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  1. I have the same problem. A couple of hours after i posted something on this forum without this issue, i tried to revisit the site (no restart of PC/router - so same IP) and it gave me Error403. Since then, only able to reach the forum via VPN.
  2. #janitorlivesmatter
  3. Cable management looks like it was made by The Verge but yes, +1 together with this ☝️, we should have all options available then.
  4. Ach @troody... . hättest du den neuen Patch schon gespielt, wüsstest du, dass diese Aussage soo nicht mehr ganz korrekt ist 😉
  5. Well, same thing happened to Gibraltar, but we didn´t provide screenshots of the battle in the related support-topic. If this means the participants of Gibraltar-PB won´t get a compensation, so be it. Glad you fixed it, but if i understand correctly we will have to do these port battles again? Thats a bummer
  6. Styles

    Port Battle bug?

    Aye. We won the battle (, but instance did not close (or at least no rewards shown) and we could not enter the port after. After reset Gibraltar is still owned by VP, and still has a PB-Date shown (11/02/2018 02:11) Sadly we forgot to take screenshots of the battle, but here´s one from after reset (taken 11/02/2018 11:37 servertime):
  7. Na, Jon: Welches Zitat müsste an dieser Stelle kommen?
  8. Hostility deny at Carta. Thx for the fight, gg. (posting on request tho, wasn´t in the battle myself)
  9. "Redanians hold all the fords ´cross the Pontar. Can´t get through without one of these." - Shady merchantman
  10. The regular ("chaotic good", if you like) RvR-player reading the forums after the recent events:
  11. My apologies, i´m clearly not that smart.
  12. Aye - pretty awesome IF it wasn´t for the low fps you get at the moment. Makes it unplayable at times, but overall it´s beginning to feel more like a game rather than a tech-demo.
  13. Irgendwie muss ja das Geld reinkommen, um mir deine repair-Preise in Jeremie leisten zu können
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