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Candle_86 last won the day on September 13 2022

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About Candle_86

  • Birthday 03/17/1987

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  1. yea given that its going to focus on your MP only titles it looks like are yall going to finally release tools so we can properly mod it?
  2. Question why don't the Brittish get the Ironclad 1, it's based on their ship anyway
  3. With the changes to minor powers we really need a way to invade them, im loosing territory to the Ottomans and even with 3 fleets off of their coast I can't trigger a conquer while their army invades the Dardanelles
  4. The collection of British Ironclads when fisher took over and forcefully scrapped them would like a word with you And I mean Ironclads, the British still had 1860's era Ironclads in reserve, granted he sent them all to the breakers but he was the first that went hey maybe this 1866 broadside ironclad wouldn't hang in a fight.
  5. can't even do that.
  6. Thank you, now the American Navy is awesome
  7. the new USA small Battleship hull could be made larger then, because it allows us to also build the later ships like Mississippi and and Connecticut, because it supports the dual 8in wing turrets, though it does lack hull casemates, but all i could really see is that
  8. Alright well that makes sense, it would be awesome to build them but if it breaks the game I get it.
  9. Ok, but FYI the US did actually mount dual 8in turrets above the main turrets for Kearsarge and Virginia, it affected the rate of fire for virginia and made both ships top heavy but it was done lol.
  10. Any plans to add the ability of US MK 1 and 2 12 and 13in turrents to allow the mounting of 8in turrents above them so we can make Kearsarge and Virgina classes. the Logic seems to exist for the Brittish turrets with the 2in guns. Or Costal Battleship to mount a single 12in per barbette place aka the USS Texas 1895
  11. Convert from JSON back to BIN is broken and I've deleted everything in C:\Users\candle\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts as well as from D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts did not fix it, the function does not work, it was working with update 5
  12. So Modernized Dreadnought 3 for USA no longer allows the mounting of guns on the forward built in barbette, tried 9-16 none can mount to it now.
  13. I agree it's kind of what Sid Meier's Civilization does, you go far enough it gives you a score and you can just keep playing anyway for the lols
  14. historically the Revenge class weighed 29,590 tons to the Colorado's 32,600, and in a fight Colorado hits harder given its advantage in guns of 16/45 vs 15/42 and the Historical fact that American's also used heavier shells than the Brits. American ships once the Standard's got going didn't really save a much weight vs the brittish, more so they dind't build them for speed. American planners decided that when the British went to 23/24knots that a 21knot battle line could still turn inside the Brittish line and it wasn't needed so they kept them short and fat, which i think is well represented here.
  15. consider this Earth II, i mean we don't have planes this is obviously not our world
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