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  • Alliances system allowing port entry for allies and their participation in port battles
  • Limitations on flag purchases to slow down expansions for large nations (harder to address)
  • Spanish language advertising to bring more spanish players into the game - your help is needed here too
  • Hard limits on the number of players in nation (a-la other mmo games). 
  • Underpopulated nation bonuses. 

My thought on the 5 points

  1. I would like to see real alliances introduced, and it would make sense that an allied nation could enter each other ports, maybe make it so pirates can buy a letter of privateering for a nation which would let that pirate enter that nation’s ports, only one letter should be able to be active at a time. Should probably be able to trade with a mug up price
  2. Right now it’s far too easy to start a conquest of a port, it should be a major event and successfully capturing a port should be an achievement, so the price for a flag should be a lot higher and something a hold guild should help buying, a price of 2-5million i would think would not be too much. Maybe let the price for the flag be depending on the amount of ports that fraction holds.
  3. This would make sense, maybe also make it more appealing for non-Spanish players to join the Spanish fraction, like an English chat.
  4.  I’m all for closing a fraction for new recruits if there player base exceed some % of the total player base. Also remove the difficulty for each nation and possible change it to population size like full(cant joine), large (maybe small penalty), medium (no penalty or bonus) small (some bonus xp, gold maybe a better ship or something)

I would also like to see that when a conquest begins an automatic chat tap for both attackers and defenders open, this would give a space for discussing the plans and tactics for the defense and attack. This would also work as a massage to the defending fraction that they are under attack


No creo que el cambio de capital sea la solución. Quizás para nosotros, la facción española sí, pero el problema va a persistir con otras facciones. Quiero decir, si la nueva capital de España se ubica en Cartagena de Indias, va a seguir habiendo batallas a las 4-6 am, quizá no contra nosotros, pero igual sí contra cualquier otra facción.


Lo que deberían hacer es equilibrar las facciones, no puede ser que EE.UU sea por ejemplo un 50% de la población total del servidor, mientras que el otro 50% esté dividido entre las demás facciones. 


Sería agradable ver a gente norteamericana jugando en la facción española, francesa, holandesa, etc. A todos nos gusta jugar a favor de nuestra nación real, pero vaya, así no se disfruta del todo.


Estoy de acuerdo con Siegfried, más que en añadir un chat de habla inglesa, en añadir moderadores. A mí no me gustaría jugar en la facción francesa y que me insultasen por hablar en inglés/español y no hablar en francés. Moderadores con poder de mutear gente x tiempo estaría muy bien.


Respecto al problema actual, bonificaciones a los países con baja población no solucionaría el problema del todo, simplemente, crearía otro problema, el cuál es el siguiente:


Mi clan es pirata, pero la facción española tiene una bonificación del 15% de EXP. Me hago español, subo nivel más rápido, consigo cosas más rápido que si jugase de pirata directamente, y luego sólamente tengo que atacar a un navío de mi facción para poder unirme a mi clan pirata, y por tanto, a la facción pirata.


Habría que limitar ese tema.


Otra idea que se me ocurre, poder entrar en todos los puertos. Una vez incluída la democracia en el juego, yo siendo español podría entrar a un puerto inglés a por materiales. Si esos dos países se encuentran en guerra, a parte de arriesgarte a perder lo que vayas a comprar/vender por un asaltante, un precio con un porcentaje elevado. En cambio, si es neutral, un precio normal. En caso de ser aliado, un precio quizá algo reducido.


De este modo, te vas a tener que arriesgar a ir a un puerto enemigo, pagar más, pero poder seguir con la mecánica de craft.



Google Translation.


I dont think that the change of capital is the solution. Maybe for us, the Spanish faction itself, but the problem will persist with other factions. I mean, if the new capital of Spain is located in Cartagena de Indias, will there still be battles at 4-6 am, perhaps not against us, but just themselves against any other faction.

What they should do is to balance the factions can not be that the US is for example 50% of the total population of the server, while the other 50% is divided among the other factions.

It would be nice to see american people playing in the Spanish Faction, French, Dutch faction, etc. We all love playing for our real nation, but go, and do not enjoy at all.

I agree with Siegfried rather than add a chat English speakers, to add moderators. I do not like to play in the French faction and being insulted for speak in English / Spanish and not speak French. Moderators would mute people some hours.

Regarding the current problem, bonuses to countries with low population would not solve the problem completely, simply create another problem, which is as follows:

My clan is Pirate, but the Spanish faction has a 15% bonus EXP. I am Spanish, I will level faster, I'll get things faster than playing Pirate from the beginning, then only I have to attack a ship of my faction to join my pirate clan, and therefore the pirate faction.

We should limit the subject.

Another idea that comes to mind, to enter all ports. Once democracy included in the game, being Spanish could get an English port for materials. If these two countries are at war, there are a risk of losing part of what you're going to buy / sell for a robber, a price with a high percentage. But if it is neutral, a normal price. It should be an ally, perhaps somewhat reduced prices.

Thus, you'll have to risk going to an enemy port, pay more, but to continue with the mechanics of craft.



Sorry for bad english.

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Maybe another good idea about conquest flag is that the prices should be % to the numbers of ports that the faction got;


so if any faction is fucked with a few ports they will pay, for example 10.000k*number of ports, so they can keep trying to conquest ports without a big ammount of losses.. and on the other side, a big faction with a stronger ammount of ports should pay more and more for flags so they shouldnt be able to buy flags like a Cola, and they had to decide which port are better to conquest instead of take all the map.

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Hello, fellows!


I'm the leader of Guild [OFF]. We play for Spain on PvP-1.


Looking forward for a contact with a Spanish Clans/Guilds which are still fighting on a Spanish side.

Let's coordinate our efforts!


Thanks in advance.

Posted (edited)




3 - Spanish language advertising to bring more spanish players into the game - your help is needed here too


Dificil como está. El juego está cogiendo mala fama de que hay que jugar entre las 3 y 6 de la madrugada porque los norteamericanos aprovechan para atacar a esa hora. La gente estudia y trabaja. Jugar a un juego que te quitan los puertos mientras duermes y que no puedes atacarlos en tu tiempo de ocio da muy mala fama. Nadie quiere jugar a un juego en estas condiciones y la mala fama de esta situación está empezando a expandirse. La gente habla de un juego en el que sólo se puede jugar en horario de norteamerica, al que hay que conectarse a las 4 de la madrugada y al que no merece la pena entrar.


GOOGLE TRANSLATE: Difficult as it is. The game is catching bad reputation to be played between 3 and 6 am because Americans advantage to attack this time. People study and work. Playing a game ports that take you while you sleep and you can not attack them in your free time gives a very bad reputation. Nobody wants to play a game in these conditions and the bad reputation of this situation is beginning to expand. People talk about a game that can only be played in North America schedule, which must be connected to 4 am.






Because spain is the only country in Europe right? Oh wait plenty of other European players fighting the US and not constantly using timers as an excuse to fight the US. SLRN assisted with the US assault at Conttoy which was a defeat for the US and they had quite a few Brits in. I keep seeing this excuse, and its nothing more then an excuse. Part of the issue is spain had so many ports to start with which didn't allow them to set the times but ultimately, blaming time zones that more players in other factions face as well, is nothing more then a cop out. The bigger issue would seem to be spains inability to work together. You're disorganized and that will never result in a positive for your faction.


The alliance thing would be cool and could solve a lot of the issues. SLRN and REA were/are allied but all a different faction can do atm is try to blockade and not participate in the actual battle. Personally, I think the problem is there are entirely way to many factions and one side is always  going to be extremely underpopulated and therefore balancing will penalize larger nations. When I rerolled from pirates and was trying to decide what faction to play I was told Spain faction chat was nothing but Spanish same for the clans, where is the incentive for all of us from North America to play with a faction we can't communicate with?


I personally think a faction cap should have been implemented from the start, but I can also see how that could have hindered steam sales. No one enjoys being forced to play in a faction they didn't really want or not being able to play with their friends because of a lock. Ultimately I think there needs to be some sort of incentive to pull players from other factions to roll Spanish/French . Hopefully though since its an Alpha people wont quit and the community and devs can come up with ways to balance the factions and hopefully even out the populations.


Also what will happen with outposts that aren't in neutral towns?

Edited by Dalriaden

Advertising is no option. This is an alpha game. It should only attract players who are already willing to test the game. We have more than enough players who already act like this is a released final version and are taking the piss on every patch note they don't like.

  • Like 2

Hello, fellows!


I'm the leader of Guild [OFF]. We play for Spain on PvP-1.


Looking forward for a contact with a Spanish Clans/Guilds which are still fighting on a Spanish side.

Let's coordinate our efforts!


Thanks in advance.

But ur clan will help spanish faction or just enter battle ports to fuck an slot..  without atack and leave when we need BR to win....

Or hitting our ships in battles agains Dutch?...

  • Like 1

But ur clan will help spanish faction or just enter battle ports to fuck an slot..  without atack and leave when we need BR to win....

Or hitting our ships in battles agains Dutch?...

OFF they look like they are the spies of the Dutch when they played with us.


After port investments and land in battles are added into the game there will be a port reset. 

We are thinking of making all ports except for capitals neutral, giving all nations an equal chance. Alternative solution is to allow setting port defence windows in clean uncaptured port by nation vote.

Port investments will also slow down the conquest because to make flags you will have to build naval bases. No naval base - no flag. Naval base must be protected at all costs to be able to expand.

i have other idea. as you know be can´t re-conquer the ports taken by us players (for the timers, at 4am we are sleeping) maybe timers should have a 12hours cycle so if i set 3 it will be 3pm and 3am. another option is to set "timers cooldown" the player set timer only had a 48h durability, then the port can be taken at every hour. 


And i say again PVP1 EU is an EU server, if they want to set this timers they should play in USA server. now we are fucked but soon Brits, french, dutch... will be to cause of the timers. We are having fun against Dutch because they can take our ports and we can take theirs.


My last idea is a Ship-per nation. Each nation have his own ships and if a spanish player wants a victory he will need to capture a british one.


PD: Pirates are NOT a nation, its ridiculous that they can take ports, maybe will be fun that they have 8 fixed points with only 30min teleport and they only can plunder ports. (nations Can´t take this 8 fixed points)


* Sorry for my english.




* Alliances/Diplomacy ********

* Siege Ports. 12/24h to take a big port. (Is not historical take a big port by assault)

* Capital influence area: No PVP area or defended by big convoys.

* Translate the game to spanish. ***

* Improve port defense by money. (Upgrade castle, walls, troops, etc...)

* If spain has few players, they can insert spanish convoys to patrol important areas.



My suggestions:


-Make port timers dual, 6 or 12 hours apart (For instance 5pm - 11pm or 5pm - 5am)

-Give extra XP to underpopulated nations son more people is willing to join them

-Diplomacy and alliances system, faction and clan based. Make it so a clan can ally with a nation, a nation with another one, and so on.

-Voting system for faction decision making, even the selection of a high admiral or something like that would be great.


The points exposed by the OP are quite good, but i'd leave out anything that limits player freedom.


Its a great idea.


In regards to the improved fortifications:


How about having historical strongholds? We all know that the Spanish had some of the most formidable fortifications of any nation in that area.

Havana, San Juan, Cartagena de indias for example.


This will naturally allow them to maintain presence in areas for a longer period, allowing them to get well established.


+1, its very important !!

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
The startup makes a map with the most part dominated by spain........ where the fast dispersion of spanish players is inmediate......


Add to this, the programmers have linked the amount of IA 3rd rate fleets, and trade IA flotes with the quantity of places each faction has...... So, all the factions have increased xp easy and fast with these spanish IA fleets...... instead the spanish must have loose a lot of time doing missions........ battles with IA fleets  is the fast way to increase xp points.....


Also, all nations if they want conquer new citys, the spanish are close to all............. So spain is on war with all other factions..........


All of these factors and more.......... (The most part of the IA fleets are Spanish, so is normal that the most part of the mistakes/problems with ia fleets increase the pirates with spaniards more than with any other faction)..


All of these factors and more have create a faction in regresion, with less xp points by player than the rest of the factions....


You can avoid this problem for new servers with the same quantity of cities for all factions and same quantity of IA fleets for all factions..., but in this server, without a reset of xp points for all, or an increase of xp, spanish faction will be the truly pirates......... :)

Edited by Mirthandir
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Connect faction conquering abilities with soldiers arriving from Europe. Only such soldiers can fight for ports. Naval forces can open possibility of land attack.

Number of soldiers can be controlled by admins.


That way ... war and terrain can be "controlled" much easier.


I agree.That´s a great idea !!... Devs can do the game more logical and historical if they control Europe resources.  Europe is the key for the improvement of the game. Armies come from Europe, money come from Europe. Some fleets come from Europe. You can as well introduce some ships from Portugal, Russia, Austria or others nations as a visitors...Usa and pirates had not many resources in those times, so in this way Europeans nations would be a new chance. France and Spain help USA with resources for the American revolution because they are poors. (resources coming from Europe)

This is a very good way to do a best game. 

Reduce USA and Pirates faction to give more trade in the game, and historical sense to the others. Dev create and control the reinforcements that arrives from Europe.

Edited by Marques

I believe this game is intended to be driven by players. The thing is players can decide to not cooperate with your ideas as pointed out by the fact that it was expected that a proportional number of players would join each faction based on their initial conditions. The game needs to be able to protect itself from player choices that can, potentially, ruin it.


I think the devs had mentioned putting hard caps in the number of players per faction but I think it should be avoided if possible (¿as a contingency measure? maybe); instead it should be enforced via a more elaborated (and less volatile) economy.

You can set modifiers per faction so that even if a faction manages to expand fast their economy doesn't instantly jumps up on pair but instead it's shared among a larger area so the production on all your ports suffers a little as some of your manpower moves to the new city.


Also port conquest mechanic is way too fast as it is limitted only by gold. I am sure something can be implemented in the lines of a blockade/supply mechanic to make a port conquerable in the first place. That could also scale with extension/economy so that overextension makes a faction more vulnerable. And the ports near your capital can be too well supported to be conquerable.

  • Like 1

I agree.That´s a great idea !!... Devs can do the game more logical and historical if they control Europe resources.  Europe is the key for the improvement of the game. Armies come from Europe, money come from Europe. Some fleets come from Europe. You can as well introduce some ships from Portugal, Russia, Austria or others nations as a visitors...Usa and pirates had not many resources in those times, so in this way Europeans nations would be a new chance. France and Spain help USA with resources for the American revolution because they are poors. (resources coming from Europe)

This is a very good way to do a best game. 

Reduce USA and Pirates faction to give more trade in the game, and historical sense to the others. Dev create and control the reinforcements that arrives from Europe.

Imagine that, RAE proposing limiting 2 of the 3 biggest factions in the game.

Why not ask the developers to make your ships invulnerable and give your clan some courage while your at it.

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I post it also here


So, to make short a long story: until port timers stay as they are, US (ingame) has an objective advantage - being impossible to take back ports they conquer - if another faction does not hire enough US (in real life) players. US were good in using this mechanics and we Spainiards were dumb. Ok. I accept everithing.


But the problem of the poor balancing stands still.


So let's try some proposals.


In example: if changing the timers is a "taboo" for US (as it seems), why do not modulate the XP and gold gain rate of players with an algorithm that gives increasingly more XP and gold to the factions that have less ports? This way the games provides a sort of built in automatic "self balancing" feature that should induce players to choose both large or small factions and that should create conditions for a more shifting situation of the wars, without the need of a reset of the map as in POTBS and then keeping the sandbox strure of the game (of course, such feature implies that, in the final game, it will not possible to change faction without loosing the rank).


With the actual possibility of change nations, evry nation with less ports will be overpopulated for all players in the server farming poins. When all players get ADmiral rank, he will go to their natural faction.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

With the actual possibility of change nations, evry nation with less ports will be overpopulated for all players in the server farming poins. When all players get ADmiral rank, he will go to their natural faction.


ehm ... cough ... if you read it until the end, you'lI note that I wrote at the end of my post that my proposal requires also the removal of the possibility of the change of faction without loosing XP. And I still think that it would be a good solution for balancing the game without using the POTBS model of recurring resets.


After all, alpha is for trying solutions and see how it goes not to say NO to everything (as it seems the attitude of some part of the player community). While the sailing and combat models are already very good, in my opinion the RvR mechanics (which are the other core of the game) are very far from being well balanced as they are now and then need some work.

Edited by victor
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