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Ordinary seaman

Ordinary seaman (2/13)



  1. That battle admission timer is a good idea.
  2. I think the dropped off at the nearest friendly (as in not hostile) port should work well. Sort of a no hassle get back on the horse deal.
  3. I think players should be able to name themselves what ever they like. For let's plays and what not that becomes an important aspect. With ships, I think a drop down menu or two (for two word names) with a whole bunch of names input for selection would be a great way of naming a ship with a good flair for realism. We need to remember that while this in testing Naval Action is going to draw the nautical hardcore player who like a good sailing game right down to a simulator experience. Though when this game release they are going to need to make money off the regular Joe that just wants to sail to Cuba and be the 19th century Fidel Castro as well as the original crew. This means that there are going to need to be some "allowances" so that the game seems interesting to the more casual gamer. A good way of getting both would be to display the ship name instead of the character name when identifying a player at sea. I feel this would allow the immersion all the hardcores and role players crave. If the database were big enough, identifying a player by their ship name would be relatively easy. This way players would be able to go with what ever goofy name they want and feel that freedom while still having an impressively named and fame worthy ship.
  4. I'll just take these into a private room for a few moments...
  5. A good end to the battle I think. I love submarine games so seeing something sink is a good result for me don't really need a big explosion
  6. But the rum is always gone...
  7. Chunx

    DARTHMOD Question

    Well it looks like you guys are doing a wonderful job. Hoping I'll get to check it out for myself real soon but really, just going off of past titles... you guys have so much talent and potential here and it really looks like you are giving it everything.
  8. It would be interesting to see how often the ship gets hit in zone A. Also, I thought I read some where that you would be able to do things like shoot out a ship's rudder. If I am wrong I'm sorry but would that not require it's own hit box? So as not to confuse it with the hull?
  9. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/840-vote-for-naval-action-on-steam/ They just went on Greenlight! Go and vote people!!
  10. Really good to see this moving forward. I know there were people on both sides of the fence for Greenlight but a step in any direction is a step forward Also, voted.
  11. Well perhaps we could also take a different turn with moral. Bear with me while I present the idea. This game is going to be based around a time when at least two nations are at war, the English and the French. By this time both of those powers were investing heavily in colonial assets and so ship's captains would quite often make journeys of months at a time to get anywhere OR a military vessel would be out on patrol for months at a time. So, I'm guessing going for the realism factor, if/when this becomes open world I assume that ships would have provisions (a limit as to how long they could be out at sea, also effecting the distance they can travel). Again so, what if instead of making moral a big mechanic for combat, you instead add it for other worldly things that aren't going to upset a large majority of people. For instance, the lower the moral on a ship (Can be effected by time at sea, distance from home port, battles won and lost, prize money captured, provisions left, fame of captain etc) the faster they will consume provisions thereby limiting how long you can be at sea. Also might add things like not being able to sail as fast in anything but clear weather, caused by sluggish handling of the sheets and tackle. So my idea is, rather than moral have a big impact on battles specifically, make it have an effect on the all around performance of your ship while OUT of combat and instead have the outcome of combat play some sort of impact on your ship moral.
  12. Chunx

    DARTHMOD Question

    Top stuff Darthmod all the way. Same for S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Metro and IL-2
  13. My apologies if this has been asked as I just skimmed the last few pages but my question is this: Will there be realistic numbers of crew on the deck of the ship? Or at least will there be an option to scale how many men are rendered on your ship? I know with so many particles and such going on having a full compliment shown on your ship can be quite taxing on both the server and the computer that you are playing on but would it at least be an option for people to have the realistic amount of crew shown?
  14. This really is quite a beautiful game. Realistic or close to numbers of crew on deck and in the rigging and a bit of weather or clear day, either is fine and I would quite happily just playing this as a sailing sim. The combat is just going to be the spice of the dish for me.
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