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Ordinary seaman

Ordinary seaman (2/13)



  1. Must say that the AI made a huge step forward in the last updates. It is very challenging nowadays: -the AI now always seems to know how fill gaps in the frontline while being defensive -AI increases the pressure on important points when attacking -most important the enemy artillery makes an excellent job now, concentrating on single targets and trying to finish off my artillery. -AI reserves are rushed to critical points My favorite AI is "offensive" combined with "boost AI" Game got so good!
  2. perfect mate, thanks for your help!
  3. Guys my excuses if this has been answered already somewhere, but I could not find any answer in the forums so far: So I had my first round in OW yesterday (great work!), creating an account with a neutral nation to check out the new environment. Starting with 0 gold, I understand you have to buy extra cannons from the money you made from captured ships. And looking at my equipment, I also got one cannon, so it seems at least in theory I can fire. But in reality, I cannot fire the gun. Maybe it has to do something with the accelerated time setting, but maybe its also a bug. There is a lot of writing about battles, boarding and other fighting between players or against the AI, so it must work with other players I also assinged new input commands, but that didn´t change a thing. Any ideas what could be the problem? Many thanks in advance for any help
  4. We had a fantastic match yesterday evening, more than 15 ships, nice battle with good people Reminded me of the old times when servers where full with people. Just to let you know admin: I (and many others) dont need to have open world today or tomorrow, take your time to design a nice environment. What we need is you to open the gates for the arena mode, hand out more keys to new people, fill the game with life again, even if the content is "limited". Arena mode is still fascinating after 460 games, every match is different as long as there is a large enough pool of players. We can entertain ourselfs in the next months, new faces will enrich our environment, the old guys can teach the new guys and vice versa
  5. The game saw a massive drop in population recently. For example on Sunday afternoons it dropped to 120 players, from 320 at best times. Same for non-core hours. Here it dropped from 180 to 75 nowadays. I wonder what caused the drop of so many core players? Maybe the people are bored and waiting for new content, as it was stated before. Personally I got never bored with the game, as every battle is a new experience- a new mixture of people, new ships, new tactics. However seeing the small population nowadays and missing many friends from the last months, can´t say I´m totally delighted to see this. No more Trafalgars, no more massive PVPs, no more crazy chat in the lobby. And a lot of waiting time to get a game going on. Okay “just Alpha” etc…but tough times at the moment. Good thing is, the population will explode as soon open world is coming and the game is released on Steam
  6. Different cases of "running" are possible sailing away from a superior ship while having chances to win the match= kiting staying/sailing away from the main battle = Being the last ship alive against superior forces and running = that sucks for all players wanting to end the match. No point to stay alive, just turn in and fire a last broadside or play torpedo (-many guys know what that means )
  7. Just though about the current major causes of anger and hatred in game Friendly fire (very rare) Kiting (every now and then) Demasting (happens often but people are getting used to it) Ramming (no1 reason, especially team ramming) Ramming will just vanish in open world so we can be optimistic
  8. No it wont bring you back your precious bowspirit. And often there is no time to zoom/fire, accelerate/slow down and type in chat, thats clear. But a bigger ship must rely on the fact that everybody knows that a bigger ship has the right of way. Not meaning in case of ramming a smaller ship has always the blame Would estimate that friendly rams are causing 80% of dissonances and anger in game. We can see that in the Tribunal section
  9. It all fine when people (meaning everyone, from newb to experienced player) apologize for friendly rams, blocking shots or simply doing wrong things "Hey XY please ...." "Ah okay, sry" -all fine here Trouble starts when people are ignorant or start to rant. PS: speaking of collisions, bigger ships always have the right of way
  10. [deleted my previous post here, was too edgy]
  11. Great point. Thats an art, not to boss others around, but still give the right input
  12. Must say that 90% of the larger battles the team wins which sticks together all the time. Im sure many players do also notice right from the start if their team will stick together or not. In cooperative teams, a flow of communication starts at the beginning, ideas are exchanged, a common direction is decided, orders are acknowledged, ships dont block each other, the rearguard tries to catch up and the vanguard stays near the big vessels, often offering protection ("ill cover your stern"). Then targets are focussed and the formation or group still is together after the close combat. Everybody got his role in cooperative teams, small and big vessels sail together and are ready to bring sacrifices or to give protection if necessary. Love it when the game is like that. If thats not the case, some ships sail away or chase irrelevant opponents. Or let their first rates die alone. And of course the blame game starts after a while - "I told you we had to do .....!" , "well thanks a lot for...:!" , "great job you...." and so on Teamplay > Formation Agree/not agree?
  13. You can enter STRG+H to play without interface as far as I know
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