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The question is do you choose to fight alongside your allies for victory and the liberation of your country at all costs?

or do you choose to collaborate with your oppressors at the cost of your pride and a continuing heel on your neck?


I personally would support any move to help our allies in the hour of need - up to and including the formation of a 'international brigade' to keep the fires of resistance burning in these dark days. I would gladly join such a force - subject to admiralty permission


Vive La Resistance!

Sorry to break the RP dreaming.

What about a third option in your statement?


  1. Do you choose to agree on terms with your two neighbors (that steamrolled you once and can do it again) and continue enjoying a game that is in early access with broken mechanics?
  2. Or do you not give a toss and are ready to gamble on uneven odds that this time things will turn out different and in your favor and that you'll steamroll those two neighbors? Which by the way will also kill the game regardless of the outcome....

I for one will chose option 1 and hope that the developers will fix this messed up PB phase of the game to allow for some real and fun action


For a resistance, you need a broken and subjugated country. France is not that. It's funny, when it's our "allies", not our enemies - that seek for France to fall.


I will fight for freedom and I will support resistance if need be. I will not condemn France to fall just to play a rebel.


We seek for France to rise - as a free, independent and proud country not just an empty and grotesque puppet whose strings are pulled by the Danish/Russia/Pirate axis.


Ports can be re-captured but the stain of capitulation and collaboration is very hard to expunge 


Ports can be re-captured but the stain of capitulation and collaboration is very hard to expunge 


I reply to you in kind: allies can be changed but the total annihilation is impossible to revert.


The very state at which ports need to be re-captured is the fall of France and lose of it's player base. I ask you again, sir - why are you asking for that? Why are you pushing the agenda of fallen France?


If you seek France to rise, why do you ask for it to fall?


Still, couldn't they just say -


French folk, we are aware of your peril... do what you must and fret not - a change of fate will happen sooner or later! We are aware of your position and hold no ill will towards you, for we understand you do what you must to survive your plight. Let us share the pain you bear, and let us await the time France can rise great again!


Instead of -


Yeah! YEYEYE! Fight! Come' on! Show me 'em polished 9-pound balls of yours! <grabs popcorn>


It's a bit worrying.

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Yes, the Tricolour is still in good hands, mes amis, so long as her Capitaines are willing to do what must be done to see it survive.. except fight for it. Vive la Capituler! Vive la Collaborer!


Wait, that's not how it goes, hmmm. Maybe it's something in the translation...

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Posted (edited)

"Only peril can bring the French together.

        One can't impose unity out of the blue on a country that has 265 different kinds of cheese."

Charles de Gaulle

Edited by mouse of war
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Alright, all of this silly RP business aside, here's the deal. This entire thread has been wildly entertaining, and I thank everyone for participating. Salut!


At the end of the day, however, some people are incapable of taking all of this in the proper light. Feelings seem to get hurt, people take things very personally, and folks forget that it's a game even while yelling "it's a game!!!1". There are several points that need to be remembered.


1) We're here to test a system. If the ability for one nation to steamroll another, or two to steamroll two, or 8 to steamroll 53, is a problem, then it needs to be demonstrated as a problem. It needs to be continually shown to be a problem, so that there's enough evidence in the form of palpable data for the developers to look at it, see it, and address it. I'm quite sure they're in the process of doing this now. "Don't cry about timers!" or "Don't wipe us out!" etc are anathema to this program, as these problems need to be displayed. We're not here to win or lose.


2) As early access testers, our primary concern is to find and display problems, not to necessarily "have fun" in the conventional sense. Ideally, of course, we'd do both at once. But refusing to allow problems to become problems simply because we don't want to have to face them isn't helping this game in the long run. Sweden being so quickly reduced to a single port raises issues like: Are port battles too easy? Do they occur too quickly? How can, or should, the devs address the natural imbalance of a less-populated nation sitting beside a more-populated nation? This is why we're here. These problems cannot be addressed if they're not allowed to run their course and prove to be a problem in the first place.


3) Many, many people that join games in early access should not be doing so. Many people join these games because they think it gives them an edge at launch, through experience or getting to keep items earned early, etc. This is NOT the purpose of early access testing. If you expect to keep all of your shiny pretend things and you're afraid to lose them, then you're here for the wrong reason and you're not really helping. Frankly this applies to players, too. This game is still in early testing phases; it is not a launched title. If you are the type of player to up and quit because you lost your ports in a game about pretend internet boats then you'd have left anyway and clearly weren't here for the right reason; you joined this game too early. You're quite clearly not meant to be in a game during its testing period, and that's fine. Not everybody has the patience for that, and there's nothing wrong with that. Hopefully they'll come back and enjoy the game once it's polished and complete.


4) This applies to the game as a whole, but particularly during testing: You are not tied to your nation. If France falls you don't lose and cry and quit. You reroll under a different nation or go pirate or whatever and continue to play and test the mechanics. If you're so tied up with your possessions that you cannot bear to see them lost in this game then, once again, you are not meant to be testing. The game in its current state allows you to reroll while maintaining your current character XP, which means if you change to another country you just need to go capture a couple of little traders in your free cutter and you're back in business. Problem solved. In fact by having this happen you're also testing the ability for a player to recover from great loss and what resources they have available to bounce back. This is a test title, not a launch title. Your world will not end just because your flag changed.


5) Because we're testing and not meant to be simply playing, we have this forum. This forum is meant to allow, and seems to at least implicitly encourage, RP. As I mentioned above, you must bear this in mind while discussing things here. This particular forum is here to discuss the national goings-on in an RP environment; there are other forums for proper discussion of game mechanics, as the moderators have repeated ad nauseum. I discussed this some time ago in another thread with a few of the US players (InfiniteAmount in particular) and as I said then, there's a clear problem with people being able to distinguish between RP and straight discussion. Certain people here clearly confuse the two and take things very personally. If you take this personally then I suggest you refrain from RP. Not everyone is good at it, and that's fine. Nobody is here to judge. But, to give a clear, personal example, when you take my decision to play the rabble-rouser and agitator and insist on turning to personal insults, you need to grow up or leave. If your enjoyment rests on other people agreeing and doing what you want, you need to grow up or leave. If you're unable to distinguish between disagreement with an idea and a personal attack, well, you have much larger problems and I wish you all the best of luck. I'm not pointing fingers and I'm not calling anybody out by name, as that's not my purpose here. This is an RP forum, people. If we all agreed about everything then it would be very, very boring.


At the end of the day, we're here to enjoy ourselves while we help the developers in testing their ideas and, in the end, hopefully we'll have had some part in helping make this game great. On the day it launches we'll no longer be testers, and will instead be purely players. Until then however, do not lose focus on why we're here. Problems must be allowed to appear and develop in order to properly demonstrate the extent of the issue and to give better input on how it should and can be addressed. Your gameplay is not ruined by having a faction flattened and rerolling elsewhere for the time being. The fact that it can so quickly happen is us doing our job as testers. With all of this said, as much as I've enjoyed this thread and the wild banter, I'm stepping back because people are just taking the whole thing far too seriously and personally, which is sucking the fun out of it. I'll see you folks on the open seas; bonne chance.

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