Hi all,
I play NA for a few weeks (Britain), and I try to make money by trading. I travel between Fort Royal, Santiago and Savana. I 'hide' my traders behind my main ship (trinco or neufchatel), I guess this is a good idea. When I take 1 indiaman and/or 1 trader, it seems ok (I always travel carefuly, I don't even take winds), I have never been attacked so far. But each time my fleet is 1 main ship + 2 indiaman, I get attacked by Pirates. And each time I have no chance : either 6-7 pirates in semicircle just when I'm too far from the port to go home, or a heavy ship (e.g. Wasa) that comes from nowhere and boards my indias. Each time I lose about 500K reals, and I have to restart everything from scratch. So boring. The last time, I was just reaching a port (after 1 hr travel), there where some trinco/essex/frigate PNJ in the area (I saw them before and after the attack), but the pirate (player) ship really seemed to be at the good time and the good place to attack me.
Here is my question : is this normal ?
- Is there a rule in the game that makes you more visible/vulnerable when you add 2 india in your fleet (= a big deal) ?
- Can one clan/player see what other players do (what their fleet is made of, where there are going, their ranking) ? When I see a "fiend player" in the open world, I can't know anything about him or his fleet, am I missing something ?
- Could this be a cheat ? What the use of attacking a neufchatel with a Wasa in the middle of nowhere, when you start the battle ofwind ? Oh stroke of luck, there were 2 full indias in the fleet.
- I already know that I'm paranoid :-) But I am also REALLY so unlucky :-?
Thanks for your feedbacks