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About Vigilantemerc

  • Birthday 07/29/1996

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. This isn't even a live patch its a beta patch.... And its an early access game, buying into them always comes with the risk of incomplete features and bugs. You playing an in development game and helping test it.
  2. Also it does not matter if Kiev is in rubble. This is a luxury product for mostly westerners. You try caring about that when your country that you live in is being invaded. There are a hundred things more important going on there at the moment. And if they are still just bug fixing to try and get a release out. More credit to them honestly and they can have all the time and silence they want. I swear people, your life won't be any worse of if your early access game about pixel ships isn't updated.
  3. Change logs are for internal use, they have just shown it to us. They have implemented it at the moment in the current build they are using. They just haven't released it to us yet. You are just plain wrong on this fact. Also to be honest the current climate in Ukraine (they are based in Kiev) means it may not be released for weeks, and that would be fine. They could have family in danger this very moment we don't know. Their mental health and lives trump our wants for a video game or an update at the moment. So give them a break ffs.
  4. I conccur. That entire situation could have been avoided if people knew the mod was genuine.
  5. Couldn't you have one underlining server for the economy , then another server for each region , so a server for when your sailing in Europe then one for North America , for Asia ect. , this way it spreads the load and doesn't split the community up as you are just grouped via region rather than individual instances. Could have a seamless transfer between the regions as well , as you sail across the border of one to the other.
  6. Intel I7 4790K @ 4.5 Ghz 16 gb of ram GTX 760 Win 7 64bit Run on ultra with 60-70fps (dropping to 40-50 in large battles)
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