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  1. After "Official Release" and patches, do you intend to continue to develop and expand the game? or will the final release be a mostly feature finished game?
  2. I agree one of the ideas my friends and I discussed was truly turning your character into a "captain charecter" then building elements within the game to facilitate this.
  3. Here is the problem. "Once You the player" have hit top rank and top crafting rank. What is there really to do? A few port battles? A pvp arena? A tiny bit of trading to keep gold in your pocket? As with many other games there has to be a reason that makes the player want to fight and keep logging in. There are no real missions, quests, or events that can fill your spare time. You can't own ports, or regions or upgrade them. While nations can own territory, players can not. This in turn gives players no meaningful reason to fight, along with the fact that there are very few ports to capture, since entire regions now fall with the fall of one "capital" port why have all the rest?. Some will argue that port battles and pvp instances are the end game, I have to disagree, it is not enough to keep players playing in the long run. If this were the case, why not just log into the game at a menu like sea trials and choose port battle or battle instance from a menu? It would be much easier and less time consuming. There needs to be something that keeps players drawn in and continually feel like they are fighting for something especially in the END GAME. Without this, Naval Action is mostly a Battle arena game with a very beautiful map screen. Where is my living breathing Open World? That is the problem.
  4. This is what ADMIN wrote in this post page 1 My dream ROE would be an instance that stays open for 15 with an ever expanding reinforcement ring as time progresses, that also includes land, however apparently admin states that there will/may be a problem if land is near by.
  5. Now I do not mind the return of the 2 minute timer if the reinforcements came in the distance and had to sail into battle, but admin stated that for this to happen they would have to remove land from battles, I much prefer the current system, that is for sure, and keep the land in the battle instance.
  6. In general the main people who enjoyed the old timer system were those who sailed in fleets of 3 or more with smaller ships running in advance to draw players into combat. In my opinion the old system works in a modern age space combat game, where your reinforcements can warp on top of the target once combat has engaged but in an age of sail game where speed and maneuvering are important it does not. The funny part is that the current ROE extend out to the two minute mark drawing in ships that would have been able to join under the old system, therefore the only advantage of the old system was the fact that your reinforcements could warp onto the target/targets once in the instance.
  7. Time acceleration only works in single player games. As for the new Content Patch... My only fear is that having a PvP zone will draw in players only at the active time and only to that designated spot. Imagine the ganking fleets hovering around the PvP zone, not to mention that PvP will barely exist anywhere else on the open world except around this predesignated zone.
  8. If you enjoy game development and enjoy seeing the different iterations that a game goes through before release, as well as contributing to bug fixing and game design, then I recommend joining. However be aware that in no way is this a complete game, each release of new material can break or fix issues and the only progression that you can experience while playing, is enjoying the development of the game. Any in game work that you do before OFFICIAL release will be erased and reset in the end. In conclusion, while you ARE pre-paying for the completed game when it is finally released, you will not be currently playing a completed game, but instead contributing to its development. If you enjoy core game mechanics that do not change and are predictable from log-in to log-in do not purchase yet.
  9. While I love the thought of a completely open world - It always ends up coming down to game design to drive PvP. If special PvP instances have to be added in the open world then so be it. However I think the "PvP Challange zones" should be located randomly around the map every few week or more, to change things up, one dedicated zone that never moves will get old quickly.
  10. When the game finally converts to the new two crafting qualities, as mentioned by Admin, they can always decrease the requirements of common ships allowing them to be built faster and use less resources, therefore less sailing for crafters and better prices for buyers, its all numbers and tweeking them is possible.
  11. I don't think you will see such a huge advantage of Exceptional ships, I believe they will be tweeked to only provide a small advantage (such as more upgrade slots), most likely they will come with their own disadvantage such as 1 durability.
  12. I think its all due multiple reasons - -People left hearing about the wipe -People see how expensive ships are to replace -Crafting takes a long time so people leave As people leave due to reason above, there are less people on the server so therefore less PvP In addition people are way more spread out with the new crafting mechanics, combine that with a low population due to the game being in alpha state and you also get less PvP. As a side note, when I am moving materials in traders I Avoid Contested territories as they equal PvP zones, so I am even contributing to less PvP since I know where people will congregate, and I can avoid them.
  13. Quoting myself from another post... When the game finally converts to the two crafting qualities, as mentioned by Admin, they can always decrease the requirements of common ships allowing them to be built faster and use less resources, therefore less sailing for crafters and better prices for buyers. Remember the intent is for the majority of ships to be common (lower) crafted with very few ELITE master-craft ships sprinkled around for those with the time or money. The Master Craft ships would be for those willing to take the time and money needed to craft them, this is creating an every day ship market with an endgame ship market. While in the real world, the quality is more dependent on the shipyard and materials used such as the current game version has. I doubt shipyards built bad ships and really good ships in the manner that the game currently works, warships were just too expensive to build in the real world.
  14. When the game finally converts to the two crafting qualities, they can always decrease the requirements of common ships allowing them to be built faster and use less resources, therefore less sailing for crafters and better prices for buyers. Remember the intent is for the majority of ships to be common crafted with a FEW ELITE master-craft ships sprinkled around for those with the time or money.
  15. These post always turn into like the patch / hate the patch, its like deja vu. Again I will repeat what I have posted on the other posts, not everyone dislikes the current patch in fact many think its the best iteration of the game so far "over all". Now none of us are gonna deny that the current build still needs some tweeking of the mechanics. Player numbers can not be completely contributed to the patch alone as there are plenty of other factors at play here. I have been here since sea trials and I have to repeat what others have said, I have seen it much much worse in the past player wise, its not the end of the world.
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