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About Theuerdank

  • Birthday 04/12/1965

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  • Location
    Between Rhine and Blackwood Forest
  • Interests
    History, Arts, Music, Reenactment, ...

Theuerdank's Achievements

Able seaman

Able seaman (3/13)



  1. All games covering PvE and PvP lose one sight on one game aspect. Why? Because resources of programmers, developers must be splitted. Normally it means the 'massive' grasshopper-gamers want quick success and so PvE must be fed; the real MMOG feeling of all those games lost. PvP then an addition no resources can be left. I want a MMOG which means the same like @Jim wrote. With and against players, a multiplayergame and not a partygame with guaranteed success and repeatable AI-mob-killing. For that i dont need onlinegames. Hmm with a bit saracasm i nearly hope devs don't have the resources to cover different 'game-styles'.^^
  2. (not only probably) more than a year, its Alpha, and Alpha is not Beta, and both are normally no funny games or usable products, and clear alpha is before beta comes. Testing the foundation of mechanics is momentary necessary, not polishing grafics or satisfying entertaining tastes. Perhaps sad, but its told from beginning by the devs if 'someone' (you) want to play a nearly playable game, then wait until its something funny to play. If you moving-in a house before the roof is finished you should also not critisize that it is bad built, it's not finished. So, you don't critisize NA you only showing impatience for something which is absolutely not a playable game. Probably because it will be developed for open world it's nothing for you? But there exist many other games, most are nothing for me.
  3. Also Kurland hat schon Mitte des 17Jh die Kolonie verloren und war dann politisch bedeutungslos. Brandenburg hat die Ambitionen (da die Frau Kettlers Brandenburgische Prinzessin war und die treibende Kraft hinter den maritimen Geschäften) Kurlands für wenige Jahre geerbt. Also 'wenn' der zeitliche Rahmen einigermassen noch stimmen soll und nicht alles nach einem 'ichwillshaltso' sich abspielen, dann wäre Brandenburg tatsächlich eher mit seiner 'bekannten' kleinen Flotte passender, da hab ich vor einigen Monaten schonmal einen thread aufgemacht mit dem Hinweis, "nur zur Info", da ich nichts davon halte jede privat-persönliche Vorliebe spielbar zu machen. Man hat fürs 18.Jh so viele Seemächte und welche die wenigstens eine brauchbare Flotte hatten, da muß ich keine österreichische Gebirgsmarine verlangen, obwohl die Österreicher in den revolutions - napoleonischen Kriegen immerhin einige schöne venetianische Schiffe in Beschlag nehmen konnten und somit sicher nett zu spielen wären ^^. Für unsere spielbare Epoche wäre 'deutsch' eben höchstens Brandenburg und das finde ich schon fast lächerlich, da auch Kurland meist niederländsche Schiffe anheuerte oder auch dort bauen lies, wie Brandenburg auch; so hab ich mich nun für die Niederlande entschieden, stilistisch noch am ehesten geeignet. Allerdings wenn jede patriotisch-nationale Ader zufrieden gestellt werden soll, anscheinend ist das wiedre stark im kommen kann man ja jeden Händler einer Hafenstadt der ein eigenes Schiff am laufen hatte als eigene Nation behandeln.
  4. I don't stay on any 'arena' development in gaming industries. Also for WT, i read something about 'worldwarmode' and its still not implemented. So i don't play it any more for a long time, matches with the ground forces tanks can firing 2 miles on maps smaller than the fire action radius of those vehicles, its only ridiculous. Sure, very nice 'models' so the grafic-folks do their work well but the game(play) is nearly stupid. Only collecting virtual vehicle models and some grind for it is terrible for my taste. Tastes are tastes, but clear i don't play games i cannot like, like those who don't like game'worlds'. But only because some models are nice is for me no reason to play. Gameplay it is. And if there are 1000 different models and gameplay is boring to me then i like more a game with 'only' 30 different models but i can 'play' a game with those and not only some matches for ..... the collection as only goal. Ok there could be now the next collection game development, but would be nothing for me. As i read here the gameplay will be a great huge game and not only common playing with virtual RC models on a landscape-carpet it was clear for me the so called 'sea-trial' is only a rudimentary test for a coming game, nothing more. Sea trials i never called and will call a game because it was and is only a smallsmall step in development. And 'i' have no difficulty to find a battle in OW, i must not be lead on the hand and nothing must be presented on a tray for me. So called 'balanced' team matches are exactly that. And what about the surely many coming traders? Also only trading in arenes? My hopes are really the game will be finally a real game and not only that small part of testing called sea-trials.
  5. Open World development is the only gameplay i am interested in. Such demanded 'arena' gameplay is only a test for something interesting bigger and greater. Arena means a 'footballplace' with so called balanced teams, sometimes a holidaypark with similar attractions or a virtual boardgame with animated playing figures. Par example like Warthunder or World of Tanks. For the computer converted RC-models on a strictly limited 'board'. Thats not what i expect of computer-possibilities. Curiously in those other games the game-board or small sporting field is called map. I would never call something map if its only about 1-2 squaremiles. Its perhaps a place for softair matches, nothing more.
  6. @ampaholic you are surely right, the distance is (at least for 'me' ^^) now much more important. Anyway i will learn it... again.
  7. Oh, after the last update i have not battled much, but i see, it seems i must learn now again to shoot. Shots of my broadsides going anywhere, but never where they should .
  8. Man weiß ja nie, wie und was sich hier zukünftig noch entwickelt, aber momentan laufe ich unter der Niederländischen Flagge.
  9. In that phase of early development its for me not important if one nation is able to get friends... or foes if those momentary interests are to test the foundation of functionality in entire PvP battles. Its for my intension still not a game only testable early game mechanisms with sure (and thats a must be) functional gaming-models.... the ships which can be used, also still not finished in their functionality and the gameplatform. But its really today not more. What the hack now about weak nations or more powerfull? In three months NA still won't be a 'round' game.......
  10. Ah, i think you want an afterburner......
  11. .... you forgot '....of Paris'. So he 'sails' around the Seine....
  12. @VEYRON you had have access to open world already? Or you wait for the coming new 'public' open world?
  13. @beatboy, my 'soon' was surely really much more precise
  14. If i see the 'shipyard' here in the forum there will be really many beauties to sail. Who wants to destroy those? ^^
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