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Sire Trinkof

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  1. Regarding speed it should be faster... Regarding turn rate, the question is not relevant as turn rate in game and acceleration are overrated a lot for gameplay purpose .... IRL it took 10_12 minutes to make a square rigged ship turning against the wind , so any comparison with in game turn rate is a non sense.... that being said, with realistic speed third rate, bucentaur etc... should be faster than frigates ... 😊, and 6th rate square rigged (Cerberus, surprise, etc... ) should be the worst sailor.
  2. Hermione replica is too high on water and oversized due to régulation regarding ship tansporting passengers.... and reuced weight of artillery, powder, food water ... and 270 men on-board (on the real one decks were lower and would almost not allow you to stand up completely ) and the in game model seems to be based on the replica... this is why it appears so big compared to belle poule. They should have the same size and roughly the same waterline.
  3. LOL ... read history a little bit more please : after Louis the XIV and spain succession wars, there were 4 wars between french and british : 1. Austrian succession war 1748 : considered an humiliation for british navy, on a more "rational" point of view, a draw on the seas, with some major french victories 2. Seven year war 1754 : Disaster for the french on the seas (and land) , mainly because of the "treacherous" war declaration : birt ceased and captured a lot of french ships before the war officialy started , and organised a lot of raid on french britany coast to capture civilian sailors who finally were deported into "Ponton" (do not know the english word). The official reason of this treachery was the fear from british admiralty to see the french navy to grow as strong as in the previous war, and the purpose to deplete quickly the potentials french sailor in the Navy 3. US independance war (1780 french involvement) ... another brit naval defeat (french lost some battles , won a lot more), with 1v1 engagements turning in favor of the frenchs. read about Suffen in indies for example ... 4. Revolution and napoleonic wars : French ultimate and crushing naval defeat , ... pretty obvious when the governement decimated and exiled most of the officer corps. sadly the most documentated fights are the ones of revolutions wars, and few archives are left from fights from earlier in 18th century, exept the major naval battles. Thing is a lot of the 1v1 victory of the french were not achieved by Royal officers, but by privateers. There were a lot of grey zone ships : "King's ship, sailed by captain under royal comission, but as privateer for private investors" Overall, I will not deny the Brits dominated the seas during the 18th century. Saying brits beated the french for over a century seem quite exagerated EDIT : Sorry, I was a little too fast to draw my sword in defense of my country, .... You specifically said in 1v1 combat. And I can agree on this ... but like I said a lot of fights from earlier in 18th century are not well documented
  4. Long time not loghed in ... But I have to share my belle poule love ... Faster than a trinc (when loaded) due to the low weight of guns Good turning Live oak.... Just un-sinkable... With rigging specialist and reinforced sails, loaded with caronades... She is a beast, no other 5th rate has this mix of speed resistance and turning. Caronades makes the job to keep up with firepower. My second choice would be the surprise .
  5. Je suis sur la mono de l hermione, il y a un bon chapitre sur le sujet : - la concorde était certainement percée à 14 des le début, le repercement de tous les sabords aurait trop fragilisé la bordée. L'auteur se questionne sur son armement ou non... Tout comme nous. - a noter une dizaine de frégate de 12 de la période révolutionnaire étaient percées de 14 sabords, le reste de 13... -pour les gaillards un total de 8 sabords par flanc, mais le navire ne portait de canons sur tous les sabords, mais les canons étaient déplacés avant le combat sur le côté de l'engagement, pour obtenir un nombre maximum de pièces. En pratique sur l hermione en configuration la plus lourde, ô compte 6 pièces de 8 et 4 obusiers, pour 16 sabords disponibles. L'hermione est notée comme ayant du 6 sur les gaillards, mais l'ordonnance de 1786 prevoit du 8 sur les frégates de 12. Artillerie maximum théorique : 28+16 = 44 bouches à feu, même si il peu probable que cet armement ai jamais été mis en pratique. Source monographie de l hermione de ancre (ma nouvelle acquisition !!!!! )
  6. Après c'est peut être le dernier sabord de poupe qui était désarmé pour libérer les cabines de l'état major, et le sabord supplémentaire de proue qui était armé. Aussi possible pour modifier l'équilibre du navire... Ou bien elle est citée comme un 32, du fait de sa conception d'origine. Je crois me rappeller aussi que les obusiers n'étaient pas toujours comptés dans le nombre officiel de pièces. De même l'armement changeait beaucoup en fonction des missions, des relations internationales, et des préférences du capitaine... Bref beaucoup d'hypothèses. Après vu la structure du navire, il ne me semble pas improbable du tout que le navire ai pu porter 14 pièces en batterie basse.
  7. Pour la concorde il existe deux plans, par les anglais, un avant et un après la refonte. Il me semble qu'elle est percée de 14 sabords avant et après. Le plan après refonte est impressionnant d'ailleurs, toutes les œuvres mortes sont changées, le navire est méconnaissable à part ses lignes de carène. Au dessus de la flotaison elle devient presque identique à la "Frigate cherubim" qui a d'ailleurs plus l'air d'une frégate britannique que russe. (les deux plans sont dans l'histoire de frégates françaises de 1650 à 1800 de boudriot)
  8. Their is a too huge difference of turn speed in NA, between small and large ship, and between frigates and SOL, making any large ship an easy pray for one or a group of smaller one, who can literally stay behind the Stern, for more than an hour of fight. Completely a-historical.... But a SOL is doomed in a 1V1, versus a competent frigate captain.
  9. After the all evening, I like it more than what we had before Messy unpredicatble .... fun sometime, raging somtime ... but at least people fight because they belive reinforcement might come ... I saw less run and hide, boring battle as usual Yes sometime, you are on the wrong side of the perk ... that's the game
  10. Hello ! I wished to apologies to Dutch Cap, who were involved in fights near cariacou tonight . [EDIT : PVP1] I was initailly coming to help french thrid rate being engaged just near the town, I was sailing in a Belle Poule, we managed to fight , and get them out safely, just after we engaged some Dutch frigates (there was approximatly 15-20 player in the area from both sides) I had social perk, ... and no french came, they all ran to port, leaving us willing to fight alone. Until the last 30 minutes, dutch players came ... no french joined .... even if we had the upper hand regarding number of ships in a 30 seconds time frame from cariacou ... what a joke.... Anyway, I wish to apologies to the dutch player around, I have been very sarcastic (no insult though, not my type ) and not nice in battle chat, while I should have been more agreesve in the french national chat instead. This was a nice fight, could have been just awesome and balanced if the french in the area came ... Had a fight just after with some other dutch, (inger and frigate ) which was nice also, and I saw that social perk can be AWFUL ... or just awesome (allowing for reinforcements and driving battle into madness) I had some great fun with the dutch and brit players around, began to like social perk as it can really bring havoc and make battle much more unpredicatble, My apologies for the sarcastic words told to my opponent, I was too angry at the french nation to be rational See you on the seas, S!
  11. It is never too late ! I already written it : transition / reinforcement/ between OW and battle has always been a problem, in my opinion, any thing we might have to test in order to solve it should be tested, even if some of us (me included) do not like some proposal ON PAPER. Unless we test it ingame, there will always be speculations, people strongly against or in favor .... But without testing in the OW environement no one can actually say what work and what do not work. I must say I really like how you manage the developement of your game, listening the community and being open minded about a lot of things ... but sometime some things must be tested, if the professional game developer feel the need of testing , because players having spent several hundred of hours playing a product, are often very conservative, and are not always the most open minded about changes, ... even if they need them .
  12. Huge unpredictable messy battle... nothing could possibly make me smile more!
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  13. Merci ! C'est l'information que je cherchais ! En effet sur les photos de l hermione je me disais bien qu'elle paraissait "un peu haute" au début j'avais pensé au poids de l'artillerie, mais même les pièces de 12 paraissent un peu petite pour les sabords. En tout cas merci Surcouf ! Peut être qu'on se croisera dessus dans quelques années quand je me serai motivé à rejoindre les gabiers !
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