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About Timbo

  • Birthday 01/05/1996

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  1. I recently wrote a new positive review. Their steam page needs more 'most helpful' reviews that are positive. If you think they are helpful, go mark up some recent reviews. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018101956/recommended/311310 My review http://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/positivereviews/?browsefilter=mostrecent&snr=1_5_reviews_&p=1 Others reviews
  2. They're so gorgeous I wouldn't mind a money making steam market for them at all.
  3. Never thought I would say this, but I must agree with Vicious.
  4. So logging out at sea is considered a feature for real-life convenience and not an exploit. Okay. Logging out under a port with defensive towers is neither at sea nor for practical real life convenience. So how is it not an exploit? Would not a simple mechanic that disallows safe logging out near an enemy port solve most of the situation? Many have suggested it, yet watch it not happen until Bermuda is safely in Danish hands. If that happens, then the game really is convenient for some.
  5. I like it. The waves were constant and kinda loud for me.
  6. Yeah, me too. Ez pz lemon squeezey.
  7. Nice review! Seems like it has no disadvantage to the Pavel. Hopefully that is temporary. It'd be a shame if some ships are entirely neglected due to weaker stats.
  8. Timbo

    Hotfix 9.73

    Nice! Sorry to see major leaking reduced. Hope it comes back after the re-balancing thought.
  9. Timbo

    Hotfix 9.71

    Hearing great things and looking like solid changes all around. Can't wait for the weekend!
  10. It's all pretty archaic. Let them figure it out.
  11. Now gimme my hammocks back.
  12. Think I may have missed you, good sir, but that is indeed very good to hear. o7
  13. I was absent the combat, however, you posses my condolences and utmost respect on the Pavel dura loss. Truly a great craftsmen within the ranks to have built such a glorious vessel!
  14. And why might a fan of Derek want that?
  15. 3 Dura*, plus I build an exceptional every day, so you can toss that notion out.
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