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  1. Apparently so, for whatever reason.
  2. New patch notes are up, with a fix for the campaign freeze during the movement phase of a turn: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1069660/announcements/detail/500558980530046913
  3. On the contrary! Just under 16,000 tons at full load, 2x2 10" guns, and a stereotypically massive American secondary armament of both 6" and 3" guns. Armor was a bit thin in places when you have such a massive firepower advantage against your opponents that's less of an issue.
  4. Well, I posted up why it might be Sweden and not some other country given the map issues. Looks like some sort of error in the target selection code, perhaps because you added additional majors and the AI can't handle that? Sweden is allied with the Dutch in my game, which might be a potential cause for issues, even if the Dutch aren't at war with anyone.
  5. If this helps you narrow down the "Move Ships" bug at all, this is the error I get in the MelonLoader console: [01:52:07.431] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: Eastern Sweden (Province) System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) CampaignController.CheckMinorNationThreat () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) CampaignController+<NextTurn>d__106.MoveNext () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Its a fresh save using your erm... "testing" folder I downloaded thanks to having the link saved in my history, as well as the latest TAF update and MelonLoader 6.6. Somehow Sweden took over Norway in my game and yet its two home provinces are ungoverned. I think Sweden might simultaneously be trying to attack Eastern Sweden from one of its Norwegian provinces at the same time the code is calling for a Swedish uprising inside of the province. EDIT: Err, should Malmo be in Eastern Sweden inside ports.csv when its clearly inside the borders of Western Sweden on the map?
  6. I posted it up in the main bug report thread, but I figured I'd post here as well to save you some time, if I can. Kiautschou Bay and Weihaiwei are connected in the provinces file when they shouldn't be since they don't share a border in the map. And since the Strait of Messina just doesn't exist, no reason Eastern Sicily and Southern Italy shouldn't be connected. On top of that, none of the Japanese islands are connected to one another, when you should at least be able to cross from Kyushu to North Honshu on account of the lack of a naval strait or crossing.
  7. To add to what @o Barão posted up about provinces, Kiautschou Bay and Weihaiwei have connections to each other in the provinces file when they don't share a border on the map.
  8. USS Hovey and USS Long of the Clemson class of destroyers both had twin 4" guns on their mounts instead of singles when commissioned in 1919. Here's a photo of Hovey in Venice, Italy in 1920.
  9. If you crack open the params file partial pens do more damage than overpens. The exact opposite of how it should be.
  10. Should also allow 5" guns. Two of them mounted twin 4" guns, and five more mounted the 5"/51 instead of the 4"/50.
  11. There's a few other modifiers in there to look at such as aiTrainingMod, aiShipyardMod, and aiTrMod. I don't know what "aiPlayerCounter" does and it seems to have an odd placement with those other modifiers. There's also the TechMod settings for AI that seem to give boosts or priorities to categories, and the fact the USA gets boosts to torpedoes is hilarious given our traditional disregard there in favor of gunnery action. Should be switched to gun layout given our innovations there.
  12. Yeah, I'll agree that there are other ways to nerf resistance other than by simply flattening it out among all classes. This is a problem that primarily affects a few super-battleships and you're applying a blunt hammer to everything else. And has been pointed out, isn't exactly historical since some ships were simply structurally weaker than others, such as the Mogamis and the British battlecruisers, Courageous suffering structural damage simply from cruising at full speed in rough seas!
  13. Yeah, they actually did. The Italians and Russians both used Imperial gun sizes despite adopting metric, the Soviets as late as the 1930's in some cases, and the Italians persisting after WW2 thanks to NATO standardizing around American gun calibers, unless you're going to tell me that the world-famous OTO-Melara is 75mm and not 76.2mm.
  14. Yes, they're republics, but to go with what the guy above me said they're not using adjectives before the government type as is proper in names. When you edited a few other names you left them out.
  15. @o Barão You should edit the names of Argentina and Chile to "Argentine Republic" and "Chilean Republic". Argentina should also be a firmly right-wing government from 1890 and slowly moving centrist over the years in line with the Generation of '80 and the massive economic boom it was experiencing before the switch to the center-left government of 1920. And since this is me and I can't resist talking about the USA, the USA should be center-right with a smidge of nationalism until 1940 and the election of FDR given our economic and social policies and laws in place at the time, as well as increasing desires at home for overseas interventions.
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