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Percival Merewether

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Percival Merewether last won the day on September 1 2018

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About Percival Merewether

  • Birthday 05/05/1990

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  1. And my god, I hope they do not implement the rest of that post 😄
  2. So guys... I was going through some of the old threads I made... I found this one: Any chance I can claim a reward for the implementation of China? 😜 Done.
  3. On the other hand, imagine tagging him, demasting him and finding out who it was at the end of the battle 😉
  4. This was my initial idea, but figured the following stated by @Je maintiendrai was going to be a problem. It's important to consider that this is a game for a wide audience, not just the elite few 🙂 What other solutions do we have? I really feel like it's becoming an issue.
  5. Hey guys! For a while now, it has been a problem that people leave when they see who you are in battle. Sometimes people prefer an easy fight, other times they tag someone they realise is a friend. Other times they have heard rumours of the person that they have attacked and prefers to stay away from whoever this person may be. This problem first started back when names were removed from Open World. This was not too bad initially, although I personally wanted the names to be displayed. With the latest changes to tagging I see some new problems arising in battle. People now spawn much closer than they did before, and it takes a lot longer to leave battle. While I am personally in favour of this new mechanic, I do see some of the old things being somewhat out of date. If people join and decide to leave because they will not fight the person they have tagged, it will now take 8 minutes to get out of battle and for both sides to continue playing the game. I do not wish to discuss the mechanics already implemented, I am sure that the developers have had their reasons and I am fine with that. What I want to focus on is what is now outdated. I suggest the following two solutions to the problem: Make names visible in Open World again Make names invisible when the battle starts and only reveal them after 5-10 minutes For this feature I would also suggest disabling battle chat until the end of the ‘reveal timer’ or until one person has died from the opposite team. With option no. 1, we will satisfy a lot of people who are worried about tagging players in Open World, but it is likely to introduce a reluctance to PvP against some people thus reducing PvP combat. Option no. 2 is the one I personally consider to be the most interesting, this means that during the initial phase of the battle you will not know who you are up against. This could keep some people in battle who would otherwise leave very early. Feel free discuss; maybe the third option is to simply leave the mechanics as they are. 🙂
  6. I guess this will then encourage players to escape by tagging AI then?
  7. I think it'd be a sound idea to create a sub-forum for general discussions in 'other language' - but giving special treatment to a language as small and insignificant (For the NA community) as Catalan seems over the top. Given that there's a fairly large chinese player-base I'd say they should have a much higher priority.. The same is the case for the Scandinavian community who are often treated as having just one language and in this case is without a subforum (Denmark-Norway and Sweden are even in-game as seperate nations..). Furthermore, I bet the vast majority of Catan speakers are perfectly capable of communicating in either Spanish or English and a sub-forum would only serve to alienate and distance the minor Catalan group from the rest of the NA community. In that case I'd like to request the creation of a Faroese sub-forum as that is officially recognised in the Kingdom of Denmark at the same level as danish. Hardly an argument for the creation of a sub-forum here though
  8. https://www.aos.ultimateadmiral.com/ Scroll to the buttom I downloaded and played it yesterday for around 15 min. So far it seems good, but with limited gameplay available at this stage (Alpha/Beta), don't expect anything big just yet. Will there be seperate sub-forums for those of us who wants to provide feedback?
  9. I’m sorry to break it to you but that’s just not true.. though it was not the preferred material, frigates were routinely built of fir by multiple nations and carried 18lb cannons and bigger, you need not look further than the Endymion-class ships. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endymion-class_frigate What would be interesting to see though is a simulation of real life maintenance costs. Since there is no maintenance on ships ingame, this could be done by greatly increasing repair costs on light ships and making repairs cheaper on oak based ships. This could potentially simulate the increased maintenance that comes at the cost of building vessels on the cheap. This will also greatly decrease the speed bonuses achieved with light woods since they’d have to carry 2x more repairs. I can agree to limit 3rd to 1st rates to non fir/cedar type woods, but there is no historical basis for not allowing the use of fir on frigates.
  10. That makes no sense If modding is possible in this game then the developers already know. It will have absolutely no impact on whether France and/or Spain will be playable. I'm not requesting a feature so don't worry about me blocking your spanish dreams , with modding available you may even be able to add Spain to the game yourself. A game such as Naval Action is moddable, but your options are limited due to most of the data being stored on the server.. seeing as this is a Single Player game, there is no reason not to open the files to the public. It's basically a yes/no question.
  11. Will modding be possible? and if so, what areas of the game wil be moddable? One feature that'd I'd personally love to have is community made ships. I really enjoy modelling and would appreciate being able to put my own ships to sea.
  12. I do not believe that you should be able to choose the weather conditions on the OW, or in PvP/OW-PVE battles. But I see no harm in PvE'ers getting to choose their own weather in missions. If a feature doesn't hurt my gaming experience but improves the experience for others, them I'm always for it
  13. The developers have decided to make a much needed wipe, this has left every player with only 50k, future wipes are very likely to happen so try not to get too attatched to your items. Good luck out there! Safe sailing
  14. Looks like the game I've been waiting for since Age of Sail II: Privateers Bounty - Thank you gentlemen
  15. For the first time the NA community seems to agree on something; the Connie is a 4th rate. Interestingly enough it is also the only purpose built 4th rate in-game (correct me if I'm wrong) - I see absolutely no reason to make it a 3rd rate.
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