I'm up to 34/57 completed, with successfully completing everything I've tried until I got to "Near Jutland". it's the first one I haven't found a solution for, and skipped to complete other missions. The main issue is you end up only designing a small part of your force, usually 3-5 Destroyers. You get paired with 2 AI-built Battlecruisers and must destroy 3 AI-Built Battlecruisers, with 12 enemy Destroyers reinforcing.
You must destroy all 3 enemy Battlecruisers and the main rub is that you can't lose more than 70% of your Destroyers and either of your AI-Built Battlecruisers. The ideal number of Destroyers to build to be useful appears to be 3 or 5, with 3 allowing you to lose 2, and 5 allowing you to lose 3. Complicating this is the bad sea conditions. It takes time to catch up to the Battlecruisers you must destroy, and the enemy Destroyers always have a part to play, turning the battle into torpedo-alley, which can be difficult to keep tabs on.
I've come close to finishing it, but it's very difficult. I've had one too many Destroyers lost just as I'm trying to sink the last Battlecruiser. I've tried rerolling the battle until I get decent Battlecruiser designs on my own side, with designs varying wildly. Some measure of crew experience, survivability, and speed is ideal for the Random BCs. My last try included 3 destroyers with 40+ knot speed with decent gunnery, to help fight of destroyers, and 2 triple torpedo launchers (no reload), to try to get early damage in on the BCs. The enemy Battlecruisers are very good at dodging torpedos though, with a combination of speed and maneuverability making them difficult to land early, vital, hits on them to shape the fight.
This mission might have gotten even more difficult with the latest updates, where the enemy focus fires, almost without fail, incoming torpedo-carriers. The ships you don't design have to end up doing a lot of work and good luck if one of your BCs loses a rudder and/or an engine with a dozen enemy DDs around. Still, I do feel I could finish this if I were designing the Battlecruisers, and not the DDs.