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About Madjohn

  • Birthday 09/06/1975

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  1. Salut et bienvenu sur Naval Action ! Tu peux passer sur le teamspeak français : escadre.org Les principaux clans actifs y sont présents. Tu peux voir ce lien aussi pour connaître les orientations des clans : A bientôt IG
  2. As strange as it seems colors are based on historical search. But must admit it looks like a playmobile ship with this original paint
  3. J’appelle... à tous... à ceux qui se battent sous la bannière française... Nous avons, vous avez, passé des heures dans ce jeu, vous savez que si les joueurs de la nation ne s’unissent pas, nous serons un jour reclus dans les eaux de Fort Royal... Cela s’est déjà produit par le passé, l’ennemi est à nos portes... Aussi je demande a chacun d’envisager son avenir dans le jeu... Je demande à tous ceux qui jouent dans leur coin de rejoindre une guilde, à ceux qui sont à deux ou trois dans une petite guilde d’en faire de même, de s’unir... Vous avez à ce jour... - Les [ANCRE], défenseurs des eaux françaises - L'Agence Tous Risques [ATR], joueurs JcJ invétérés - Les Boucaniers des Îles [BILES] à l'ambiance conviviale - L'Escadre Royale [ER], doyenne des clans avec laquelle progresser - Les [FROGS] qui regroupent les anglophones Il faut gonfler les rangs de ces clans et s’entendre. Venez sur « teamspeak » escadre.org Tous ces clans ont ou auront les bonus de construction navale de Bridgetown pour vous faire de meilleurs navires, vous aideront à évoluer, monter en grade et commander de puissants bâtiments au combat Nous avons besoin de vous... vous les joueurs expérimentés, vous les débutants... vous... NOUS... tout ce qui fait la nation France dans ce jeu, et très humblement, MERCI a tous. I call.... to all... to those who fight under the French banner... We have, you have spent hours in this game, you know that if the nation's players do not unite, we will one day be reclusive in the waters of Fort Royal... This has happened in the past, the enemy is at our doorstep... So I ask everyone to consider their future in the game.... I ask all those who play in their own corner to join a guild, those who are two or three in a small guild to do the same, to unite.... To date, you have.... - The [ANCRE], defenders of French waters - The Agence Tous Risques [ATR], avid PvP players - The Boucaniers des Îles [BILES] with a friendly atmosphere - The Escadre Royale [ER], the oldest of the clans with whom to progress - The [FROGS] which includes English speakers We need to expand the ranks of these clans and get along. Come on "teamspeak" escadre.org All these clans have or will have Bridgetown's shipbuilding bonuses to craft you better ships, help you evolve, rise in rank and command powerful ships in battle We need you... you experienced players, you beginners... you... WE... everything that makes the French nation in this game, and very humbly, THANK YOU all.
  4. The "France under attack" thread was adressed to the healthy portion of the community which i now know represents hopefully the major part of the game population, considering the huge mobilisation we've seen in bridgetown this sunday and the help and supporting messages i get from numerous players (they'll recognize themselves) from ALL nations, and its purpose was only for the sake of the game we all love. It is really conforting to see that you seek the same thing as we do : having ALL a tremendous game experience and above all good fights and fun, with respect and well-minded spirit. I've read many answers in the pre-quoted thread where i have seen people claming to be the voice of their nation. Just to be clear : At this stage, NO ONE can pretend to represent a whole nation considering the present game mechanics, people can only claim to be a representative for a clan or a group of clan as i do for GFR - ANCRE and ER clans inside french nation. Diplomacy can only occure now between clans or group of clans, there's no way to make commitments for a whole nation due to the presence of isolated players, rogue clans or trolls we have inside all nations. French players don't misread me. We (ANCRE - GFR and ER) will welcome with wide open arms any player or clan (the moment they have a decent number of members, game is definitively not designed for 1 or 2 men clans) sharing our game philosophy. To me diplomacy could only be achieved via pm or by using vocals apps, but certainly not in global or nation chat, or even this forum. As the game is launched now, i think NA forum should only be a place to share good game experience, tips and help for newcomers, and suggestion to make small tuning to get an even better game, or other constructive thoughts on any subject. (yes you can call me dreamer Escadre.org teamspeak will always be opened to any clan or group of clan grown up diplomats from others nations, as long as they are in the same line as ours in term of game experience and mutual respect. We (pre-quoted french clans) will try the best we can to solve tensions that will surely occured, by encouraging temporary outrageous players (shit can always happen sometimes) to apologize, and if we can't lead them into it, the solution will be even easier : a simple click (in fact a right click / kick) so diplomats and clan leaders won't have to spent the majority of their gameplay time to solve childish behaviours issues. Thank you all for reading, I hope you'll clearly get my points, i'm not a native english speaker (yes i'm french, nobody's perfect Have FUN all and cya in open sea for epic battles ! PS :Sorry for the heavy form of this thread, but be assured it's certainly the last time i do such a move, i'll try now to take time to enjoy the game and only participate in the forum the way i described above.
  5. France would like to thanks EVERYone who has understood our call and came to help. Our main goal will now be to get organized, to designate a reliable diplo, and to try to built a unite nation. We'll keep focusing on welcoming new players from release and try to improve their battle skills with the few veterans left, to be the modest part of the game we only seek to be at the moment. This will be possible now thanks to you. hf all, can't wait to meet you in os for gfs !
  6. For those who don't get it the thread is NOT about diplo. Question is can the game survive with another hundred players loss or not, if you think yes, then forget about this thread.
  7. Today ducth nation flipped Bridgetown. During release, dutch have been reinforced by 5 veterans clans (SNOW / CABAL / WO / PRIV / X), and also former LIONS and DAS. To flip Bridgetown, we saw 3rd and 2nd rates. As you may know, France have lost most of it's pre-release regular players who left for russian and rats, and we just began to craft our first Wasas. We have no chance to win this port battle, or even screen their Pb fleet. Our 3 main clans (ANCRE, GFR, ER) are atm focused on welcoming new players from release. We like boats and we wish the game to be a success, or at least to have fun. We neither can nor have RvR ambition, we are not a threat to anyone. Dutch could have flipped puerto plata, then we could have shown a PB to our new players, but they attacked our main crafting port. France has been attacked in open sea since the first day of the release, our hostility missions camped, but we are ok with that because we have to learn the game. But to bury a nation 2 weeks after the release does not look like a fair play move. We contacted the Dutch nation and explained the situation, but they refused to discuss. Despite our situation, and after the request of the Polish nation, we accepted to give them a craft port so that they could play just like us. Showing our kindness to other weak nations. We decided to make a post on the forum to explain the situation, so that the players of NA are aware of this attitude. Aujourd'hui la nation hollandaise a flippé Bridgetown. Pour la release, les hollandais ont été renforcés par 5 clans vétérans (SNOW, CABAL, WO, PRIV, X), plus les anciens LIONS and DAS. Pour flipper Bridgetown il y avait des 3ème rangs et des 2nd rangs. Comme vous le savez peut-être, la France a perdu la plupart de ses joueurs réguliers pre-release qui sont partis chez les russes et les pirates, et nous commençons tout juste à crafter nos premiers Wasas. Nous avons zéro chance de gagner cette bataille de port, ou même de screener leur flotte de PB. Nos 3 clans principaux (ANCRE, GFR, ER) se concentrent sur l'accueil des nouveaux joueurs de la release. Nous aimons les bateaux et souhaiteriont que le jeu réussisse, ou au moins d'avoir du fun. Nous n'avons ni ne pouvons avoir d'ambition RvR, nous ne sommes une menace pour personne. Les hollandais auraient pu attaquer Puerto Plata, ainsi nous aurions pu montrer une bataille de port à nos nouveaux joueurs, mais ils attaquent notre port principal de construction navale. La France a été attaquée en open sea depuis le premier jour de la release, nos missions d'hostilité campées, mais nous sommes ok car nous devons apprendre le jeu. Mais enterrer une nation 2 semaines après la release ne ressemble pas à un move fair play. Nous avons contacté la nation Dutch et expliqué la situation, mais ils ont refusé de discuter. Malgré notre situation, et après la demande de la nation polonaise, nous avons bien accepté le fait de leur laisser un port de craft pour qu'ils puissent jouer tout comme nous, montrant notre bienveillance envers les nations faibles Nous avons décidé de faire un post sur le forum pour expliquer la situation, pour que les joueurs de NA soient au courant de cette attitude.
  8. sure clan dock is a must have
  9. So i must be the only one playing videogames for fun and to get away from rl when my workday ends, i'm really sure i'm the only one I really like games with historical background, and i love when it sticks tightly with historical facts, but when it leads to boredom, i can take some arrangement with truth, because again i play games to have fun, don't you?
  10. i'm really sorry but i don't have time for that, fill the water plz...
  11. Saint malo flag, i used this one on potbs :) if anyone got a better version, i would gladly take it.
  12. The actual display of items in admiralty that can be bought with doublons or piastres doesn't show which of doublons or piastres is necessary. The icon is the same, the help/textbox that appears when you try to put your cursor over the icon displays the item description but not the necessary money. Actually, unless I'm wrong, the only way to know which money is necessary is to try to buy.
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