iam said to say so but no
but ive come to the knoledge that xxx jack Sprarrow xxx is an spanish alt acount and thats why he helped him
ill be shure to make screens next time such things happen
is there no logs that you could use to see that happend i mean the friendly dmg gets tracked doesnt it somehow ?
and what ive heard from other pirates that this is not the first offence either of that guy other pirates told me about there encounters with him
"For whatever it is worth I was there for the entire battle and can confirm the above. I tried communicating with Jack Sparrow on several occasions without response and then just thought he was being a troll. Until he grape shot BlakeBeard who was stationary and then left once the battle was over it became apparent he was in league with the enemy.
At the end of the day you win some and you lose some and that's fine. I'd hate to think that players are joining fights and colluding while in opposing factions. That's pretty crappy." Ferryman