Discovered by accident that pressing 'Esc' when retirement window appears it will go away. Game continues as normal.
No more pink slips! Time to sink more ships!
Began an 1890 United States campaign, got to 1950 and just couldn't 'retire' as I was in the middle of a war and wanted to see it through... and since then have just kept it going.
Anybody else try this? How far did you get?
I've been afk for a while... love the weather!
In the suggestion department: possible to add total tonnage to task force info pop-ups on the map? It works for ports... and would make planning invasions much, much easier.
Very ignorant question here... I cant seem to find any info on how to construct submarines.
1890 Japan Campaign; I've unlocked them in the tech tree but don't know (and cant find info) on what to do next. Took a long sabbatical and missed an lot of new stuff!
I run into issues when using sliders to make narrow hulls.. towers don't fit anymore. Possible to add part modifiers so they could be scaled as well?
Seriously looking forward to the caliber adjustments whoo HOO!!
I've seen this too... though in my case it was a DD at point plank range, refusing to fire 5" at a target less then 1k away.. gun is aimed and loaded
Speaking of DDs, mine seem to carry lots of extra lifeboats
Ships leaving Hamburg port must sail AROUND Demark peninsula to get to the North sea?
Also the coordinate system.. at least the old one had whole numbers... could this be real Lat/Long, or some other logical system?
2nd turn and Cattaro is literally blocked by Italian fleet, ie. i cant click on the port to move ships.. hardcore if this is intentional!?!?
EDIT: Issue resolved (fleet gone)next move after battle.