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>>>Ultimate General: Gettysburg Feedback <<< [UPDATE] Patch 0.81 27/6/2014

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Many things you have asked to improve or fix are now available in our newest patch. Important new features are the elevation map layer and the revamped, more realistic combat pace accompanied by an enhanced AI. Have a look at the patch notes: http://www.ultimategeneral.com/blog/ultimate-general-released-2ndpatch



First patch is live now. It offers Group formations, AI & Gameplay improvements and many important bug fixes. You can read the full list of changes at this link: http://www.ultimategeneral.com/blog/ultimate-general-released-1stpatch




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It is definitely easier to see unit line of sight when selected. The group functionality seems to work well for making generals easier to find. Successfully charging artillery now more or less guarantees that the battery will be wiped out.


I have noticed that since the patch brigades seem less likely to automatically turn and face the enemy when re positioned, and somewhat less responsive to move commands in general.

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Since the update my mouse curser is offset to where i pull and drag my brigades. So if I say pull it to the right, it will be a good inch away from where my actual curser is bringing my men.


Artillery is now much better. Targeting and AI search and destroy is not great but is head and shoulders above what it was.


Brigades are taking much more damage when routing which is nice.


Love how my brigades are positioned at start of battles reflecting the previous battle.


My hardest problem is not the difficulty but managing the large army for the last battle. I can beat the AI on hardest difficulty on all the battles except the last one, i have trouble managing all the different Corps at the same time. Turns into a click fest.


I would like to see more Commanders Divisional and Corps and even General Lee...


For the battles with only one General present. Does that General give bonus to other Corps Brigades if they are not in Generals Corps?


Also the map is tricky since you cannot rotate the map makes it hard to see the terrain features. Beautiful map and unit movements.


Also is annoying when i tell my double stack line to charge and they switch to column and charge... Be better if we could control the Brigade (Single Line, Double Line, Skirmish, Column) Ourselves. Maybe throw in an Oblique if you are feeling froggy.


One last thing before I shut up. The game feels empty after each battle. Be nice if we could have a after-battle report explaining the kill/death ratio of each Brigade on both sides. Maybe a Hardest Fighting Unit choice???


Great Game


Fantastic improvements, but we still have the "roaming skirmishers" problem.  Just play the first battle as the Confederates.  You'll find that your artillery is spending all of its' time firing at these wandering intruders.  This isn't realistic or fun.  


Skirmishers should be tied to a parent formation/leader so that they can't just "go commando" and run around deep behind enemy lines like this.  It really sucks a lot of fun out of an otherwise outstanding wargame.

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Fantastic improvements, but we still have the "roaming skirmishers" problem.  Just play the first battle as the Confederates.  You'll find that your artillery is spending all of its' time firing at these wandering intruders.  This isn't realistic or fun.  


Skirmishers should be tied to a parent formation/leader so that they can't just "go commando" and run around deep behind enemy lines like this.  It really sucks a lot of fun out of an otherwise outstanding wargame.


I have to agree with this, the skirmishers and their ''kamikaze'' style is turning into a real problem. I'm not complaining because it makes the game harder, it's just that it's very unrealistic and shouldn't be happening IMHO ;)


Also, the artillery is miles better now, but I find their LOS marker is still rather buggy (A lot of times, the artillery is firing on targets that are indicated to be out of their vision)


Then of course the elevation issue is still there. It's still a bit** trying to place your artillery on high ground.


Other than this, the patch did wonders. You've already come a long way. Good work! :)


Very well done. I would like to see more imersion in the shape of graphics, particularly the "Pixel Truppen"  back packs, uniform differnces, rebs in hats.  But thanks for this update anyway.


Great game Darth!


Really reminds me of 'Sid Meier's Gettysburg' which was an old favourite of mine.


One thing that I feel is missing that really made SM's Gettysburg is a random battle feature which gave the player a random army in any random location across the map - I had some great battles over peach orchard and down near the bottom of McPherson Ridge (though I think that map was slightly larger).


Also a hotkey to reverse the facing of a unit would be handy when redeploying.





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Great patch! One issue I had while playing little round top was that I mass selected a bunch of units and went to move them, but I couldn't deselect them and had to ctrl-alt-del out of the game to play again. While they were selected I could see the arrows but could not deselect the units or issue orders.

I have also Mass selected units by dragging and dropping but units not within the rectangle also get selected.


Thank you for all the incoming feedback.

We are looking on everything you write to us in forums or with the report buttons to fix for the next patch.

I want to clarify that top priority for us are some reported lag and technical issues, battle ending prematurely (Deadlock issue), possible reinforcement stuck problem after loading a battle and unit collision without melee (Which affects AI negatively when it happens). Many other fixes will follow of course. 


Again our thanks for your support,



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I like the Group option, and the CTRL key grab option, thanks! My arty is better, but they still tend to move too close when I issue "ATTACK" this target order, what can I do? I keep them further back, still within range, and order the "GROUP" to attack one target, two or three of them move to within 100m of enemy, then rout? Is it because they are side-by-side possibly?


The addition of the Union troops arriving "EARLY" on Day 1, Awesome!! It is very challenging now, thanks!!

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I really like the way things are going....


The Good

  • This speed seems just right for me.
  • Union doesn't feel like a rabble of losers anymore.
  • Group move is a minor but really great feature.
  • AI seems better.

Feature requests

  • Would like a button for artillery to target by unit type and also prioritize by closest/strongest/weakest.
  • Elevation overlay of some sort
  • Visibility toggle to turn the mouse pointer into LOS
  • Formations - skirmish/line/column
  • Dismount cavalry and have them annihilated when running by thousands of guys with rifles when mounted.
  • Hold button for generals. 
  • Cutoff and routed units will surrender if facing overwhelming odds.
  • Improvised defense levels that increase over time if not disturbed.
  • Capture guns that are overrun.
  • About-face hotkey


  • Clicking on my formations several times would increase the LOS contrast, then lock into LOS for every other unit I click on
  • Cursor positioning seems off when creating paths
  • Some freezes on the first battle that only last a second
  • Lost the ability to click on anything at one point
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Just bought and really enjoying the game, thank you Lord Vader and team!


Some feedback on unit facing, when you select a formation and set the facing the formation faces towards the mouse cursor, which makes sense.

But when you hold the middle button to set the facing of a single unit it does not, rather moving the mouse rotates the facing but not towards the mouse.


Is it possible to change single unit facing so it points towards the mouse pointer and this seems the more natural way.



Feature requests

For a feature request, a elevation overlay would be great, as currently it's a bit hit or miss when you place artillery.



None as yet

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Hey Darth and co., love your mods for the total war games, and I'm loving this game so far. Sid Meier's Gettysburg was one of the first RTS games I played, back when I was maybe 10-12 years old, so this is bringing back memories.



Anyways, here's my feedback so far:


This Patch:


artillery seem much much better now. Now they fire pretty much constantly if they have enemies in LoS, where before they wouldn't fire because of that friendly fire parameter you mentioned.


LoS is easier to see now, although still a little buggy. Sometimes when you click a unit, it shows their LoS, but it doesn't disappear when you deselect the unit, and you have to wait for it to fade. Not horrible, but I don't think it's working as intended in that respect.


Units do indeed hold their formation better and do less rotating around to face enemies


I'm seeing the same issue as others seem to have, where the movement arrow that you drag from units is offset from the mouse cursor



Future patches:


the terrain elevation map thing, but I know you said you guys are already working on it


I like what lotharr suggested, having a view mode where LoS would be drawn from the mouse cursor would be awesome and would let the player see where the high ground is and what positions can fire on certain areas. Also, surrendering units would be awesome

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I like what lotharr suggested, having a view mode where LoS would be drawn from the mouse cursor would be awesome and would let the player see where the high ground is and what positions can fire on certain areas. Also, surrendering units would be awesome


Yes that is a good idea. But I was thinking why not use the Roaming Artillery to your advantage and once you click and place your Arty, it continues to roam around the general area till it finds optimum ground, Stops moving and begins to fire automatically that could be an idea. Kinda simplify the Human element we just put it in the general location and the computer takes over for the rest. Since of course its hard to find the High Ground on our own if you are not like us veterans and have the Gettysburg Memorized by Heart from countless hours on SMG.


Thank-you Darth Vader and Team for a beautifully crafted game!

I have some suggestions for improvements, from my point of view.

The Groups are too few. They're only five now. Usually, a game has 10 possible groups. (1-9 + 0.)

The Union units rout too quickly.

The Confederates use the Charge too often. There are never many 'arme blanche' wounds in any war.

No information as to which Corps a Brigade belongs.

The topography is unclear. Where is the crest of a ridge or a hill?

The figures are too small. We wargamers love detail. At the moment, it is like playing with 5 mm figures on a tabletop.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to buying the whole completed game. Thank-you.


Grouping is a very fresh feature. After we ensure that it works ok. we shall proceed in improvements. Just to note here that 5 is the limit of the assigned groups. You can have unlimited unassigned groups (for moving, targeting, etc.).


Is the charge used often by all 3 axes of AI characters? The aggressive axes  should use them more often bu nature.


Topography is under constant experimenting for finding the best solution under the limitation of  2D. 


Thanks Husserl. (Phenomenologist?)

Yes, I use a Balanced AI opposition.

What about the number of ranks in the unit? They always line up the same way.

Also, the cavalry have an odd way of moving, that is, they're never in line but in a sort of Indian-like group, unlike European cavalry. They never charge like proper European cavalry and never use the sabre.

Note that the last cavalry charge was in August 1942 at Isbuscenskij in Russia. Making good use of the ground, the Savoia Cavalry Regiment (700 men) overturned 2,000 Soviet infantry. Two squadrons charged with the sabre from the flank and one squadron made a frontal assault on foot. One squadron was not used and was in reserve.


I think units recover too quickly after been routed. it can get annoying when you see a unit you smashed show up a few minutes later on your flank or running off n capping your vp's.

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Yes, indeed, it also means getting rid of those pesky VP cappers requires a lot of dedication and micromanagement and permanently leaving a brigade to do it.


Could we have an attack / harass (for skirmishers) function whereby a unit constantly keeps attacking a certain target unless ordered to stop? 


That'd mean we could assign skirmishers and cavalry to chase and harass routed units and prevent them from easily rallying!

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Way too fast. Don't want to be tested on my reflexes and mouse skills, just strategy. Otherwise really fresh new approach and I like it. Huge potential. Looking forward to more!


Bought this having enjoyed Darthmods that made weak games very good within the limitations. Simple campaign must be the way to go, where battle outcomes have real significance. 


I am finding it impossible to lose as Union on Determined and Dynamic difficulty. Confederates launch suicide attacks and end up draining their manpower. By the time of the 3rd or 4th battle Confederates are all but tapped out. As Union you just need to hold enough advance ground so that you can fall back and still hold the VP to win. This drains the Confederates and its so easy to win. Its almost sad watching all the grey's die from the blue bellies...


For Confederates its much harder. Advancing past Gettysburg is the easy part. Its having to destroy the Army of the Potomac once you have them in the open that proves harder. Its almost easier to take Culps hill and let the Union have the other VP and the next battle you can annihilate them The secret I have found is once the Union begins to fallback you have to keep the pressure up. You gotta leap frog your brigades and constantly keep bringing up your artillery. Leap frogging your brigades keeps constant fire on the enemy. Second goal as Rebels is to kill Union artillery before it can take out your Artillery. Union has shit-ton of guns and you gotta start killing them early or by the 3rd and 4th battle you will have no guns left to support your army cause they will snipe yours.


There is still problems with Artillery, when you give it a target, sometimes it does not want to target instead focusing on Skirmishers and Cavalry as a priority it seems. Especially when JEB Stuart and Custer arrive. Good luck controlling your cannons. LMFAO


Enemy Brigades that rout into your own Brigade seem to only take damage to a certain amount and then it bottoms out. You have to let them regroup then attack again to really cause any damage. Be nice if they would surrender or lose men faster when I have them surrounded. Not very realistic,  they have no route to exit and they just rout through my Brigade not losing many men only to reform behind me. Like I wasen't even there.


So for me the three biggest issues are:

-Difficulty being to easy.

-Artillery not targeting whom I wish. 

-Routing units with body armor on.


I know some say biggest issue is fighting a 3D battle on a 2D map. But I know the map by heart so for me that does not ruin the experience. I Guess that puts me in the minority.


What about Historical Battles?


Do you guys plan on having a historical replay of the historical Battle of Gettysburg?


Or what about Random? Like what if Hoods Division arrived first not Heth's?


When I look at games that for me top the list the number one issue I look at is Replayabillity. How much of this game can I play without getting bored. That's what SMG had. That's what Totalwar has. I really hope this game can bring that too the table.


I would also like to thank the Development team who actually listen to the fans of the game. You don't see that from many games out there.

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