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mrfox1918 last won the day on December 1 2024

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  1. you can already do this, make your refit, save it, then make a copy of it and build the copy. ez.
  2. If you like this mod but wants subs and mines I would recommend just waiting for NAR to figure itself out. Or going through the process to get NAR working as it is so far. Having 5 different mod versions is a LOT to deal with especially with the game constantly getting small patches that break everything. Yeah the DD and Tb situation is hopefully being worked on I agree with you the mod has broken them and are kind of useless. I can build CLs that are 1/2 the price, just as fast, and WAY more then double the fire power so DIP needs to rework its DD and TB stuffs for sure. From my DIPv3 G.G Chinese camp... its 1916... Have Advanced Tech level.
  3. So for the near future will you be using Optx6 as a basis? Then incorporate 1.7 stuff once they figure their sh*t out?
  4. GL with new update! Hope you can fix the fore and aft weight offsets soon
  5. TBs can use smoke, is this intentional or a bug?
  6. Same, ships cant hold a line for snot even trying to be easy on the turn rates and speed changes they just bunch up X.x
  7. not yet, you can try it but i dont think it will work
  8. DIP V3 and or the Great Game version of DIP v3 currently only work for UAD v opt x4. Melon loader should be on 6.6 version for it. Hers a YT walkthrough on how to install it... If your on opt 5x i think u might be out of luck 😞
  9. Been enjoying the G.G. mod so far but Destroyers are now impossible to build a lot of times and when you do find a way to build them they are STUPID expensive. Playing as China in your G.G. mod, its 1912 and on a the DD III hull at 32 knt speed and 1200 ton, double gear turbines and oil 1, this DD costs almost 70 million....... and I literally cant make it any cheaper unless I cut the speed to less then 30 knts... Think you might need to double check the changes you have made to engines and such... Built the same DD in vanilla for almost a 1/4 the price using the same hull, tech, year, armament, engines ect...
  10. YEP! the wonder modders fixed the fore and aft offsets ages ago
  11. If anything the devs need to fix the strange fore and aft offsets.... In what world do two 4 inch casemates weigh more then a 14 in triple turret? This has no armor on anything aside from the mandatory 7 inch minimum belt. Ships in vanilla UAD always have a stupid high fore weight offset and the only way to fix it 99% of the time is by making the ships look stupid buy sticking the funnels alllll the way in the back.... Its dumb...
  12. Did T&F change the tonnage needed for invasions? or is that a DIP or vanilla change?
  13. Updated to the latest combability version for DIP and now all I get is this whenever I try to launch UAD after melon loader starts... And it just hangs on it... Very odd...
  14. Been wanting to try this mod and decided to give it a go. Having trouble getting it to launch though. I carefully followed the install instructions but 2 problems. One is the only version of UAD I can run thats close to what this mod is for is UAD opt x6... The other problem is I get an error launching UAD saying that the Tweaks and Fixes mod is not compatible and I need to change versions. How do you install and play this mod? I can't choose the opt x4 and theres only 1 version of Tweaks and Fixes from what I can tell. What am I missing?
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