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Neither could Chinese, especially once warlord period hits and Spanish naval forces were anemic too. Not that I disagree with Ottoman having no influence on naval matters in this period (which is only Turkey post 1922) but I think this is more related to perceived potential market for the game plus their inspiration by the RTW game design (not talking graphics here but many of game loops).
I think this is more related to game engine limitation then game design decisions tbh . I am not saying it is same thing but I remember vaguely from KSP (which also used Unity engine) that increase in speed (warp) causes all kind of bugs and funny situations.
To put it as simply as I can - I feel you have a very superficial understanding of the problem and I have no idea where to start. I really tried. But I got nothing to work with even after restarting this post 4 or 5 times. I have no ability or desire to condensate a masters degree and MANY years of professional life (where I worked within every level in a company) with 8 successful product launches and even more importantly - 3 failed ones... In your country there is good chance that doctor you use, is using extension (part of) or even the entire EMR system that I contributed to early in my career. As to my involvement in the thread - writing what others have already mentioned tends to clutter the thread. No need to report bugs mentioned 2-3 times before. If you are not satisfied with my participation on this forum - that sounds like a "you problem" to be honest. I will call people out when they make comments which I find stupid. If you feel that strongly about that report it to the moderators. Finally regarding my attitude to mods: Professionally: excellent for a game/product once that game is feature complete - distractions in a early phases of the game development unless one is willing to take a huge hit in the development speed. And if dev takes a decision that is known to be unpopular one - usually there is good reason for it, especially in the game industry. Privately : I like to work with mod distribution tools - something like CKAN for KSP or Rimworld's integrated one. I did not work with these two, just using them as an example of my interests. Don't have so much time for that right now because real life obligations. But trying to call me out for being against people experimenting with their software is not exactly accurate assessment of me.
Well, people screwed around with stuff they did not understand and then enough BS reports were sent to the devs due to these modifications causing unintended issues that this had to be posted: And as is traditional, people don't do QA on their own changes to the save files but rather offload that work to devs. And that is why we can't have nice stuff.
Increasing Starting Campaign Funds
Dirlinger replied to PalaiologosTheGreat's topic in General Discussions
I think this game would profit, sometimes in the future, adding options in the options menu, for customizing your own game, like starting funds etc... This was done wonderfully done in a indy game Gear City. Obviously, the dev (only one guy) went really deep into it but it gives general idea: -
That is kinda limited dataset and only from end user perspective where you have no idea what is happening in the background. My experience differ both as gamer and as professional from SW industry. I am not gonna defend Game Labs (they do a lot of things wrong in so many ways) but here they actually took a professional decision which is very unpopular but right thing to do. But each to their own.
Well, I am going to be the one to tell an unpopular opinion but in early access phase of game development, modding causes lot of issues and extra work for devs/QA, especially when basic functionality of the game is still changing from release to release. Editing save file obviously caused extra works for devs since they posted message about it on steam forums (https://steamcommunity.com/app/1069660/discussions/0/3265680184992954891/) After the game is released, I am all for the modding/hacking your own game however you want. PS: Relaxed attitude to modding in alpha state also can cause unintended issues from end user perspective, eg. when product managers/devs get lazy and postpone fixing functionality because "mods will fix that". There are several EA games on steam that suffer from this.
It is one of this opinions that is usually popular on any game forum but is actually potential cause of endless problems when you have a product in pre-release stadium just as much as it enriches a game post-release. You can take a look at any steam game that is in early release which has workshop integration and see how much time they use to find origin of a bug (is it from the mod or is it something in the stock game? Or is it the problem made worse by the mod so it becomes much more felt and widespread among end users?). So when game is in alpha, I am very much against mods - when we get to a more "stable" or post-release version - I am all for it.
I am divided on this. Yes, it would give better immersion but I suspect novelty would last first 5-10 minutes of the game and then you would forget all about that. While at same time, animations of crew on the ships can slow down the game and will definetly steal time from development. Right now I don't feel that it would be in our interest if devs do anything to slow down development (like adding new features which have not been communicated before).
>>>Core Patch 0.5 Feedback Hotfix v90<<<
Dirlinger replied to Nick Thomadis's topic in General Discussions
https://bulletpicker.com/pdf/USNBD - US Bombs and Fuzes, Pyrotechnics.pdf#page=48 This document is from 1945 and it talks about Dunnite/Explosive D as "standard main charge for armor piercing bombs and projectiles (...) over 3" : -
So my comment "Steam takes 30% cut when someone releases on their platform, less once you cross 10 million USD. I am sure that plays into the consideration here." according to you means "Steam 30% cut is mandatory for all sales? OK. Enough said from me then.
Unfortunately it is more of a rule than exception. Company I worked for some years ago, got ruined by that greed from owner just because that because his greed forced the regulatory reaction. But game industry is the wild west so everything goes there....😏
This is typical example of discussion on internet where you don't address the point the other party raises and instead just come with new stuff. Steam site you link to, explaining what keys are (like nobody knew that before?) has 0 relevance for kick back devs have to give to steam and how customers will behave or invalidates other obligations outlined in partner program. It even underlines that you can't give lower price on other store fronts than steam which makes those fronts irrelevant because 99% of players will just buy the game on steam if they want it there. This idea that you can sell steam keys and bypass giving kickback to steam is not realistic. Again, why has not Game Labs, with experience of launching 3-4 games on Steam opted to go with steam launcher for UAD from get go? Because they are stupid or do they actually know something your average forum user don't?