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Sir Galahadn't

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  1. OK, thanks. It's good to know the Logistics career points work.
  2. Do you mean that NONE of them work? How can you tell since the Supply line on any unit does not offer a tooltip for how much is available? I'm not doubting you, I just don't understand how you can tell.
  3. What is the radius of supply for a supply depot? There is no tooltip for this in my games. I'm asking because, at the battle of Brandy Station my supply depot tooltip says I have over 12K of supply left but my units are starting to flash the 'AMMO' warning.
  4. I have just noticed that Lt. Gen. Gen. Lee has a security detail of only 64 men while all of my other corps commanders have 500 men, even the Maj. Gen's. Why is that?
  5. When I make posts I turn on the "Notify Me' option but never receive one.
  6. I used the data in the files you included in the original post for this thread in my analyses. However, if I read some of the subsequent posts correctly, some of that data may have been in error or changed. What, if any, adjustments do I need to make to my analyses? Also, do you have a new version of the size degradation file I could get?
  7. I did not know that. Now I think I'll try harder for captures than I have to-date. I had assumed there was an actual exchange because the Battle Rewards box says there is.
  8. Bummer! Doesn't the AI get them back anyway in a prisoner exchange? And, is there any way to refuse the exchange? I really don't like exchanging 13K prisoners for 1K recruits. I would rather the AI have 13K less in its manpower pool than have the 1K recruits.
  9. Does this apply to the AI, too? I don't want the AI's shattered units returning to its army and manpower pool.
  10. Some questions about this mod: - Shattered units return to camp. Configurable using returnShatteredUnits. Does this mean that the surviving manpower from shattered units goes back into the manpower pool for both sides? If not, what exactly is its effect? - Artillery counter battery will now only activate if nearest target is not within 700 range. Will artillery automatically return to counter-battery fire once any other target has moved past 700 range? Will it stay on counter-battery fire even if another target is within 700 range if I direct it to?
  11. OK . . . How do I do that? My data is in an Excel file and the link you gave won't accept it.
  12. I have no objections. Would you like the file from which these screenshots were taken? The data is arranged so that you can select and compare whichever guns you wish to via a similar chart. If yes, do you want only the sheet for these charts or the whole file (which has gun vs gun comparisons)?
  13. pandakraut, using the data for artillery from the files in the link you gave me I have developed these two charts. If you think anyone may find them useful, please le me know and I'll send you the file.
  14. In thinking about this a little more, since there is an accuracy adjustment factor, assuming it would be safe to say that the Average Damage value could be used as a reasonable estimate of the damage for shots taken at any given range, the 10 lb Parrot doesn't look quite as bad and, in fact, beats the 20 lb Parrot in ranges from 1530 to 1700 yards. Obviously, it's worthless beyond 1700 yards. If you don't think this is a reasonable assumption, please explain why.
  15. Thanks again for the quick response. I completely understand your decision regarding the tooltips. And, I intentionally ignored the other factors you mentioned so as to not muddy the waters any more than necessary to get a grasp of the topic. One last question. Does the game really keep track of ranges at 5 yard intervals? Edit: I would appreciate your opinion on the usefulness of this analysis. I find it interesting that the max accuracy of the 10 lb Parrot is 6.67 times that the 20 lb Parrot.
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