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Crankey last won the day on July 11 2015

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About Crankey

  • Birthday 07/13/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    History, in particular Napoleonic Naval.
    Recommended Fiction authors.
    Patrick O'Brian
    C.S. Forester
    Alexander Kent
    Julian Stockwind

Crankey's Achievements


Lieutenant (7/13)



  1. Hi All, I'm playing the campaign and hit a snag. I have bought my first 5th rate from the store. I have a 'captain' rank officer with very good stats I wanted to transfer from a 6th rate. However. When I dismiss him from the 6th rate he is visible in reserve, but when I change ships he doesn't show up in reserve to put in the 5th. If someone could let me know what I'm doing wrong. Many thanks
  2. Hi Ink, I have the confirmation of payment and account creation. but cannot find the email holding the code. It is possible I have accidentally deleted the mail as I have done a recent purge.
  3. HI, I have installed my Age of Sail onto my Desktop and wanted to also put it onto my laptop. I am at a loss where to go to download the client again. Could someone point me in the right direction or drop a suitable link in please. Thank-you Crankee
  4. Thank-you for the replies, and being patient with my double posts. Yes I will start with Age of Sail and pick up Dreadnought at a later date. Thank-you @Ink for clarification about permissible streaming content. Look forward to reviewing and playing as I go. Merry Xmas
  5. Thank-you for the replies guys. Much appreciated. Once the family side of Xmas is out of the way, I will set to working out how to plug all of my streaming kit together and hopefully start streaming in the next couple of days. It also Sounds like Age of Sail is where to start, being the closer to launch. Merry Xmas
  6. Hi Forums o/ Hi to anyone who knows me from way-back in my Naval Action career. (I have posted a similar topic in Age of Sail forum, apologies for doubling up but wan't sure which was most active) I'm interested in trying out Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail and Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts. I have two questions. My first question is: Which of the two titles is more complete. My second question: I am intending to stream for the first time in the new year, using Twitch and would like to stream content for one or both titles. Could anyone link or inform me of what protocols/permissions are required, content that can be viewed and discussed etc. Many Thanks Crankee_Oldgit
  7. Hi Forums o/ Hi to anyone who knows me from way-back in my Naval Action career. (I have posted a similar topic in Dreadnoughts forum, apologies for doubling up but wan't sure which was most active) I'm interested in trying out Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail and Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts. I have two questions. My first question is: Which of the two titles is more complete. My second question: I am intending to stream for the first time in the new year, using Twitch and would like to stream content for one or both titles. Could anyone link or inform me of what protocols/permissions are required, content that can be viewed and discussed etc. Many Thanks Crankee_Oldgit
  8. I am late to this discussion and may have missed some posts. There is currently a game series called "NWS Steam and Iron" from nwswargaming.net. "Rule the Waves" is one of their games, a top down combat simulation where you run the navy of a nation (You can get sacked!) and fight fleet battles 1899 - 1925. Despite fairly basic UI and graphics the ability to choose whether you have historical ships supplied to you or to design from scratch all ships you use is awesome. There is a top down design format which allows you to place turrets, freehand draw superstructure. Decide on turret type/gun calibre, placement of turrets or barbettes etc. along with armour thicknesses to belt, deck, turrets extended deck etc etc all within design by class constraints and realistic weight limits. Then of course you got to see them sink or swim in fleet battles using those ships. It would be worthwhile the Dev's taking a look. There may even be some collaboration which may save development time. NWSwargaming.net Footnote: I'm not associated with the company or design team. I just own a copy and play their game from time to time.
  9. If you are going to have more fun as a different nation seems to me you just have to switch. We're all adults here (Well mostly) enjoy your game and hope you have more fun and less frustration in your new nation. Everything else tbh is just flannel
  10. Are the fleet AI really so impressive ? Not in my experience. So shouldn't cost so much. I agree 1 point rank 1, 2 point rank 2, 3 point rank 3 would be maximum I would be prepared to pay for 3 fleet perks. I know I would also regularly wince at how much I paid when in battle and shaking my head in despair when my AI act like drunken lubbers. Make the AI better and allow higher rated ships and less crew restrictions and sure spend all your points on 3 fleet perks.
  11. 1) Implement realistic ocean currents and weather/wind effects. Thus allowing players a speed boost on the open world map and creating potential 'hunting grounds' to intercept ship using such routes. 2) Dual teaming. Can anything be done to combat ruination of RVR situations by dual teaming players. 3) Seed local freeports with materials from surrounding ports, perhaps at increased base prices. This would assist smaller nations/clans to gather rarer resources that would otherwise be closed to them. (Not everyone wants an alt account) (PS Need to fix my details below, very out of date)
  12. Looking forward to the patch. With a view to the port battles, I see the biggest problem for attention is that between decision to attack and port taken is very quick, so the community in the main will be offline and unaware so cannot take part. Adding a 7 day cool down after the fact will not reduce the en masse roll over tactics we are currently seeing. Provisions in game I think are a good thing implemented in a reasonable role. Looking forward to the decision on them.
  13. OP has a valid argument that 'something' could be done to cause nations to consider carefully over-reaching their areas of influence and 'supply lines'. An influence counter or similar per port that slowly ticks down through lack of use/supply per real day etc. Perhaps as a nation each port costs 'x' support. the further away from a friendly major port the higher that maintenance ? Definitely something that can be chewed over
  14. I agree 50% Marines to crew is not historical for naval ships. Do we need to consider still, additional crew/boarders for letter of marque and if we still have them pirate vessels ? Each rate of naval ship and I believe your rank entitled you to a compliment of marines and suitable ranked marine officers. As the rate of ship increased so too did the compliment and rank of its officers. However the ability, morale and musketry of a crew and its marines could be varying in quality. Without extensive training and exercising all of these skills would be green. I would like to see numbers remain historical within the game and allow quality options or 'special orders' to give players the ability to decide what modifiers they can apply. For numbers you really have to consider as has already been mentioned above, that ships fitted out for long cruises simply did not have extra room within the hulls to carry dozens or more of extra men, be they marines or sailors. At least not without it effecting the fighting ability of the ship. (Deck space given over to extra crew or marines, could only be made by removing cannon)
  15. Current system tweak maybe ? In relation to the drop rate, Why not make this a visible % the crafter can see on his screen, and increase the % chance a little every time he crafts a triggering vessel without it dropping. Future system maybe ? Target BP research points for specific BP is known and public knowledge. Every ship crafted adds a value to a research pool held for the player and visible on his crafting screen. The pool is held for each rate. (Advanced versions crafted may add extra points especially if maxed out on upgrade slots.) Player can utilize other rate research points at reduced effect when researching a new BP. (Greater the rate difference - smaller the value) Minimum research points from a particular rate for each BP is known and public knowledge. (avoids crafting 6th rates all your career then eventually qualifying to craft a 1st rate) Practice So the player has a list of research points he's acquired for each rate of ship. The player knows how many research points he needs for a particular BP The player knows the minimum research points he needs from a specific research pool. The player selects his new target BP Minimal research points from a specific rate are allocated and the player chooses which research points he will use to complete the total either same rate or a combination of same and other rate pools. (Slider system from differing rate tally's) Player unlocks the new BP permanently Trade-able BP ? Once researched the player can produce additional Trade-able/sell-able BP that will construct 1 vessel. Seller must craft these using research points (x amount) and coins. Receiving crafter must expend suitable rate research points to use the BP for a 1 off build, but does not gain the BP unlock.(Smaller research tally required) Minimal research points from a specific rate are allocated and the player chooses which research points he will use to complete the total. (Slider system from differing rate tally's) Player crafts a 1 off ship.
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