October 24,1944
From: Commander, Task Force 58.2.4
To: Commander Task Force 58
Fwd: Commander US 7th Fleet Headquarters Pearl Harbor USTHWI
Fwd: CINCPACFLT Headquarters Pearl Harbor USTHWI
Subj: After action report, engagement of Japanese Southern Quarter Force, Japanese Mobile Fleet
Battleships USS West Virginia, USS Maine and USS Montana (Mains 18", 16". Secondaries 8" and 5") And Heavy Cruisers Boston, Bremerton and Portland (8"mains, 5" secondaries and four battery torpedo launchers) Engaged Japanese Southern Quarter force consisting of....
Battleships: Shigano and Kure (16"mains, 8" secondaries)
Heavy Cruisers: Koga and Akari (8" mains, 5 "secondaries and torpedo launchers)
Light Cruiser: Hirugame (5 inch mains, torpedo launchers)
Destroyers: Nahami, Chitose, Fukumake and Fukuoka (5 inch mains, torpedo tubes)
Initial engagement range 20.8 KM
Final closed combat range 6.4 KM
Battleships Shigano and Kure were dispatched first with Kure destroyed by four torpedoes fired by Bremerton
Heavy cruisers Koga and Akari were destroyed by gunfire and torpedo hits
Light cruiser Hirugame was sunk by massed gunfire
Destroyers were dispatched in turn by massed gunfire.
USS Maine took the brunt of punishment from the enemy battleships and was sadly lost by torpedoes which detonated her forward magazine.
USS West Virginia took two torpedoes and Montana took one torpedo. Portland took two torpedoes and retired from the battle.
Battle lasted 48 minutes. All enemy combatants sunk. Broom tied to main mast....clean sweep. Better luck next time Tojo.
Captain USS West Virginia sends.