GANKED OUTSIDE PB)1 VICTORY IN PB11 CONSTITUTION8 TRINCOMALEE7 3RD RATEMINOR SHIPS FRIGS ETC: 9TOTAL CAPTURED/LOSS = 39 Ships (over 70% of our losses where in an ow fight where we where outnumbered 2:1 and a throaway fleet vs a port where we where outnumbered and outgunned, the real losses made by the main fleet are less then 10 ) all kills/loss are certified by screens/videos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Overall SORRY Campaign stats: 851 ships sink/captured 63 ships lost PB stats -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT BATTLE STATS: 122 PB since clan foundation ( both usa time and pirate time) 76 Contested with more then 20 enemy in 120 won 2 lost (one outnumbered 15 vs 22 at savannah vs usa) one with a throaway 3rd/conny fleet vs fts+other brits in victories pavels and they lost 3 first at portillo managing to win due b/r at last 2.30min of the battle by 0.2 br) GOOD video that talk about whats going on the server in last week, (with a lot of recap about our clan action around Carslile)https://youtu.be/NmcIEkrKgCo?t=7m55s Edited April 28, 2016 by Lord Vicious 2
OlavDeng2 Posted April 30, 2016 Posted April 30, 2016 Greetings Captains, the moderators have gone through this thread and noted that sixty one posts have been hidden by moderators for things ranging from forum PvP to trolling to the use of Nazi imagery. As such, this thread is being locked. I would remind you of the following rules for your posting pleasure: 1. Respect The goal is to support open exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion. We understand that there could be conflicts that happen when people voice opinions. Users are expected to be courteous when disagreeing with others. 2. Ranting and trolling A rant is a post that is filled with angry and counterproductive comments. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Trolling is when you structure your posts to anger and insult other players to achieve an emotional response. Please post your thoughts clearly and avoid trolling. 3. Personal attacks, racism and discrimination are prohibited Personal attacks are posts that insult another forum user directly or discuss user’s personal life or situation. Posts that include race, religion or sexual preference based personal attacks and trolling can result in immediate suspension. Such behavior will not be tolerated. Further, I would strongly recommend that you reacquaint yourself with ALL of the rules for the forum and the game itself, as seen here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2346-forum-and-sea-trials-rules/ 7
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