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Naval Games Community

Kpt Beowulf aka Kpt Ahab

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Germany Prussian Region

Kpt Beowulf aka Kpt Ahab's Achievements


Ensign (4/13)



  1. Super, dass Du hier so ausführlich Deine Erfahrungen weiter gibst und die Lernkurve beschreibst. Genau so läuft das in diesem Spiel. Der Help Chat und die Spieler der eigenen Fration sind meist auch gerne bereit ingame zu helfen. Kleiner Tip: versuche mal den vorderen Mast auf E und R zu legen und Depower auf C. Dann liegen die Tasten näher zusammen. Einen Guide in deutscher Sprache fürs manuelle segeln gibts auf youtube von plak.rocks
  2. Mein ingame Name in Schweden ist jetzt Kpt Beowulf - Kpt Ahab dümpelt in irgendeinem britischen hafen vor sich hin und wurde durch den EA Zeitenwechsel wohl aus der Geschichte gestrichen ;-)
  3. Good to know you out on the Caribbean Sea again Captain!
  4. Thank you for answers Captains and i am now under the wings of the most honorable Kpt Allons and his fellow Captains ;-)
  5. Dear Captains, i wonder if there is any guide for upcoming traders around as it appears very complicated to me with what goods and harbour/selling strategy to begin with in order not to fail drastically and lose your precious gold but to get rich and therefore valuable for your family and the society...
  6. But proper positioning doesn´t help if you find yourself in the instance with the wind turned 180°...
  7. well - this game has taken us by surprise and it is still because of the level of commitment of the Devs and the whole team as well as the existing community. They all have done a great job in all regards. i think it will show that the high level of interacting has done a LOT to understand both, the role of a game developer and as tester - at least for me. And the community really shows it´s immersion by contributing loads, both in data but as well in following and feeding the Forum. GJ all and I am SO looking to the future of this title...
  8. Privateer trading/exploring on known seas and beyond with the protection of the almighty...
  9. I am hoping to hit the "Siegfried-spot" to overcome the defense lines ;-) ...and the Honorable Administrator already gave us more info than I´d expected (Some important things must be finished we want to try to get them done this and next week)
  10. Can you give a VERY rough estimation when this will happen?
  11. Have fun being haunted by every sailor and his/their mothers in game because it´s not really a fun mode as it hasn´t been in RL. And make sure you are an ace when it comes to sailing skills and to value potential targets...
  12. as soon as I see his topgallants shorten I do that accordingly and mostly faster than him cause I´m in a smaller ship -> no use
  13. if you are in a bigger slower ship and the stern camper is in a more agile agile ship you are pretty much defenseless because he can take down your crew with grape/ball/double at will if he is skilled - this will slow down your crews action. If not you can try to make him overshoot. In case he is in a similar ship as yours you have to try to get the wind - upper hand - back by tacking. Now you are at his stern. This would lead to a trade off of shooting solutions and the one who has the better turn abilities and anticipation wins the game. Basic requirement is the proper use of manual sailing -> see MrDoran treatise in forum for tactics and exercise skills in Duel 1vs1. Nothing else helps...
  14. You are repeatingly shooting through friendlies sails in the beginning... gg anyways and Neutral has really been a good sport
  15. ampaholic is so afraid of storms that he always lets himself tie to the mast not much unlike the good ol´ Odysseus...
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