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Naval Action Tester
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  1. Is the paint feature part of the update?
  2. Well you could consider making it a week cycle instead of a day cycle, one week = 20 minutes. 6 months would be 8 hours and that sounds like a reasonable period of time for a ship on a voyage. But again I am fine with the current decision but it does matter to crafters more. Also some people here need to read the first post slowly.
  3. I guess in future updates you have to get the food by fishing probably or other farming related things. But basically this thread is for crafters and is not really connected in any way with the Captains and the sailing part of the game. It is a nice step forward just a bit lame for those of us who wanted provisions management.
  4. I think its kinda dull because exploration ships or any ships on a long term voyage will not go through harsh food conditions. No need to fish or scavenge nearby islands to stay alive during desperate times. But I guess maybe I'm in the minority? IMO I would rather have provisions management over the crew management feature in the game.
  5. Yeah I think maybe it would serve the game better if ports were built by the players instead. Clans can make the capitals and towns, trading companies can set up outposts built near valuable resources and have them ship back to the towns. Many of these ports will be important to one clan or another and enemies will fight over these locations.
  6. Sorry Im talking about the 60 gun ship by Bungee. Not the older one.
  7. Ok but the crew transfer thing would still be good for fleets out at sea. I'd like to think maybe the Gros Ventre and Indiaman could have a use in fleet support by supplying men to other ships in the open world and in battle. It would lessen the number of trips back to port for the main fleet. It could be a good compromise for guys here that think this will reduce pvp gaming.
  8. Could you allow transfer of crew between ships at sea? Then maybe traders like LGV and Indiaman can be used to provide extra crew and provisions.
  9. I will vote for a dutch ship in the next player voting poll. I hope we can get both a dutch ship and maybe the swedish ship Vasa next time.
  10. Four of us spent 3 hours last night searching for pirates in tortue. We only encountered 1 connie, 1 trader brig, and 1 ventre. I don't know where everyone went but I feel like maybe the game is not encouraging long term grinding or collecting of any kind that keeps players in the game. Also this game really only has 2 gamemodes and that is OW pvp and PBs. I hope at some point there is more stuff added in that keeps players occupied like exploration, fishing, privateering, trading companies, loot collecting, and supply. Or maybe its the lack of immersion, no crew animations, port battles involve only 5 bland towers, Pirates just steamroll any nation they please, even the Brits cant stop them. What about ship customization, character customization. Ship naming. The feeling of being unique. Something to be proud of.... I mean anything other than pbs and definitely something that keeps players committed to the game. Its hard to imagine that right now players are voting for improved alliance system when there are more pressing matters that are killing the game population such as the general lack of alternate gamemodes.
  11. I think player merchants will still move their cargo personally for guaranteed safety while more pvp-oriented players will use this feature instead. You make a good point but who knows it might not have that great an impact on the current form of trading.
  12. Mirones made an interesting suggestion: I was thinking every ship was unpainted by default Devs can create a preset patterns for each ship (Such as Bellona Example) Then once the pattern is chosen players have the option of choosing two color schemes that do not have to be historically in line with the nations color scheme but must be a color that is already in the game. Two tone paint schemes can be free but three tone paint schemes can be sold as a shop item to help fund the developers.
  13. Yeah in POTBS you could either render no crew, all crew, or partial crew on the decks. I think the main issue is if client side animations can aim and fire at enemy ships? Because in POTBS while the cannon crews did pretend to reel in and reload the guns the rest of the crew just stood around and did nothing not even walk. The sail crew animation looks incredibly weak too every time the sails were lowered they would just climb up and down the mast. It would be good if client side crew could without commands fire on enemy ships that come in range, climb sails whenever they want, walk around the ship, etc. They don't need to do any damage when firing or have boarding animations but generally something similar to empire total war would be great.
  14. More like a scharnhorst battlecruiser vs predreadnought imo.
  15. I've tried it before but it's a little difficult to master in tense situations. It would be much easier firing the gun deck cannons first and treating the carronades as a secondary weapon by toggle feature. No extra management required, its just the single shot aiming is in reverse.
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