Id love to tp into battle more, since pb's wont have screening, create a new item,
Odin rune, tp your ship into an instance connected to the higest BR, active, ongoing PB, where you get placed on a random side. Make it esier for solo players, so you dont get to many teams of VOIP groups.
With rewards given if the team you get to fight for wins the PB, if your team loses no rewards. Lets say, all partisipants share the equivilant of a Raid reward of said port. So you need to win the "screening instance" and have the PB won of the team you get placed on, to get something from it.
Something like this would make my life so much more enjoyable, see the PBs that are gonna run one evening and plan my life accordingly, log on jump in a battle directly, that is not just Loki trolling, but actually pontentialy rewarding.
And since PB's are announced anyway ingame, could use that as a serverwide "lets fight" signal for people to use this "rune"