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Naval Action Tester
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Saintduiex last won the day on April 29 2015

Saintduiex had the most liked content!

About Saintduiex

  • Birthday 04/17/1958

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    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    My family, BBQ'ing, the Seattle Seahawks, Beta Testing for Naval Action and TANE, and The Decatur Armada!

    "Lead, follow, or get out of the way!" ;)

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Lieutenant (7/13)



  1. No, it is a fleet only map at this time
  2. Please note: Any new open membership applications to TDA will be on hold for the time being. For those who catch our attention in Open World we will still continue to do targeted recruiting by members of our Leadership Team Regards, Saintduiex Admiral Of The Fleet.
  3. Just because that may be all that you have ever experianced does not mean that this is all there can ever be.Aiming at the lowest common denominator just means you are aiming for mediocrity. The game won't be filled with "saints" (pun intended) but Im sure assholes will be treated by the community that has been assembled thus far appropriately to ensure they are not long tolorated.
  4. And a committed group as well! The D Boyz got game
  5. STATUS OF THE FLEET April 2015
  6. Great phase, hats off to the Devs AND to those that added all of the great testing feedback and input. Gameplay aside, you guys are tops when it comes to initiating discussion of possible features or changes. Coming up on one year with NA and this interaction with your testers has continued to exceed my expectations! Well done Game-Labs, Looking forward to ST2 (and the TDA Boyz will get a new ribbon )
  7. "Commemorative Patch" Awards Program While we already have a couple of dozen awards and ribbons that are in recognition of a TDA Members significant event or achievement, we are now introducing the TDA "Commemorative Patches" series. These will be available for participation in special events or for other recognized occasions and we are kicking off this new TDA tradition with our first patch: "The Doldrums" Things have slowed down a bit on the Naval Action forums with many players now eagerly awaiting the launch of "Open World". However, we are still busy over on the TDA Forums and to recognize those that have launched their boats and are continuing to pull their vessels into more active waters, this new patch will be awarded to those TDA members that post on the TDA Forums during the month of April. Full Definition of DOLDRUMS 1: a spell of listlessness or despondency 2; often capitalized : a part of the ocean near the equator abounding in calms, squalls, and light shifting winds 3: a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump
  8. Our secret training tool:
  9. Best of luck on your new venture! I'm sure that our interests and paths will cross at sometime, perhaps even for our mutual benefit
  10. They were release and tested months ago. Sounds like they may have added them back into the map pool
  11. Recently seen in "Shout" on the homepage of the Decatur Armada website
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