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About A N D I

  • Birthday February 27

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  1. Thats good to here! 10% might be an amount a lot of people can live with i think. Sure it needs to be tested and stuff - I just wrote that because that 30% is, as u said, to much. It kicks the boardingfitted ships out of the game - some ships are made for boarding, others for fighting and shooting. The one for boarding looses in fighting while the boarding one will defeat the pew pew ship. best wishes
  2. Hey, since the new patch came, i think the game, especially the PvP fights with more people became more interesting. But the new determined defender thing with 30% more crew required is bad imho. Because of that, if both have the perk, and are stuck next to each other, they cant board each other eventhough they might want to. Also 30% is quite a lot - for example a very cramped boarding fitted first rate with 1300 crew is not able to board another 1st rate if that one has the perk. In Portbattles BOARDING-Fitted ships are completely useless now. Since the game is often saying it wants to be realistic, why dont you (devs) just delete the determined defender perk? in history, the redoutable was going to board the HMS victory (850 crew) but failed - Redoutable (550 crew )attempted to board her, but they were thwarted by the arrival of Eliab Harvey in the 98-gun HMS Temeraire, whose broadside devastated the French ship. Another things with the determined defender, if you (devs) dont want to delete it, you should lower the amount of crewpercentage the attacker has to have more. i liked the 1 more necessery, but me (and others) could also live with maybe 10% or just deleting that perk. Best wishes Andi, a person who loved to board people!
  3. Determined defender now requires attacker to have 30% more crew to overcome stiff resistance. @admin Will upgrades like double-hammocks then give MORE CREW? cause a very cramped 1st rate with double hamocks still doenst have 30% more crew than the same ship without hamocks nor beeing cramped or very cramped.
  4. https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/37027-bug-report/?tab=comments#comment-739317 is that bug fixed? or is it still possible to exploit that
  5. A N D I

    Bug report

    habe das ganze auch nochmal im englischen verfasst, hoffe man kann es dort lesen und checkt es *
  6. A N D I

    Bug report

    When i boarded a player in PZ today, i took control over his ship. So far, so normal. I shot a broadside with it to the enemy next to that captured ship and changed back to mine, cause i wanted to check if the rep is still active on that ship. When i changed BACK to the one i boarded from the enemy (a few seconds after, maybe 3 sec.) the whole broadside was loaded again (42pd, 24pds, and so on). Basecily i was able to shoot a whole broadside each 2-3 seconds just by changeing from my ship to the captured one and back. please fix this!!
  7. A N D I

    Bug report

    Habe in der Patrolzone heute gegen zwei spieler gekämpft. Habe einen davon geentert, woraufhin ich die kontrolle über dieses übernommen habe. Habe mit diesem geenterten schiff dann eine breitseite auf den gegenspieler geschossen und nochmal kurz mein schiff übernommen (um zu schauen ob die reperatur weiter läuft). Als ich daraufhin 3 sekunden später wieder auf das geenterte schiff bin, war die komplette breitseite nachgeladen und feuerbereit. Somit wäre ich tendenziell in der lage gewesen, alle 2 sekunden eine breitseite abzufeuern. bitte behebt diesen bug. gruß
  8. PvP leaderboard rewards.
  9. The price is falling already, which is absolutely okay - i only do PvP and craft the ships for myself --- thats why i was always happy haveing a good stock of doubs.. but i'm always short on reals - and i think many people are-- My suggestion is just, to make EVERYONE happy, if its possible for sure, that people can choose the way they want to pay (for example: price of doubs is more than reals, cause the "people" which craft it want reals instead of gold (strange explanation, but you understand what i mean )
  10. I can only talk for myself, but i'm no fan of the reals for crafting. In my eyes both should be possible, and that the players (we) choose, how we want to pay the crafting: By doubs (old amount before patch) or by reals (how it is now) -- reals is the cheaper way (compared to the old market price of 350 reals/ doubs) all at all anything else is completely fine for me. best wishes
  11. Does that mean, those who have pandora, and the 3 mentioned get nothing? -- i have everything except l'hermoine
  12. Part of HYDRA Clan will appear there too - dont know the exact amount of people, me personal cant be there because of private stuff.. Pls include them into the ceremony. o7
  13. Finde ich super, ist schon eine uhrzeit bekannt? ich selbst kann sonntags nur bis ca. 18/ 19 uhr dabei sein. würde es gerne. ich kannte ihn nicht, noch habe ich mit ihm bewusst zusammen gespielt, aber dieses spiel hat eine kleine community und die muss zusammenhalten. Und sich gegenseitig unterstützen.
  14. to get everyone involved, we can also form up in OW - with all the players who want to take part in that - might be even more impressive and also a sign of respect in my opinion. Also i think there will be defnetly more than 50 players...
  15. Thats what we thought about too. LT would be prefered i think, because more use that port than any other
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