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About Gangut

  • Birthday 10/04/1997

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    3D Design, naval history, space and rollercoasters

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  1. Been having issues with naval invasions, when as Italy I tried to launch one against Santa Cruz during a war against Spain, I used a force of 3 battleships and 6 of each type of cruiser which should be enough against a small port. However when I looked at the politics page I saw there was no option highlighted. Similar issue again as America. I should note I always start at 1890 and my first wars are usually around 1893-6. I've filled a bug report, just curious as to who else has this issue.
  2. I'd like to see Austria Hungary recieve an update as it needs new ships at the 1890 start. Even the generic "Light cruiser 1" would add more flavour. It maybe also nice to see some more specialised ship designs for the nation. I'm also totally behind optimisations as 10 years into the campaign it takes forever to move between ticks, other than that it's nice to see the game taking shape 3 years after I purchased it.
  3. Interesting comment regarding ship flaws. I've noticed through various playthroughs that in general the ship flaws just don't matter, and I've been playing it like back in September where all the ships were the same. What I mean by they don't matter, is in battle terms all of the ships more or less perform the same, and it's hard to figure out which one is more flawed due to the random nature of battle. Its somewhat similar outside, as in terms of cost to operate and keep it's a fairly small difference. Where ship flaws would matter is if there was a chance of a gun turret braking down, or an engine doesn't perform as well as it should, or something else to that effect.
  4. One thing I've noticed compared to the previous version of the campaign (pre October varient) is that after 10 years from the 1890 start it becomes unstable and sluggish. This is exacerbated by the fact I'm always at war with someone, and in some cases practically everyone is at war, thus making the game very sluggish every time I the "next month" button. I think one of the major issues is that too much is going on at the same time compared to the last version, and for one reason or another, the ai just desends into an eternal royal rumble, which makes all of the issues worse as the game never gets time to 'settle' as it does in the early game.
  5. Ive been having an issue where if I turn my ship right, it turns left and vice versa. Another issue is my ship keeps rapidly changing which targets to fire at without allowing me to just select one target to hit. It will also select multiple targets even if they are the furthest targets.
  6. I have noticed that sometimes when starting a new campaign the game will be stuck loading at a random date such as September 1886. The settings I use are 1890 start date, historical ai, create from scratch and selective player builds. That being said the game I feel is better optimised in beta than the curreent release.
  7. After playing various campaigns both with the last major update, and this one. I think truce timers are in desperate need of being added since the amount of wars that start a year later after you've finnished and when your in the middle of another can become a grind.
  8. So I have reached 1920 in my French Grand Campaign and so far here is the list of improvments to make. Truces - the 1910s for me has been a decade of near endless wars between Italy and Austria Hungary, truces would be a great addition to help spread out the wars. I kid you not I've had no less than 6 seperate wars between them both. increadibly frustrating to be fighting near endlessly with little downtime to just build and organise. Expanded peace deals - these could include a 6 year truce, compensation per month or ceding a 'core' port. Improved ai - the AI enters into turning mode for some reason and just wont stop, this is especially frustrating when you have to find the culprit in the fleet. I have reported this, just writting this here incase anyone else has the same issue. This also includes the ai producing sub-par designs post 1900.
  9. Started a new French grand campaign from 1890 and here are my suggestions and feedback Ship save database - bascially a place to save and load our ship designs to we don't need to constantly have to rebuild them every time. Austria Hungary cruisers - I think the generic 'light cruiser 1' should be used just to at least give us some veriaty as AH really lacks in flavour early on. Option to send a peace treaty - Being able to offer the ai a peace treaty instead of waiting for one would help allot, epecially when in the past there have been ocations when the peace treaty was over-rided by a battle notification or just flat out didn't fire. Especially when the enemy only has a few ships left.
  10. Some observations from my 1890 - 1905 campaign as Germany (it should be noted I report the bugs during gameplay so wont be posting bugs in this post, however this is more gameplay feedback) So far the ai has a bad habbit of building or keeping very old ships in service, this also includes the fact these ships are using baseline technology from the start of the game, whilst I'm building/ operating dreadnoughts. Doomstacks whilst they happen in history, they arn't as common as in this campaign when I had to face off against several in the space of one war, even though I was operating medium sized fleets. My p.c aslo encounters a fair amount of lag/ slowing down despite being a decent gaming p.c with an Nvidia 6gb graphics card, 16 gb of RAM, and a Ryzen 5 3600 core. Would be nice to see Spain added as it's a bit weird seeing the flag and sending ships around Spain with nothing coming from there. It would also be nice to update the Austrian navy's hull selection in the 1890 start, as 3 different sizes of the same hull can be a bit boring to look at and work with, and they don't allow for allot of variation which can make it very hard to really experiment. Overall I do like the update and think this game is heading in a great direction.
  11. Some feedback from my sessions in the game as of late. (Bear in mind I usually do 1890 starts) Mission Spawner - the mission spawner still spawns weird missions where its like 1 battleship is up against a hoard of torpedo boats and a few heavy cruisers, despite that battleship being in a fleet and so the whole fleet should also be pulled in. Balancing - The balancing is pretty extreme even on battleships. On torpedo boats an light cruisers the pitching is especially bad as it's always in the red even though I'm using the samke generic light cruiser design as usual. As a final note as Draco mentioned above I also had a flash fire moment causing the death of one of my battleships, by guns fielded by a heavy cruiser, despite having belt armour thick enough to prevent battleship sized shells going through and deck armour which should have been sufficient.
  12. One issue I've constantly had throughout my 1890-1930 French mega campaign is the ai will in some battles constantly be in the turning phase, but instead will continue to move forward/ try to avoid other ships in its own squadron which somehow applies to the whole squadron. This in turn means that if left to its own devices it will essentially end up 20km + behind the squadron doing its "thing". This continues until I break up the entire squadron. Another interesting thing is that in the peace treaty I will try to take ships from the defeated nation, but instead when the treaty is signed I will get cash instead.
  13. Finished my last session as France in 1890 and so far I've established that HE is the go to ammunition. I'm not even joking. I've fought most battles with and against every type of ship in this period and HE is the best go to ammunition type. AP can work against medium - heavily armoured targets, but it needs a flatish surface to be whithin like +-30 degrees for it to have any hope of doing what it needs to do. The fleet layout is often wierd with ships being connected to squadrons on the opposite side of another, thus it turns into a giant mess when I need to organise everything, as ships slow down and turn away from one ship and go into the path of another. As for campaign compsition I still maintain quality over quantity, especially in capital ships is still my go to design principle as good skill mixed with raw quality will win almost any battle, even ones where I'm outnumbered 2 fold on battleships alone.
  14. Some notes from my last session as France in 1890 The triple alliance despite having more ships tends to have problems keeping pace with the double alliance (Germany + Austria-Hungary) Despite having more ships. Despite me doing the heavy lifting somehow were about even after over 3 years. Thats even with a few very decisive victories at the start, which no longer happened later on as the ai on the opposing side stopped taking part in large scale battles, and instead focused on smaller ones. Even as I parked a whole battlefleet off their coast. The ai somehow manages to make heavy cruisers which have less displacement than my light cruisers, and with less capabillity overall. Bear in mind my standard 3k tonne light cruiser has 150mm belt armour, 21 knot top speed, max bulkheads, atleast 8 127mm guns and 2 torpedo tubes, aswell as up to date modules. This became amusing and frustrating when most small scale battles against heavy cruisers turned into chase fests and resulted in either withdrawal or a ctrl-alt-del maneuver. Even more strange is when battleships start running away from me in a light cruiser which has happened during a few convoy raiding missions. When starting with a 'create from scratch' navy somehow I'm able to afford less than any of the ai pre-built navies even after the start and the campaign really gets going and I need to stay on top in terms of tech. Most of my play time is during the pre-dreadnought era so far and I will say the ai does a decent job of making a decent/good ship.
  15. Loving the new upcoming features, especially the longer campaign and dud torpedoes as the ai somehow has an obsession with launching waves upon waves of them. Would like to see Spain being added in a future as a playable nation as it's weird sending my fleets round the coast of Spain without there being a nation there. Ottomans/Turkey would also be an interesting addition as it makes fighting for control of the medditeranian more interesting.
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