d'aaaaacord, d'accord !!! Merci pour la réponse, je n'avais pas compris ça... Faut dire que je suis un gros bleu et je découvre un peu le jeu.
En plus je ne fais aucunes missions, je pars et j'attaque un both au pif pour voir.
Salut les commandants !
Question :
Je n'arrive pas à augmenter mon équipage. Malgré les batailles que je mène (contre des PNJ dans le serveur Paix) mon équipage reste bloqué à 55%.
L'un d'entre vous aurai une idée ???
Merci !
J'ai loupé u truc là !
Pour info, l'Hermione va bientôt bouger de Rochefort au port de commerce de La Pallice (La Rochelle) pour un carénage de un mois ! Elle se prépare pour l'an prochain !!!
I had the chance to sail on a rigging very close to a lugger (bisquine fishing boat), it's a very interesting navigation and it's a perfect ship to smuggle contraband or play pirates or privateers.
I think it is an important vessel along the coast for all kinds of actions. To have absolutely in SL !!
French Lugger (1776)
French cutter (1778)
These two monographs also describe the rigging. And the cutter and the lugger are from the 18th century.
France was the first to build frigates of 24 with La Forte and L'Egyptienne by the shipbuilder Caro.
Unfortunately they did not have success in France unlike the US.
Later France "copied" the US 24-pdr frigates. And in France, all the frigates are built in 24-pdr... (year 1820/1824) LOL.
SL is from the 18th century, and the USS Pennsylvania is more recent.
Of course the US Navy already had a fleet at that time, and I think that if US ships are to appear in this new game, it is these ships that we must see at sea.