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Naval Action Tester
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  1. Green on green damage/kills are reported automatically by in-game mechanic. No need to report such behaviour on forum. Topic closed.
  2. When I started playing this game, i bought 3x copies of this game for my family, so they can play freely with me. I don't see punishment in this. And I had a problem "omg what should i buy them for their birthday" solved. Which is nice.
  3. Kill me if I'm wrong, but preffered time for ships in game is 1715-1790. First partition of Poland happend in 1772. Declaration of Independence signed by USA 1776 if I remember correctly. There is no exact year in game that we are. Honest look on facts won't hurt.
  4. Taking in account the best way to describe players how organised port defense would look like i suggest making a division defend forces for active and defend force. Active one would work making shield slots for cities, which would add ships. Shields are nothing else like squadrons of ships of one kind, max 3 ships, with purpose only to defend with aditional rules: - Shields can be put by any player called by Fundator, who can build ships, with proper crafting level and resources. - Shields can be put down by Fundator who build them, with additional rule: Smaller ships can be switched only for bigger ones, never otherwise. Withdraw shield goes back to outpust of Fundator (closest one, or if there are non near they are destroyed). - There can be max 3 shields in a port. - Every shield is max 3 same type (like 3x snows) so max limit is 9 ships. - Colours tells quality of ships (grey, green, blue, etc.) - Shields are mobile. They can be send to other port, for example to make better defence of that port. Then those ships sail to actual target port (they could be destroyed on their way there). If there is no place in port defence, they go back, or are send to nearest friendly port. - Damaged shields can be repaired by Fundator, or any friendly nation player who is interested in it, paying gold only, or materials to build new ships that have been destroyed. - Once settled shields dont have to be additionally payed (the city pays for them) or they need very little payment (fundator funds). - Produced shields could be kept in warehouses and when needed used in game. Important thing in active defence is ability to throw forces to port that will be soon attacked. Player of defencive nation can using map to quickly check hat forces have attacking nation, and with enough resources can send reinforces. Such system could make game more attractive, make that gameplay would be more dynamic, and battle end results would depend on many reasons like : speed nad organisation of attacking force, lenght between attackers and port, numbers and resources that defencive nation spend on it. etc. etc. Passive port defence. Passive defence is at first place building of ports. I propose to make three kind of forts by size. Small forts, medium, and big ones, that could be different with number of crew, guns, and also their numbers available in each port, and of course price. Numbers of ports would be limited to -5 small ones, -4 medium, - 3 big. Rules: - Forts are builded by players that decide that its for they protection and protection of their business. - Forts are build for gold or resources. - Damaged or destroyed forts can be repaired by all players if such need is added. - Forts cant be moved to other ports or warehouses. - Fort Once puted dont need additional upkeep, or small gold costs (funded by Fundator). - Building of new forts dont need any timer, or can be announcec by some message few hours before finishing. - Regional Capitols could have more medium and big ports. It would look like this: Squadrons as shields with their type, numbers, and colour with quality. Forts, with orange active ports (builded), grey with not finished (able to build). 2. Trade Routes. I suggest to make sectors on map in few places, that would mark areas of seas that nation could take control over, taking bonuses for such thing. In this way it would be able to use large sea areas that are implemented in game. Conquering areas would be very easy. Chose mission in port with marking about what area is goin one, and number of missions that should be made in there (sinkin ships, or bringing captured ships to admirality, or BRT from that area. After such mission number of stars from that area goes +1, and when it hit 3 (max), it makes that nation takes more profits from production of materials in that area. Control of 3 areas makes even more boost. There are two rules: - You can control whatever number, but only 3 give max bonus. - Nation that takes control as first, reset the points of other nations to basic. 1. Neutral area. 2. Area controlled by USA. 3. Area controlled by GB. 4. Area controlled by spain and sveden. (fight) Ofcourse areas can be better placed (than i did) and their numbers could be different. Every nation can fight for any area and make advance with power. Every player who would take part in such mission could see a number of actuall BRT. Ps. Thats all folks. I got more ideas, about missions and using crew on sea, but about this later. All ideas credit to Prorok.
  5. About history of Polish nation on caribbean we made already enough topic, and wont repeat again. Kurlandia and Tobago should speak for it itself. The thing is, that its a game, we already have ships that never sailed on Caribbean and nobody is sad about that, because its super fun! More content, more game. Adding nation to one of the most active europe players wouldnt be a bad idea. From developers side i would see it that way: "damn every nation that included polish nation was bought and played by almost every polish player". And really i personally dont know any person who didnt play total war etc. We didnt think about adding this nation out of nowhere. I agree with adding banner/flags for nations, and what i heard long long ago this will be implemented probably. What Im asking is giving one port to bunch of players who will be more than happy making their own small oversea outpust. Dont understand why people are so scared about it? will it change anything? probably not. Will it make more alliances, ways of conflicts etc? probably yes. Damn, we even got cannons on ships that had them for like 1 cruise, and thats ok? And kill me if you prove that adding additional nation is hard work in game engine.
  6. With actual numbers of Polish players sailin under one flag I don't see why there is still some kind of problem with giving them that lost and forgotten port island. And we may be rough slavic people, but cmone, we are sailin and sittin together on TS and nobody was killed by other one, so things are goin pretty well, which is nice. There is one thing that Manuva forgot about poles (dunno why): Give us outside enemy to fight and you wont find any other nation that can unite so fast, and that in this game wont be a problem. Im pretty sure (maybe im wrong) that actual number of swedes playing in this game is less than Poles. What is 1 port for such big map? ps. Tomasz wazeliniarzu fufu.
  7. I don't think Bart have something againts red coats. We still have open poll for our largest group of Polish players which nation we will all sail after wipe.. ..because we didnt get our small island.. QQ And I can say one thing, after latest open sale our numbers got crazy high. Which is nice.
  8. omg, my shamefull defeat was recorded :c ps. Veery nice camera work!
  9. Oh god.. I was participating in it? ;-0
  10. Communication between nations should be enabled for all players as start, not disabled. Many new players dont even know about this option.
  11. Pagan srsly? I'm not even sure how to respond to that post and what You wanted to achieve by writing it down here.
  12. So we need to find, wreck, then salvage the gold fleet? Did I read that correctly? xD
  13. Im looking at votes and Im getting terrified, so before something stupid will happen I will write my only way to turn back to nation: Losing everything. For every bounty level and gettin killed you lose 1 rank. Till you are back to midshipman. You give all gold you got to nation admiralitly. You can have 10k as pocket money. Every ship, materials, modules is confiscated and put in nation admirality as good will from citizen who want to be good now. And theeen, and only then, when you are like beggar on a street giving away everything to your new beloved nation, then you can be a new nation citizen. If there wont be some hardcore penalties from turning in piracy and back we gonna have bad time and I cant even count amount of ways to abuse such system. And what? when you get amnesty you can turn to any nation you want, or only starting nation? So what about pirates who started as pirates? They will turn back to Cthulhu? or Pig Cloud Cult? For months, almost year it was stated that once you go black there is no going back. Everyone were happy about it. Now I can see that something changed. Is it because most of players ended playing as pirates and joined nations? We always welcome new lost souls among our ranks Nation admirality doesn't? dang, thats why you joined piracy in a first place. Piracy is a road that ends in small cage hanging in a docks. You write that pirates could bought them freedom, letters, etc. etc. Okai, so lets make our mind: are we making piracy like in real life history? so why pirates cant enter neutral/nation ports. Why cant they trade with others? selling stolen goods? and lots lots other issues. Why talking about turning away from piracy if the piracy itself is (in my opinion) still not finished product. Thats what I think about pirate amnesty. Pirate dragQueen Nornica. kek.
  14. Break down bellonas, they drop Furnishing like crazy.
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