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  1. So this is something that I thought I would actively look into during my new save as the 1.1 beta has come out and forced us all to restart (c’est la vie), and it's been something that's always bothered me a little bit in that it never really made sense and it's this little bugger right here ... "-95%? Well ain't that a little bugger?" I'd always say to myself. "But if the first researchable technology in this category has a penalty that bad, then it had to be worse penalty before, so let's just carry on." Even so it continued to not really make any sense, so I decided to gather some empirical evidence to support a theory either one way or the other, so here we go. Communication range on my battleship before researching Flags... Those are some nice numbers right there, so afterwards it got to be better right...? Holy Potatoes Batman! Same ship but a significantly worse rating. Why, after 2-3 years of research, have my communications officers suddenly gotten so much worse at communicating. Either that or I completely misunderstand how these values interact with game play. So if I am understanding the values here correctly I propose one of three thing might happen. 1) Remove Flags Communication from the research list entirely. (The extreme approach, probably not good for balancing research progression) 2) Give Flags Communication research to all nations as a starting tech (Does take a very long research out of the list so there's that balance, but at least the first research doesn't actively makes your ships worse.) 3) Reduce the penalty for Flags Communication (or even make it a bonus) and then add a default starting penalty to Communications Range. (This way the first research actually helps ships to be better. Downside is I don't know how difficult it is to add base penalties to the game and/or change the values awarded by research) Of course I could be entirely wrong on how this all works, and Flags Communications is in fact a benefit to Communications Range over whatever happens to be the default value. If that is true, then can we fix the UI to make it look like that is what is happening?
  2. There's something a little funky about the pathing of ships sometimes. St. Louis here entered the battle in it's currenly damaged state, which was to be expected after previous battles. But what isn't expected is the fact it won't move anywhere and then when it gets attached to a division it tuns into a bayblade in ways I have never seen before. You spin me right round.mp4
  3. Alright, can some one help me understand how flooding works now-a-days. Back in ye olden times (pre 1.05), flooding of a ship was fairly easy to understand. Let's lay out the scenario. You take a hit, you start flooding and the little water icon comes up above your ship (along with fire/broken engine, etc). The holed compartment starts taking on water, and when it fills the ones next to it do the same. Then (magically) the water stops there. That's it. Now I'll grant that it's a little weird the water didn't continue past the next compartment, and it did make it very hard to kill some types of ships, so I agree a change was in order, queue patch 1.05. Now lets go through the same scenario. Hit, holed, flooding icon, taking on water, all makes sense all same as previous. But now the water continues flowing past the next compartment into the one after that, neat, makes sense, there has to be somewhere for the water to go. Okay, now damage control has patched up the hole and the little water icon has gone away, great, no longer taking on water, right? Right?!? Apparently, wrong. Buoyancy keeps dropping, more compartments continue to flood, and eventually the ship sinks. So am I just absolutely missing something here? Because the new scenario just doesn't make sense. It shouldn't matter how many bulkheads you have or what kind of anti-flood protection you have, once you stop taking on water, you stop taking on water. At the very worst buoyancy should stay put, neither rise nor fall. More bulkheads will slow the water moving to new compartments, or raise the required level before it even starts moving. And anti-flood technologies will speed up sealing the breaches and pumping water out. But once those breaches are sealed, no more water should be getting in. Sure the water that's already there may flow to other compartments, but in doing so the compartments it flows from should start emptying. And if we are still taking on water, then what's the point of the little water icon? The fire icon goes away when all fires are out. The engine icons go away if the engines get repaired. So why does the flooding icon go away if I'm still taking on water and in danger of sinking due to low buoyancy? So again, am I missing something, and/or thinking of something the wrong way? Because this is the single most extremely frustrating point of the game and it makes this otherwise exciting game virtually unplayable for me.
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