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  1. So I just figured out that the armor quality slider is for your gun penetration data. So no I can't say that I had it set correctly. However, in a current testing battle I noticed even with the armor quality set to the setting the numbers don't add up and I get blocks at point blank range where I'm almost certain you shouldn't. First off here is my target's armor Pen Calc with AQ Gun Data with AQ Target damage WITH Armor Quality Target Damage WITHOUT Armor Quality So two things jump out me (aside from the fact that I'm as close to ideal angle and range to target and still having almost 50% shots blocked) First is that with armor quality on the penetration data is too high as it says my guns penetrate 60" of side armor but when you look at my gun data it says for that range I should only penetrate only ~30" of armor. Secondly, the damage table doubles the armor thickness without the armor quality enabled.
  2. Ok so I've got another weird thing I've run into involving armor blocking shots it has no business blocking. I have pretty conclusive evidence that the calculation for armor defeating shells is bugged and shells that should easily penetrate, either partially pen or are completely blocked. See the below screenshots. I am engaging a french BC with a 6" armor belt and 2" citadel inner belt from a distance of ~6.7km with a 13" gun firing an AP round with THIRTY SIX INCHES OF PEN at 7.5km or over 500m further than the engagement distance. I could understand ricochets and partial pens given the slight angle, but the fact that I have roughly SIX times the necessary penetrating power to go through the main belt means there should be no way the shell is straight up BLOCKED. 49 blocked shots most of those being 13" rounds 36.4" pen @ 7.5km the engagement is currently 6.7km how does 6" of belt armor block that?? avg ricochet angle, a listed pen for side of 26.6" (idk why so low when it should be about 10" higher, so I'm assuming that's the normalized pen value for the angle of the shot) Am I crazy or do these numbers just not add up?
  3. I have never seen this before but on my new campaign I'm around 1910 tech. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep formations together... ship size, ship speed, formation size is irrelevant, like 80% of my formations go lobotomy mode even on a straight course... ships crash into each other a single formation of four ships in line ahead will bunch up and go in four different directions... It legit is making battles unplayable. Anyone else running into this? See below for two examples.
  4. fair enough... I guess it remains that it's still weird to me, that gunkeeper, rangefinder, radar techs and crew skills now do so little to affect accuracy where as previously radar and rangefinding were decisive factors in gunnery accuracy.
  5. Is there any intent to revise the accuracy achievable via design and tech selection? My understanding of this mod is that engagement ranges are farther than vanilla, however since the latest UAD patch accuracy is extremely low, with 10% hit rates really only achievable at less than 30k-20k yards which is about the same as vanilla despite veteran crews, gen 3 radar, Stereo 5 range finders and the powder that gives base accuracy buffs (tube powder 2 iirc). Specifically, endgame tech rangefinders and radar seem to have very little effect on overall accuracy across the board which is bizarre. Is this the mod working as intended or a consequence of the latest patch changes?
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