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>>>Ultimate General: Gettysburg Feedback <<< [UPDATE] Patch 0.85 31/7/2014

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Just tried playing since the new patch and the game is very unstable for me it is locking up constantly... i am sorry to say it is difficult to play right now 


edit  you know it could be my graphics card all drivers are updated but this is a cheap machine... 


Hello there,


I had a problem today on day 2 i believe, i was playing union and 2 of my infantry units got stuck on the north edge of the map, i don't know what exactly append here as i was following another combat zone, but i do believe those 2 units retreated and got stuck. It seems they tried to came back into battle, judging from the direction they where running, but they where simply running on spot and i was unable to select it.

It is the first time it append.

Other than that everything is running smoothly (no lags) from what i've seen.


"I think the aim of the battle should be to inflict as much damage on your opponent without suffering to many casualties."

Not necessarily. Sometimes the aim was to drive your opponent away from the battlefield so that you can claim a victory, without suffering to many casualties. All battles are fought for political purposes: to make good headline, win popular support. By 1863, there was a great outrage against the war in the north. Lee knew he needed a couple more victories near the Union's heart, and Lincoln would have to sue for peace. Here's an Army War College lecture on that very subject:


This has always been the basis of my Union Army strategy in UGG; Bleed the CSA and Delay the CSA.


Lose what troops it takes, but maintain a force In Front of them! The Union Army has a Bigger force coming. (They know this.)


I order my Union Forces to Fall back, give a ridge, hold a ridge, Hold Flanks, maintain Contact and keep the rear secure! It's Pennsylvania hill country. It's like Stalingrad! There is Alway another ridge.


But, Hour after Hour of game-play the AI tells me that I am losing! Because I failed to hold XY Hill! I do not understand this game logic.


For the CSA to win UGG; they must divide the Union Forces from their reinforcements, and destroy those forces in detail. (Full Stop.) The battle is Not about hill tops! It IS about Position, and CSA casualties.


I don't know what is going on... I bought UGG through Steam weeks ago. So, I should get the latest patch when I open the game. Right?


So, today I open UGG, and it still will not give me "Day 4"; fine, it's coming, later. I select "Day 3" the menu is claggy and stutters.


I'm Union Forces. From the 1st; the game freezes and stutters; every 30 seconds!


This is the worst that I have seen. The game is Unplayable.


I am switching to ETW DarthMod; maybe my pc is messed up. Not likely, because it has been Ok all day.



Did you watch the video you posted?

The speaker repeatedly states Lee's goal was the destruction of the AoP as a psychological blow to end the war.

Ending the war was the political goal of the campaign.

Suggest you take a look at the presentation from minute 12 through 16 where the speaker states, "there are only two things you need to know to understand Lee during the ACW".

Point 1 - Lee needed to destroy the AoP.

Point 2 - Lee was on the clock and needed to destroy the AoP quickly.

In fact the slides behind the speaker state:

"Seeking destruction of the federal AoP as a psychological blow...& time is not on his side!"

Lee needed to drive the Northern "will" for war to zero.

Lincoln needed to drive the Southern "resources" for war to zero by destroying the ANV.

Lee's goal was not, as you state above, "Sometimes the aim was to drive your opponent away from the battlefield so that you can claim a victory, without suffering too many casualties."

This is a true statement in some wars at some points in time.

But your point is not aligned with the political or military reality of the ACW and the Gettysburg Campaign in particular.

Lee wanted and needed the "utter destruction and annihilation of the AoP" to quote the presenter.

Lee's goal was political recognition of the South and he wanted to accomplish this during the Gettysburg Campaign by ending the war.

Specifically referenced by the speaker were Lee's comments to his wife after Fredericksburg and to General Pender after Chancellorsville.

You've turned the logic and central point of the presentation on its head by stating the goal was to drive your opponent away from the field.

Was your comment was intended to reflect the Northern strategy - win by holding the field?

If so, this argument also makes no sense.

Lincoln was incensed that the ANV was not destroyed before it reached the Potomac River and could cross into Virginia.

The Gettysburg Campaign was about the politics of ending the war - for both sides.

Unfortunately, Meade missed the memo on the importance of destroying the ANV.

Which is why Grant was promoted over Meade.

Grant understood the political goal.

Neither side accomplished its political goal during the Gettysburg Campaign.

Lee because he failed to destroy the AoP.

Meade because he failed to understand Lincoln's political goal.

Victory points are a "pathetic fallacy" for the ACW.

By attributing VPs to locations you turn the ACW on its head militarily, politically, and historically.

For the North the ACW was about exhausting Southern resources.

It was impossible to break the will of the South to fight.

The ANV was down to less than 25,000 men when it surrendered at Appomattox.

Militarily the ANV was between to vastly superior Union armies.

The ANV did not have any logistical base to fall back on for support after the loss of Richmond.

Despite this the ANV was retreating westward and attempting to fight on.

Had Lee been able to march rapidly enough to get to his supplies before the federal cavalry the war would have continued until the ANV disappeared through attrition - roughly 20 days later based on the ANV desertion rate.

For the South the ACW was about destroying the Northern will to fight.

It was impossible for the South to destroy the resource base of the North.

The closest the South came to disrupting the Northern resource base was with commerce raiding.

Ultimate General Gettysburg is a super, Super game. The AI is truly Ground Breaking for this genre! UGG is an island of brilliant, strategic Action in an ocean of prosaic "shoot-em-ups" and car crashes.


However, over the past year my 1 Running critique has been the "victory" system. No matter if it is a "Historical" game or a "Custom" game; it is Still Gettysburg during the American Civil War... 


General Lee's strategy and ambitions are well stated above. Lincoln's early strategy for the War was embodied by General Grant's actions as Commander of the Union Army, late in the War. Neither Lee's nor Lincoln's Strategy involved holding or taking "Victory Points"! General Lee needed Spectacular Headlines of his Genius in the Northern papers and in Europe. General Grant was like a bulldog holding a fierce Bull by the nose with his Teeth; maintain contact and Out Last the other guy. Gen. Lee was like an elegant saber, Gen. Grant was a incessant, persistent ax... "Victory Points"?


I understand that it is Now late in the game (As it were.) But, could there be Some Allowance/Option in the game for a non-victory point campaign?


Yeah, I get it; the code-writing Geeks are pulling their teeth out in frustration! (They have done a Super job of work this past year.) Perhaps there could be an option where the VPs "weight" could be "tamped down"? (Not so bad, guys? Guys...?)

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I don't know what is going on... I bought UGG through Steam weeks ago. So, I should get the latest patch when I open the game. Right?


So, today I open UGG, and it still will not give me "Day 4"; fine, it's coming, later. I select "Day 3" the menu is claggy and stutters.


I'm Union Forces. From the 1st; the game freezes and stutters; every 30 seconds!


This is the worst that I have seen. The game is Unplayable.


I am switching to ETW DarthMod; maybe my pc is messed up. Not likely, because it has been Ok all day.

Yeah, I think my problem is my new SSD; it's within 16Gbs to being full. ETW DarthMod is getting a little claggy too...


After playing several campaigns with the new version I have some feedback.


The elevation differences could be more exaggerated so that I don't have to guess so much when I'm trying to find a LOS for my cannon.

Also you could try to reduce cannon micro more.


Generals should be more brave that I don't have to constantly micro manage them to be closer to my brigades.


I'd like to know more details about what makes brigades to rout completely from the map, give us modifiers which we could see.


Charging hilly positions don't seem to exhaust troops enough, they just shrug it off quickly.


I'd like to know more details about what makes brigades to rout completely from the map, give us modifiers which we could see.



When a unit has lost over 65% of its men, will retreat permanently the very next time that will be found in retreat state (0 morale).


Generals should be more brave that I don't have to constantly micro manage them to be closer to my brigades.


I agree with this. Minimally I would like routing enemy units not to affect the position of generals. Ideally if a non-routing friendly unit in decent condition is intervening between the general and an enemy unit, that enemy unit should need to be closer than usual to drive off the general, I think.


And by the way, if you have played the Close Combat games, the VP's always tell you their name on the map. This feature would be much appreciated




It depends on your design goal for the game.  The artillery in UGG has little to do with historical accuracy - so the game is influenced more by player preferences and game balance.  


I'm not disagreeing with you but...


If you are looking for historical accuracy - consider that XI Corps artillery was able to "Limber to the Rear - Gallop" by section and escaped pretty much intact.  

The artillery arms of both sides were largely intact and operational on July 3 and 4.

The safe withdrawal of guns was  generally true of all ACW battles - the artillery survived with about 10% casualties while the infantry suffered heavy losses.

While some guns were captured on ACW battlefields it was usually without their limbers, horses, men, and equipment - Smith's Battery is an excellent example.


Historically and statistically I'd argue that at least 3 of the batteries should escape.  The battery covering the retreat of these batteries MIGHT suffer more heavily - but well conducted artillery retreats predominately resulted in the safe withdrawal of all guns. 


Two sections would limber to the rear, drop trail, wait for the guns on the front line to limber and pull back,  By leapfrogging backward the guns were mutually supporting - and infantry was very reluctant to march into the face of deployed guns with double canister.


Typically the tactics were for the infantry to send skirmishers forward.

Battery commanders complained that when infantry deployed skirmishers it was like, "trying to shoot mosquitoes with a rifle".  

This is exactly the case with Bigelow's Battery.  Bigelow was ordered to cover the retreat - skirmishers infiltrated his battery.  Because Bigelow was ordered to "hold at all hazards" rather than "fall back by section" his battery lost all of its horses and 30 of its 110 men.  Bigelow's guns were later recovered by the Union.


Artillery was much more nimble historically than is depicted in UGG.


The artillery speed in UGG was nerfed to prevent "Panzer" tactics with the UGG artillery.


UGG really does not embrace the concept of "Horse" in the "Horse and Musket" era - so whatever you like is what you should push for.  

The design  team is pretty responsive to player suggestions that garner support.

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Hello all,


I would like to share what is coming in the next patch (possibly on Monday):



Limited Multiplayer Functionality: When you launch the game you have the option to use the Multiplayer version. In two special multiplayer scenarios you can battle against your friends or other opponents. Multiplayer is not stable yet. We need your feedback about issues you will anticipate.

After battle Statistics: You can now review the units’ performance after a battle. By default, the statistics list includes all the units for both armies sorted by number of kills. You can also sort by other categories and filter according to unit type.

Full Order of Battle: Before a battle you can review the armies’ organization of the units that will participate in the engagement. After a battle you have the option to review the full army for both sides including info such as casualties, morale, condition etc. 



Various AI improvements according to forum feedback. AI will be most active and responsive than ever.

Slight US/CS combat balances.

Artillery targeting tweaks.

Duration of battle increased for several Day 1 / Phase 2 scenarios.

Charge/Chase duration is now less. Units can no longer chase too far away their targets and isolate themselves.

Melee slight rebalance.

Pettigrew slight rebalance to be a little more effective in long range combat.

Final battle outcome has now better result calculations, based more on casualties.



Minor fixes in texts.

Some Battle Flow fixes.



Fixed retreat freezing bug. In previous version it was possible to see units freeze in borders after a retreat with running animation.

Fixed problems that could result in wrong retreat paths. Problem not fully solved. Needs a melee bug fix.

Fixed an AI issue of moving its units without seeing and reacting to close by bigger threats (Zombie effect). 


So in a few words:

- First Multiplayer version

- Order of Battle

- Battle statistics

- Major Gameplay & AI improvements

- Important bug fixes


Have a nice rest of the weekend everyone!
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Good news!

• Limited Multiplayer Functionality: 



The one big question I have is speed (standard?) and pause settings (e.g., at the start/set-up vs later)
• Full Order of Battle: Before a battle you can review the armies’ organization of the units that will participate in the engagement. After a battle you have the option to review the full army for both sides including info such as casualties, morale, condition etc. 



I hope that the enemy's units are not revealed beforehand. Having numbers for troops present and expected reinforcement is already a lot of foreknowledge.
Also I hope that my commanders (present or absent) are identified as such in the initial organization.



UGG is not a Fog of War game.  

You always have more precision about your own troops and the enemy's than was possible.


At the start of the Gettysburg Campaign Meade was operating under intelligence reports that put the ANV at 95,000 strong.

In UGG you know every enemy man in every unit as soon as you see them.


The concept of LOS and Fog of War are confused in this game.


UGG provides instantaneous intelligence at speeds and precision that 21st Century commanders could only dream are possible.


It's the game design.


22nd North Carolina,


Suggest you take a look at Pfanz - "Gettysburg - The First Day" p. 314:


Wainwright with Stevens, Cooper, Stewart, and a section from Reynolds Batteries.  Batteries instructed to move at a walk for fear of creating panic and running down the I Corps infantry retreating through Gettysburg.  Wainwright waited for the road to clear then ordered “Trot” and “Gallop”.  All of the guns escaped.


Note that the story is also true for the Union XI Corps at Gettysburg and most of the other ACW battlefields.

Capturing one battery in the ACW was a big deal.  

Capturing 4 batteries in succession is positively - Napoleonic!




UGG is not a Fog of War game.  

You always have more precision about your own troops and the enemy's than was possible.


At the start of the Gettysburg Campaign Meade was operating under intelligence reports that put the ANV at 95,000 strong.

In UGG you know every enemy man in every unit as soon as you see them.


The concept of LOS and Fog of War are confused in this game.


UGG provides instantaneous intelligence at speeds and precision that 21st Century commanders could only dream are possible.


It's the game design.



Similar but different to this observation, I noted awhile ago that I could still 'see' brigades that should be outside of my line of sight.  I wanted to mention that this appears to have been changed for the better.


Nick Thomadis / Game Labs,


This new update is by far the best advancements in UG:G to date.The new After battle statistics and the Full order of battle reports add such a wonderful element to this game that allows one to fully enjoy the rewards of victory or the horrors of defeat watching which Brigades kill the most or take the most loses. Far surpassing my hopes. It is much better than SMG ever was on this regard.Thank you so much to listening to us. In my opinion you can quit adding new elements to the game today and it is already a excellent game.


But since you are still willing to work with us; ever developing this game to greater heights, I will contribute my two cents.


There are still bugs with regiments retreating towards/through enemy lines or around the flanks of the enemy brigades still.

Perhaps an option could be that Units who are shattered or retreat would be pulled to or near their units commander on the field?


Artillery seems to running very smooth. I have not had any issues with Artillery since previous updates.


I am not very clear on the elements that contribute to raising morale. For me I would just think that a unit that captures a VP should be given a boost in morale. It would just seem logical that a unit or units of troops that capture a VP while organization would be low after an assault, Units would be proud and understand the tactical advantage they just acquired better than a unit who just shattered in terror and ran 100 yards to sit stationary while their brother in arms are in the distance dying, Just a thought anyways.


Brigades like Barksdale, Law, Robertson, Kershaw, Wofford, Semmes and especially Pettigrew (Although Pettigrew was a giant fat brigade their soldiers were not green by any means) They were full of Veteran and Crack soldiers. I do not feel that they are fully represented. (It drives me nuts to see Brigades like Law and Robertson retreat from a assault after only a few mins of contact). Though some of these units did not preform as you would expect in the Historical battle of Gettysburg, They were for the most part very seasoned soldiers. The best the south had to offer.


22nd North Carolina,


Suggest you take a look at Pfanz - "Gettysburg - The First Day" p. 314:


Wainwright with Stevens, Cooper, Stewart, and a section from Reynolds Batteries.  Batteries instructed to move at a walk for fear of creating panic and running down the I Corps infantry retreating through Gettysburg.  Wainwright waited for the road to clear then ordered “Trot” and “Gallop”.  All of the guns escaped.


Note that the story is also true for the Union XI Corps at Gettysburg and most of the other ACW battlefields.

Capturing one battery in the ACW was a big deal.  

Capturing 4 batteries in succession is positively - Napoleonic!



Not what im talking about, Whenever a large body of troops goes after arty BEHIND my lines when they are clearly needed somewhere else is very maddening

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