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Vinrellren last won the day on August 21 2023

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  1. An interesting bug that I found (reported in-game) is that once a target of a certain ship is sunk, the ship stops moving instantly but still fires its secondary to a new target; it can only be moved and controlled again once I right-click the target, then proceed to move normally again until the said target is sunk, the cycle repeats. This happened twice in a 4-hour long game I played yesterday. It is immersion-breaking as both my ship and AI ship stop moving instantly while still firing both secondaries. However, AI can't unstuck themselves, so I can fire a torpedo without any worry and sink them all.
  2. I got this when loading the battle. I can see the outline of my BBs (like the compartment view that shows the damage section), and I can see the BBs only before the screen, where they show the number of ships engaged. After that I can't move any of my BBs
  3. New hulls are always a nice addition, but still, the problem of being able to control so much yet so little, is still pretty much a problem for me. Relations are still quite random; alliances could be useful, but as the AI is warmongering, allying someone will almost always result in a prolonged war. GDP impact felt much more severe in the patch, and it's nice, but we also need the failsafe in terms of a clear condition/prerequisites for a white peace/peace treaty. I don't want my economy to plummet because a major from oceans away declares war on me and proceeds not to engage in battle or be able to ask for peace for a long time. The good thing is the stuck turret seems to have (finally) disappeared for good. Bravo for the devs! It's good to see this game still got the love it deserves because it has potential.
  4. I played this newest version and problems happened. Strike missions are triggered weirdly; they could be triggered by parking a task force in port or just never triggered. The mission itself is also weird; how can I attack an "undefended port" guarded by BB's CA's and DDs? Also, can I please get a strike mission BEFORE conducting a naval invasion? It reduces the tonnage needed for naval invasion. In practice, I always get strike missions DURING a naval invasion to where I needed the port for repair and resupply, not to destroy. Fortunately, the port tonnage seems to return after conquering the port (Check me on this). War seems too damaging to be waged for a long time in this game, which is ironic for a game focusing on naval warfare. War reduces your GDP growth by half, and a long war could cause issues in the late game, with players unable to maintain a lot of ships compared to the AI. (This is not exactly a problem, as the player's ship would be technologically superior compared to AI's anyway) so it's just profitable to take as many oil-producing provinces from the enemy at war and quickly peace out. I achieved a ridiculous 15% GDP growth as the USA and surpassed 1 Trillion in 1929; by 1940, I was at 2.5 Trillion. At that time, money isn't even a problem for me. I can have 30 Super BBs with 150 Super CAs and 300 Super DDs just fine, while the AI continuously on war struggles to maintain six outdated BBs and 40 other ships. Submarines are useless except for the Super variant, but Super Subs are OP. 50 stealth for a Super Coastal and 45 for a Super Cruiser, with a good attack from Super Fleet. The Super Minelayer is the only meh because I use DDs as a minelayer rather than a sub. Transport losses and blockade doesn't seem to affect GDP growth heavily. I blockaded Italy and sunk their convoys every turn, but they still have a comfortable 4% Growth. Please, could the devs add a white peace? Having 0v0 VP for a year or a long time could result in a white peace. It's stupid to wait a year or two while at war without anything happening and not peace out, especially if the AI cannot attack us due to range or is already at war with another AI. The lost time is good enough to affect our economy in the long run. An accurate tonnage shown during the naval invasion menu would be handy; I hate when I met or doubled the required tonnage only to have a 7% chance of success with 100% army logistics. Not to show the real 100% required tonnage, but to show the tonnage in which at least we have a 50% (adjustable) chance of success, that would be nice. AI battle simulation needs fixing, they are the ones who engage us in a battle, but once engaged, they tuck their tails between their leg and run away like a coward. If that's the case, then there is NO BATTLE to begin with. I hate staring at my screen at 10x or even 5x speed trying to catch the battle that AI started because they ran away as soon as the engagement began. This is an old complaint, but please, for all of the player's sanity. Make time compressions available anytime; in late game where RADAR is used, I can only use 5x compression while chasing a retreating enemy 21km away. Our difference in speed is that I am faster by 3 knots than the enemy. How long would it take for the enemy to enter my 5-inch DDs firing range at 13.5km? I have no idea; I rage quitted. A lot of promise in this game, but there is a lot to be desired in the execution of the idea. I know it's hard to make a game, so I hope the devs will improve this game.
  5. I agree. I actually did a pacifist run as the USA, and I just realized how damaging war is against other nations that especially have no province with oil to take. I started in 1890 till 1932 without wars and I achieved 2.3 Trillion in GDP as the US, with France at 1.3 Trillion with 6% growth even at war. I achieved 17% growth yearly due to oil production. I think wars are only beneficial if we took oil-producing provinces, as it boosts our GDP growth immensely, but other than that yeah wars are kinda useless. Especially with the broken peace deal, where wars can drag on for years without any battle (thus 0v0 VP) from both sides and unable to peace deal with the enemy. Resulting in a tanked economy (Halved GDP growth).
  6. You will never believe how much ships AI can posses. They have less effect of upkeep cost compared to us player, resulting in AI wielding unbelievable amount of ships
  7. Too much for what? The number of ships an AI can wield? Nah, that's usual. GDP of a country? Not really, when playing as Germany from 1890, at 1934 the AI US got 4,5 Trillion Dollar and the UK at 3 Trillion, France around 1.5 Trillion. Oil Production? Yes, definitely. 21% growth? 12.5% is my max growth while playing US
  8. There is an overlay button in top right corner of the screen. Should be there.
  9. I am currently doing a full time battle with 5x speed. Enemy are not spotted but presumably following me all the time. My DD is 92km from my BB and I just can't end the battle until the time ran out. I can't spot the enemy, but they can spot me (with far inferior tech). With that debuff, I have a better chance finding a needle in a haystack than hitting any ships. (Torpedo's now too good, as enemy unable to dodge in time). Finally, with 11 mins left on the clock. I can leave!!
  10. Is the option to add GDP in random event did something? I don't think it did anything because 2% of 38 billion supposed to be 760mil extra GDP but no addition at all in the politics tab.
  11. Yes, US got New Brunswick, Spain is missing Northern Spain, Germany's missing West Germany, and UK got the German New Guinea.
  12. As a player, I notice that playing Germany, UK, France and the US. I got a maximum GDP growth (peacetime) of 10.20% yearly, no matter the percentage of convoy (100% or 200%). Well during wartime, half that ofc. So to have the money to maintain a fleet you must be at peace for optimum growth (or will be like my Germany run). The AI will get much higher growth. So why do I go to war then? No incentive to do so (except prestige, which just a number that go up in the screen and doing nothing else). If we won the war the war reparation just absolutely small in number, enemy ships? AI ships are so bad that I just do not bother to look at this option. With war, the poor mechanics of naval invasion and the utter incompetence of our ground forces itself is another thing to avoid. Wartime harms our GDP growth, so countries that are stuck in long war is pretty much done for (Lagging behind in tech), but interestingly due to AI miraculous economy (or just cheap ships) they still can employ more ships. To show power projection, maybe? Anyway, adding content is good. However, I think that there should be a major bugfixes and overhaul (not saying this is easy) before adding the world map in 1.09 because new content would likely make bugfixes harder. Avoid torpedoes still buggy, @SodaBit complain is valid, that bug is so old and countless times announced that it is fixed but it's not..
  13. Start at 1890, now is 1940 US is at 7.3 Trillion (IRL 1995 GDP of US), Britain is at 5.4 Trillion (Larger than current UK GDP). Japan with 3 province got 411 Billion, and then there is me with 43 province and 186 Billion. Maybe I should convince the gov to cut the army budget, because why the heck we need 2 million men during peacetime? Anyway, quite a good change for this build (1.3 BETA B4). The introduction of dynamic weather is a good one, one step forward, sadly the step is not that firm. I definetly not going to endure the suffering again though, until the torpedoes and the almost guarantee evening night battle are gone. Economy is still a bit wonky (but this is an old issue, not specific to this version only). Hoping good changes before this became a stable release! Keep it up devs!
  14. Both started in the evening and massive debuff on accuracy I had to turn off avoid torpedo button because, what the heck are the other ships did? They all ran away from the lead division because of what? Torpedoes that missed them a while ago? Maybe a torpedo wake highlight would be a better one? I know torpedoes can spread (as it should) but the warning is just misleading, there are 3 torpedoes that are quite far from the warning sign (one even on the left of my ship) making the warning almost useless, especially if battles in this pitch black night. I can only see a torpedo wake around 0.5km from my ships making it quite impossible to dodge with a large ship.
  15. Damn, I wish we can told the army where to invade. They stupidly attack areas where the navy could not help. Yes, early gameplay (Up until 1910s) I can still compete against Americans and Brits in GDP. The problem is that, I conquered all of Russia and half of Japan even half of Africa (thanks France)but even Japan still have a higher GDP than I do. Year is 1939 and I only hover around 200 billion, while US is on 5.7 Trillion (that's like 1990s IRL GDP), the Brits is at 4T (Current UK GDP).
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