kumisz Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 It is not about the "crybabies", I can imagine a whole clan moving to another part of the map to get out of the danger zone, but as long as the swedes keep Willemstad (the capital) surrounded and hunting the players just outside the port, the dutch nation will have no chance of recovering, because they won't have a single new player. Moaning about it on the forums is not doing anyone any good. I'm sure there are ports in Brittish territory they could use. The Dutch should of done a deal with French If they were both facing Sweedish aggression rather than both getting stomped separately.It's a huge world and one Sweedish clan cannot be everywhere at the same time.Let all the softies who can't handle a struggle quit. They are no good for a team anyway.It's when the chips are down you find a hard core. It's this hardcore that can drive a nation on to great things, not all the cry babies. 2
Jehuty Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 Moaning about it on the forums is not doing anyone any good. I'm sure there are ports in Brittish territory they could use. The Dutch should of done a deal with French If they were both facing Sweedish aggression rather than both getting stomped separately. It's a huge world and one Sweedish clan cannot be everywhere at the same time. Let all the softies who can't handle a struggle quit. They are no good for a team anyway. It's when the chips are down you find a hard core. It's this hardcore that can drive a nation on to great things, not all the cry babies. You don't get it do you ? If a starters area gets run over you won't have any new players joining that faction or even players quitting the game. You can't do shit against a clan with 100+ active hardcore members who are actively raiding your ports and blocking Capitals. Why are some people so stubborn to understand this ? 1
Fletch Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 You don't get it do you ? If a starters area gets run over you won't have any new players joining that faction or even players quitting the game. You can't do shit against a clan with 100+ active hardcore members who are actively raiding your ports and blocking Capitals. Why are some people so stubborn to understand this ? I think it's you that doesn't get it. Starter towns cannot be flipped and are backed up by huge NPC reinforcements. Newbies sail cutters that are really not worth the big guys attacking anyway. I rolled a toon on PVP 1 joined the Spanish faction because they are crying even louder than the Dutch. When I logged in all I saw was Spanish mission runners getting on with life no sign of the enemy even though nearby towns are owned by hostiles. People need to up their game get more organised and help themselves rather than expecting divine intervention from the Devs.
Chlodovech Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 The Dutch situation is far from hopeless. Coming back from a bad situation is the most fun you can have in a game, when many start crying and think you are lost. People seem to forget diplomacy and politics here. If the Swedish steamrolling is such a danger, then they are a threat to any nation and you know what? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If everyone just keeps playing the game without whining this Swedish gains will ultimatly get reverted. Great empires fall and humble nations rise all the time. Just look at real life wars, how nations joint forces and used diplomacy in the 1940s and in the 1810s against common threats. Calling for dev or admin intervention now is denying the game and fun for people who can take a loss. You cannot punish a group because of playing fair game. Admin intervention is never good, never have seen such thing ending well in any game.
kumisz Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 People need to up their game get more organised and help themselves rather than expecting divine intervention from the Devs. Nations need to be able to make peace with each other. While that is not an option, there is nothing but divine intervention.
Svartschegg Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 The dutch in this thread seem to think we'll stick around and just gank cutters for fun, rather than continue the conquest into new areas. Taking your ports is/was not a personal vendetta. 1
karotte Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 The problem of this list is, that, so called major clans, claims the right to speak for their whole country and community, and try to play the policemen against all other affords.I have no roblem with the point that they are making nap, declair war or make peace with each other.But this list and some clans claims, there has been something like a democratic dicision, witch has not happend. It is not magisterial for all players and all clans within this nation.Till that point were there will be an implemented diplomacy system, this list shows only the relation between some clans and not for the majorety of players. It is verry lovley how deep some people going into this game, but stop forcing players in your way of making alliances. (also dont be that harsh on the chat, if someone is not your oppinion)Your clan dicisions are not obligatory to all other players.Keep sailing „Ho! the house a hoy!“
brezals Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 The problem of this list is, that, so called major clans, claims the right to speak for their whole country and community, and try to play the policemen against all other affords. I have no roblem with the point that they are making nap, declair war or make peace with each other. But this list and some clans claims, there has been something like a democratic dicision, witch has not happend. It is not magisterial for all players and all clans within this nation. Till that point were there will be an implemented diplomacy system, this list shows only the relation between some clans and not for the majorety of players. It is verry lovley how deep some people going into this game, but stop forcing players in your way of making alliances. (also dont be that harsh on the chat, if someone is not your oppinion) Your clan dicisions are not obligatory to all other players. Keep sailing „Ho! the house a hoy!“ meh, lone players who won't follow the other clans instruction will exist, and is expected to exist, I was attacked by 2 french players yesterday on my trader snow even if sweden and france is in NAP, they didn't catch me, but even if they did I wouldn't throw a tantrum about it, I'd tell the clan of french who did it, but then it is up the the french clan to decide what to do with him, with the things they can do with it, the only thing comes to mind is not being allowed to participate in those events, if they so choose to do so. And that is not bad thing to impose on someone, specially if they knew they were breaking some treaty, just like in the real world, if you claim ignorance to the law, you don't really get away with it, or turn pirate, in case of this era.
karotte Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 (edited) And that is not bad thing to impose on someone, specially if they knew they were breaking some treaty, just like in the real world, if you claim ignorance to the law, you don't really get away with it, or turn pirate, in case of this era. Here we have the problem, there is no law (beside "do not attack green"), only clans making own disissions.. Also "No Law" is the basic prinziple of a sandbox game... Edited February 18, 2016 by karotte
edgey the edge Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 The problem of this list is, that, so called major clans, claims the right to speak for their whole country and community, and try to play the policemen against all other affords. I have no roblem with the point that they are making nap, declair war or make peace with each other. But this list and some clans claims, there has been something like a democratic dicision, witch has not happend. It is not magisterial for all players and all clans within this nation. Till that point were there will be an implemented diplomacy system, this list shows only the relation between some clans and not for the majorety of players. It is verry lovley how deep some people going into this game, but stop forcing players in your way of making alliances. (also dont be that harsh on the chat, if someone is not your oppinion) Your clan dicisions are not obligatory to all other players. Keep sailing „Ho! the house a hoy!“ ph here we go again .... funny how the same guy who was bitching about this yesterday in british chat is also the newest member on your forums. the agrement between the british nation and dutch nation was agreed with all major british fleets and also many minor ones, as the people who have been making the most noise about this agrement are low ranks, they either are very new or are alt accounts trolling. if you were not around for the deal which was decided by all the fleets in the british nation at the time, then its not our fault. claiming it is one clans interest as they are supposedly based out of that area was one of the best laughs ever, none of the larger fleets are based in this area and certainly none of Antilles Rapid Shipping Ent. are, some smaller fleets are based within these areas though. Saying a clan leadership is a bunch of dictators and is some fascist controlling faction imposing their rule is rude wrong and trolling and personally insulting. infact the majority of people when your member was spouting off his tirade of abuse told him to shut up and that the agrement was to the benifit of both nations. traders no longer get attacked from either nation while sailing in their waters. the land owned by british nation brings in many goods and resources to our capital, without such the prices in pr would be even higher than now. your member failed to understand this and to get personall about this was a big mistake on his part, calling all members of the current biggest fleets rip off merchants and robbing and ripping off the british nation players was excedingly rude. the biggest fleets and many individuals in the nation have banded together to pay for flag costs... these captured ports have been all around our capital and not just in the south... what have your clan done other than bitching and leeching off port raids and not donate any funds for doing them?. all funds donated for buying the flags has been documented and recorded, last nights port raids. Mcleod 30k sir fluffy 20k razorblades 50k mithrades 29,881 bammond 50k wolf 20k penguin 40k hms grippen 26k eye of the storm 30k felucitor 20k sir fluffy 500k soople 100k gizbo 30,090 evernigh 20k myself 150k see we even keep records and tallys of the funds donated incase anyone accuses us of profiteering from players and these records can be shown at request and posted to our board. yes the mechanics are not in the game as yet for these types of agrements, but a gentlemans agrement between both partys has led to no incidents happening and other than the one which happened yesterday right after your man was spouting off his abuse about it no others have happenend. funny that hey. if you do not wish to abide by the majority democracy well fine, if you do not see the benefits in said agrements fine, if you wish to be involved in any future negotiations concearning our nation.... stop being such a scabberous bilge rat about it and get involved with your nation, if the bigger and smaller clans can work together for the greater good of our nation which they have so far, maybe your crux lot can also try to join in, if you dont agree to any deals made but the majority of fleets do then suck it up and abide by the decisions made, this would also work the other way around. you and your vocal clan friend who shouts off in chat seem like you want the world to burn, yet fail to see that other nations have these agreements ie. sweden, danes, french, a pirate clan are allied and working together, and the usa and spain also have the same. so while this game is a sandbox game and has no ability for ingame diplomacy yet, it already exsists on every nation involved.
Ihealbro Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 (edited) I want to point out that your very long post is very inaccurate in many ways. You are distorting facts to try and make yourself out as being abused or trolled, none of which happened yesterday in the chat. If I knew that you would go and lie so blatantly on the forums I would have made screenshots of everything that was written. The way this whole discussion started was when a Dutch captain complained that he was being attacked by a British one. At which certain captains started writing in the British chat that he should know that we are "allied" with the dutch and that he is to leave the other captain alone. At that moment I pointed out that they cannot expect every British captain to follow this agreement, which is nothing more then a deal between a coalition of clans on both sides. The agreement has no legitimacy as clan politics cannot bind the will of other captains inside either Nations. They are free to do as they please. It is a suggestion at best. The Second part was that Edge claimed that a war against the Swedes and along side the Dutch was the only logical step for the Brits. To this I wrote that I was more worried about the Pirates that have been harassing the Brits lately. In addition to that that there were a lot of closer Ports that we could take closer to the Jamaican Island (where our capital is). After this he continued to point out that we also had ports in the south, which could be taken by the swedes shortly. Then I pointed out that the most important area was that around Jamaica. He continued to call me a retarded lowy that needs to look beyond port morant and that I have no clue and etc. The southern ports are crucial for getting the resources that we need to build ships, at which I responded that the only people that profit from the southern port are the clans that have outpost there are have the abusive buy contracts. I ended with a hypothesis that the only reason they were so keen on helping the Dutch were to protect their personal interests and contracts, where they get cheap materials that they sell at 2x or 3x the price in Kingston. That was the only time I claimed that they were exploiting newer players and smaller clans. I continued saying that the democratic process was some backroom deal that Edge could make with his clan buddies. (When a few elite ruled the government by making decisions in the best interests of all citizens, Aristotle considered that an aristocracy. However, when that group of people ruled for personal gain, it was considered a despotic oligarchy. From Aristotle's "Politics") I also never called anybody a Dictator. To sum things up everything that I wrote in chat and I do here is mainly for information purpose. I do not want to tell Edge what to do in regards to his internal clan politics of <ARSE>, but he should not spam the national chat dictating to all what we can and should do, when it is obvious that his main goal is the advancement of ARSE and to maximize their gain. Edited February 19, 2016 by Ihealbro 1
edgey the edge Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 i called you a scabberous bilge rat with no grasp of the bigger picture. funny how you say that ARSE hasnt captured anything within the local region of port royal, little cayman, puerto escondido, tiburon, les cayes, saint louis. jacmel, sale trou. a little further afeild we have capped utila, chinchoro, ascuncion, tantun cazamil, mugeres (since lost) this is without saying which ports we have taken in the south. its a shame i didnt screen cap any of your convo and ranting but its funny how you say "I also never called anybody a Dictator." but then go on to say "but he should not spam the national chat dictating to all what we can and should do" so you say im not a dictator but then go on to say im dictating....... i didnt claim war with the swedes was our logical step, this had already been threatened by them long before we were allied with the dutch, they took 6 ports off us before we even had contact with the dutch. you claimed multiple times that i had a vested interest in trade, funny that as if i did have then i wouldnt be struggling to get goods currently to build ships, i also do not have enough time to trade as i have been very busy organising port raids and defence bollstering, we even took a fleet of players not just ARSE members up to defend against pirates taking our ports, of which i do have a screen shot of. i also like how you say i rip people off yet you were trying to sell a snow for a extortionate price in english chat of 400k you are sorely mistaken with your views, my ports are based strategically as everything north of pr can be reached with a short sail. every other port is a tacticle port and only 1 of them at great corn has any good in the rest are empty other than ships anyways we will see how you like it with the swedes now in range of striking distance of our home port PR.. prehaps then you will see what i said was right, but i fear you wont admit that, even when we are blockaded idk what your problem is though are you envious of me, do you secretly harbour feeling towards me? idk but i really cant be bothered to talk to you as you have your head buried in the sand and have a foul attitude and your mind is already made up and you are sure your right.
Chiffre Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 I want to point out that your very long post is very inaccurate in many ways. You are distorting facts to try and make yourself out as being abused or trolled, none of which happened yesterday in the chat. If I knew that you would go and lie so blatantly on the forums I would have made screenshots of everything that was written. The way this whole discussion started was when a Dutch captain complained that he was being attacked by a British one. At which certain captains started writing in the British chat that he should know that we are "allied" with the dutch and that he is to leave the other captain alone. At that moment I pointed out that they cannot expect every British captain to follow this agreement, which is nothing more then a deal between a coalition of clans on both sides. The agreement has no legitimacy as clan politics cannot bind the will of other captains inside either Nations. They are free to do as they please. It is a suggestion at best. The Second part was that Edge claimed that a war against the Swedes and along side the Dutch was the only logical step for the Brits. To this I wrote that I was more worried about the Pirates that have been harassing the Brits lately. In addition to that that there were a lot of closer Ports that we could take closer to the Jamaican Island (where our capital is). After this he continued to point out that we also had ports in the south, which could be taken by the swedes shortly. Then I pointed out that the most important area was that around Jamaica. He continued to call me a retarded lowy that needs to look beyond port morant and that I have no clue and etc. The southern ports are crucial for getting the resources that we need to build ships, at which I responded that the only people that profit from the southern port are the clans that have outpost there are have the abusive buy contracts. I ended with a hypothesis that the only reason they were so keen on helping the Dutch were to protect their personal interests and contracts, where they get cheap materials that they sell at 2x or 3x the price in Kingston. That was the only time I claimed that they were exploiting newer players and smaller clans. I continued saying that the democratic process was some backroom deal that Edge could make with his clan buddies. (When a few elite ruled the government by making decisions in the best interests of all citizens, Aristotle considered that an aristocracy. However, when that group of people ruled for personal gain, it was considered a despotic oligarchy. From Aristotle's "Politics") I also never called anybody a Dictator. To sum things up everything that I wrote in chat and I do here is mainly for information purpose. I do not want to tell Edge what to do in regards to his internal clan politics of <ARSE>, but he should not spam the national chat dictating to all what we can and should do, when it is obvious that his main goal is the advancement of ARSE and to maximize their gain. Dangerous word choice... http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/hypocrisy 2
Ihealbro Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 I never claimed that you don’t take ports closer to Jamaica. I was questioning our “war” with the swedes. I would also like to add that most of the ports you mentioned in southern Haiti were taken after we had our “conversation”. The most recent Swedish expansion to the west came only after your intervention in the war between the Dutch and the Swedes. (The taking of Port Zoutman). I never called you a dictator, nor did I imply you were one. Dictating does not make you a dictator. I understand this can cause confusion for non-native speakers. If you were paying close attention I wrote that what you were doing was closer to an Oligarchy than to a Democracy. A dictator is a ruler with total power over a country, which you obviously do not have. It is a good thing that you are organising and defending against the Pirate threat that is so close to the British Jamaica and now Haiti. That was the exact thing that I was suggesting and it is great that you have realised the threat potential here. This of course ties in with the most recent conquests in Haiti, which again falls in line with my suggestions. The screen shot that you posted shows very clearly where your main focus is on the map, with all the positioning of your outposts (marked with a pink circle.) http://imgur.com/gallery/PodcXWx/new I want to end with something that I have not figured out yet. Are you misrepresenting the facts on purpose just to manipulate? Or is your lying habitual or do you simply have a bad memory? You claim in your posts that I insult and abuse you in chat, which is obviously not true. Then in your most recent post you claim I was trying to sell a “Snow” for 400k and by so trying to rip other british captains off. It was a live Oak Exceptional Surprise. It was the 3rd one I was selling after selling one for 380k and another one for 350k before that. The surprise and the renomme are ships where the BPs have to be discovered, making them therefore rarer than the Cerberus or the Frigate. At this moment there are a few captains that are reaching the Master and Commander rank, without the ability to craft such ships. So I offer my limited crafting hours and blueprint in addition the materials needed (resources and crafting time for the materials) and the crafting notes all together. In return I ask for a price that I consider fair. Selling a snow for 400k would indeed be a rip off, which I did not do. 1
Svartschegg Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 Hey guys, if you could just get it over with and get this British civil war started that'd be great.
FinderSeefahrer Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 ph here we go again .... funny how the same guy who was bitching about this yesterday in british chat is also the newest member on your forums. the agrement between the british nation and dutch nation was agreed with all major british fleets and also many minor ones, as the people who have been making the most noise about this agrement are low ranks, they either are very new or are alt accounts trolling. if you were not around for the deal which was decided by all the fleets in the british nation at the time, then its not our fault. claiming it is one clans interest as they are supposedly based out of that area was one of the best laughs ever, none of the larger fleets are based in this area and certainly none of Antilles Rapid Shipping Ent. are, some smaller fleets are based within these areas though. Saying a clan leadership is a bunch of dictators and is some fascist controlling faction imposing their rule is rude wrong and trolling and personally insulting. infact the majority of people when your member was spouting off his tirade of abuse told him to shut up and that the agrement was to the benifit of both nations. traders no longer get attacked from either nation while sailing in their waters. the land owned by british nation brings in many goods and resources to our capital, without such the prices in pr would be even higher than now. your member failed to understand this and to get personall about this was a big mistake on his part, calling all members of the current biggest fleets rip off merchants and robbing and ripping off the british nation players was excedingly rude. the biggest fleets and many individuals in the nation have banded together to pay for flag costs... these captured ports have been all around our capital and not just in the south... what have your clan done other than bitching and leeching off port raids and not donate any funds for doing them?. all funds donated for buying the flags has been documented and recorded, last nights port raids. Mcleod 30k sir fluffy 20k razorblades 50k mithrades 29,881 bammond 50k wolf 20k penguin 40k hms grippen 26k eye of the storm 30k felucitor 20k sir fluffy 500k soople 100k gizbo 30,090 evernigh 20k myself 150k see we even keep records and tallys of the funds donated incase anyone accuses us of profiteering from players and these records can be shown at request and posted to our board. yes the mechanics are not in the game as yet for these types of agrements, but a gentlemans agrement between both partys has led to no incidents happening and other than the one which happened yesterday right after your man was spouting off his abuse about it no others have happenend. funny that hey. if you do not wish to abide by the majority democracy well fine, if you do not see the benefits in said agrements fine, if you wish to be involved in any future negotiations concearning our nation.... stop being such a scabberous bilge rat about it and get involved with your nation, if the bigger and smaller clans can work together for the greater good of our nation which they have so far, maybe your crux lot can also try to join in, if you dont agree to any deals made but the majority of fleets do then suck it up and abide by the decisions made, this would also work the other way around. you and your vocal clan friend who shouts off in chat seem like you want the world to burn, yet fail to see that other nations have these agreements ie. sweden, danes, french, a pirate clan are allied and working together, and the usa and spain also have the same. so while this game is a sandbox game and has no ability for ingame diplomacy yet, it already exsists on every nation involved. Edgey no is not a Nation Alliance, is ja Clan Allianiance. We can don´t Speak for a Nation.
Ihealbro Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 (edited) Is it true that you the Swedes were interested in sailing across half the map just to fuck with us from the start like Edge claims? Or was it after our intervention and "alliance" with the Dutch? Edited February 19, 2016 by Ihealbro 1
edgey the edge Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 I never claimed that you don’t take ports closer to Jamaica. I was questioning our “war” with the swedes. I would also like to add that most of the ports you mentioned in southern Haiti were taken after we had our “conversation”. The most recent Swedish expansion to the west came only after your intervention in the war between the Dutch and the Swedes. (The taking of Port Zoutman). I never called you a dictator, nor did I imply you were one. Dictating does not make you a dictator. I understand this can cause confusion for non-native speakers. If you were paying close attention I wrote that what you were doing was closer to an Oligarchy than to a Democracy. A dictator is a ruler with total power over a country, which you obviously do not have. It is a good thing that you are organising and defending against the Pirate threat that is so close to the British Jamaica and now Haiti. That was the exact thing that I was suggesting and it is great that you have realised the threat potential here. This of course ties in with the most recent conquests in Haiti, which again falls in line with my suggestions. The screen shot that you posted shows very clearly where your main focus is on the map, with all the positioning of your outposts (marked with a pink circle.) http://imgur.com/gallery/PodcXWx/new I want to end with something that I have not figured out yet. Are you misrepresenting the facts on purpose just to manipulate? Or is your lying habitual or do you simply have a bad memory? You claim in your posts that I insult and abuse you in chat, which is obviously not true. Then in your most recent post you claim I was trying to sell a “Snow” for 400k and by so trying to rip other british captains off. It was a live Oak Exceptional Surprise. It was the 3rd one I was selling after selling one for 380k and another one for 350k before that. The surprise and the renomme are ships where the BPs have to be discovered, making them therefore rarer than the Cerberus or the Frigate. At this moment there are a few captains that are reaching the Master and Commander rank, without the ability to craft such ships. So I offer my limited crafting hours and blueprint in addition the materials needed (resources and crafting time for the materials) and the crafting notes all together. In return I ask for a price that I consider fair. Selling a snow for 400k would indeed be a rip off, which I did not do. funny that what ever i say you argue the toss with it, if i had a blue box you would argue it is a red ball you really have no clue about so much stuff, i show the facts, you twist them and misinterpret them. you are still a rip off merhant the cost of a exceptional live oak surprise and renom is around 100k. even counting man hours into it your still over charging. bet you wouldnt even do the builds for free if they give you the mats.... quite a few i have done that for, inside and outside of our clan. for the betterment of our nation. half of those ports listed were taken before you even verbally attacked me and my intentions. we had already been doing things against pirates before you said crap. ive organised raids against pirates long before i even had the displeasure of seeing you spout drivel in chat. you clearly have no idea of how outposts work if you think i am based out of all of them, im based out of the capital, those outposts allow me and others to quickly move to places within our lands and outside when needed. as i am based out of pr everything in a north direction is a relativly short sail i really cannot be bothered replying to you anymore, im talking to a brick wall with you, you have offended me, you have tried to drag my name through the dirt. you fail to see any strategy in anything and seem solely fixated with attacking pirates, you fail to see the pirates are not the threat you think they are, yes their near us but they are currently activly trying to take ports from us, other than those 3 which were right outside their capital(which i organised a fleet to defend, and the last only fell the next day). They are not the current threat.
Ihealbro Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 (edited) This is not the forum for me to explain to you how evaluate a ships value and by extension the allocation of scarce resources. The main point I was making was that you do not speak for an entire nation, but simply for the coalition of clans. Your decisions do not bind anybody outside of your clans and if somebody decides to loot in the waters of an "ally" it is their right to do so. At the same time its also your right to suggest that they should not, because of certain agreements you have with other clans from that specific nation. Until there are mechanics introduced into the game, where such deals can be officially legitimized that is all that this so called alliance is. This is the thing that you do not seem to understand. It does not matter what the right strategy is for Britain or if it makes sense to attack the Pirates or the Swedes or the Spanish or the French, but that you cannot "decide" what others should and should not do. Posting messages like : "We are at war with so and so and allied with so and so" every 15 minutes in the National chat is very deceptive. You do not have the authority to speak on the behalf of a whole nation and yet you pretend you do. In addition to that here is no transparency in the way you conduct your diplomacy and given your tendency to lie and distort facts I have my doubts about how this "agreement" came into existence and how the conflict with the Swedes started. The questions that I ask are legitimate and you should not feel offended or assaulted by them. You defensive stance indicates to me that you have something to hide or you do not really understand what I am writing about. Edited February 19, 2016 by Ihealbro 1
Fletch Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 I play for Brittain PVP 3. I think you both have points. Your right no one can speak for the entirety of a faction. You can speak for a majority though. If a majority of active pvp players would like a truce although your perfectly in your right not to adhere to it, why would you not want to go along with it? To prove a point? To be awkward ? Anyway why not discuss it in private chat, does all this dirty laundry need to be hung out in public? The big clans provide the firepower on the world stage and thus more likely to drive the diplomacy. If an individual does not wish to follow a truce or a strategic strategy there is little that can be done. The sheer size of the game and the geographical positions of the teams should not really make this much of s problem though. My opinion. 2
Admiraal Mitholyn Posted February 19, 2016 Author Posted February 19, 2016 This is not the forum for me to explain to you how evaluate a ships value and by extension the allocation of scarce resources. The main point I was making was that you do not speak for an entire nation, but simply for the coalition of clans. Your decisions do not bind anybody outside of your clans and if somebody decides to loot in the waters of an "ally" it is their right to do so. At the same time its also your right to suggest that they should not, because of certain agreements you have with other clans from that specific nation. Until there are mechanics introduced into the game, where such deals can be officially legitimized that is all that this so called alliance is. This is the thing that you do not seem to understand. It does not matter what the right strategy is for Britain or if it makes sense to attack the Pirates or the Swedes or the Spanish or the French, but that you cannot "decide" what others should and should not do. Posting messages like : "We are at war with so and so and allied with so and so" every 15 minutes in the National chat is very deceptive. You do not have the authority to speak on the behalf of a whole nation and yet you pretend you do. In addition to that here is no transparency in the way you conduct your diplomacy and given your tendency to lie and distort facts I have my doubts about how this "agreement" came into existence and how the conflict with the Swedes started. The questions that I ask are legitimate and you should not feel offended or assaulted by them. You defensive stance indicates to me that you have something to hide or you do not really understand what I am writing about. Dear Sir, If you doubt his words then i hope you trust mine that when i tell you this Alliance of us (Dutch and Britain) has been made without overrulling nor ordering individual players of both nations. And indeed we both do not have any authority to speak for our whole nations but neither do you good sir! And the players are still Free to do as they see fit and please, but may i remind you and also all the other players that there is proof and good intention into a British-Dutch Alliance. Before the Swedish nation came to the Dutch borders they were destroying France in matter of days, without any sort of logical idea they stopped their conquest and turned to our nation. They even skipped alot of french ports / spanish ports which were undefended and went straight for Maricaibo with the intent of ignoring the Dutch and to attack the British nation. It was because they were stopped by us and some IDIOT calling them certain words they focussed fully on the Dutch nation. In agreement with the main British clans at that time (Royal, Ahoy, Arse) and the main Dutch clan (UPRN, EX3, NC) an alliance was made so that we may hold them at bay. Alas we couldn't muster enough players at certain times of the day/night to mount a good defense and we were still overrun but atleast we are still trying. During the weeks of conflict i haven't heard any British nor Dutch player complaining about the Aliiance and alot of players even helped us by their own accord. And now after the Swedish declared a temporary cease fire alot of British and Dutch players are complaining about the Alliance. I will not interfere with the British nation on how they should play that is their own choice by right, but i would like to state that if the British/Dutch Alliance wasn't formed at that time the British would have been attacked by: Pirates and Sweden. And to put an end to this pointless discussion of both gentlemen i would rather ask them to discuss this in private this Thread was meant to keep track of DIPLOMACY and not internal arguments. Thank you and to both a good day Sir! PS. if any players disagrees with my opinion it's in their good right and i respect that, but i do not wish to prolonge senseless discussion! 1
Ihealbro Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 Dear Sir, If you doubt his words then i hope you trust mine that when i tell you this Alliance of us (Dutch and Britain) has been made without overrulling nor ordering individual players of both nations. And indeed we both do not have any authority to speak for our whole nations but neither do you good sir! And the players are still Free to do as they see fit and please, but may i remind you and also all the other players that there is proof and good intention into a British-Dutch Alliance. Before the Swedish nation came to the Dutch borders they were destroying France in matter of days, without any sort of logical idea they stopped their conquest and turned to our nation. They even skipped alot of french ports / spanish ports which were undefended and went straight for Maricaibo with the intent of ignoring the Dutch and to attack the British nation. It was because they were stopped by us and some IDIOT calling them certain words they focussed fully on the Dutch nation. In agreement with the main British clans at that time (Royal, Ahoy, Arse) and the main Dutch clan (UPRN, EX3, NC) an alliance was made so that we may hold them at bay. Alas we couldn't muster enough players at certain times of the day/night to mount a good defense and we were still overrun but atleast we are still trying. During the weeks of conflict i haven't heard any British nor Dutch player complaining about the Aliiance and alot of players even helped us by their own accord. And now after the Swedish declared a temporary cease fire alot of British and Dutch players are complaining about the Alliance. I will not interfere with the British nation on how they should play that is their own choice by right, but i would like to state that if the British/Dutch Alliance wasn't formed at that time the British would have been attacked by: Pirates and Sweden. And to put an end to this pointless discussion of both gentlemen i would rather ask them to discuss this in private this Thread was meant to keep track of DIPLOMACY and not internal arguments. Thank you and to both a good day Sir! PS. if any players disagrees with my opinion it's in their good right and i respect that, but i do not wish to prolonge senseless discussion! When exactly did the Swedes decide that they wanted to attack the British? It would be nice if somebody from the Swedish faction could comment on this. It had become obvious what their intention is for this weekend, but like you mentioned it seems that their first intention was to target the French, who are now getting ports gifted by the swedes. How did this shift in policy happen on their side?
Butterballs Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 I don't understand the minority of people don't get these are guidelines not rules and people are trying their best to make alliances/enemies with what they have currently. We can go round in circles until the manatees come home on how it is decided until such mechanics are implemented. Large groups are bound to come together on all nations (In other words people that actually partake in PvP port battles). To either expand or defend so the armchair admirals can sit around their capitals. So if people want to attack other nations whether it is a ship or port. Play your own game how you want too. Just don't expect everyone to agree and complain. So people who play lone wolf I guess this thread isn'f for that type of player. Leave it to the people who want to play this way because it is easier than trying to find a common ground until Diplomacy mechanics are in place.
Admiraal Mitholyn Posted February 19, 2016 Author Posted February 19, 2016 When exactly did the Swedes decide that they wanted to attack the British? It would be nice if somebody from the Swedish faction could comment on this. It had become obvious what their intention is for this weekend, but like you mentioned it seems that their first intention was to target the French, who are now getting ports gifted by the swedes. How did this shift in policy happen on their side? The problem we have with this is that we have no idea why they shifted so sudden, on the one hand we have rumours that the devs/admins asked them to (Devs nor admins deny or respond to this). And that the swedish claim to be threatend by people and when we ask them they deny it and we get a different story. And to answer your question my assumption is that the Swedish didn't expect the dutch to put up any restistance and we did! so that's why they stopped their plans for the Brits so far.
FinderSeefahrer Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 (edited) Is it true that you the Swedes were interested in sailing across half the map just to fuck with us from the start like Edge claims? Or was it after our intervention and "alliance" with the Dutch? We wanted from the beginning to fight against an equal enemy. Only the Dutch would not let us pass. So we defended ourselves. Edgey and other measures for the Global Write do not care. In addition, the British have left Holland as Alliance partners alone. As you noted in the Danish or French, dont we let them alone. As I said we wanted from the beginning to the British to fight this! Because one of the 2 fractions that could be dangerous to us The rumor is true in part for. Yes someone wrote to us. But it was not an admin because it was not in terms of color. but pretended to be this. Edited February 19, 2016 by FinderSeefahrer
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