While I agree with what has been said above we at GA do have a dislike for VCO well actually certain members the personal attacks by unnamed members about our character within the British nation forced GA to take a step back from the RVR especially shortly before the map reset when were lucky to have max three online. We have since had a resurgence of members allowing us to renter the fray thus being at port defences and several attacks (carta, and Nippes) while we currently do not openly engage in open world pvp we do sally forth against regular forays by pirates in our area of ports. Right now we have stopped our expansionist operations having secured hose ports we think are in our realm of operation.
what this means for the future you might see more of us on the open sea we have a good group but our prime time tends to be Euro into US as GA has a mixed base of players rather than all one area of influence. Like port battles at 02;39 server time basically rules 60% of the clan out of action including me but of course this is US prime time and we are on a Global server so to be expected and we understand that.
We at GA are classed as carebears by V(shame)CO but unfortunately our shame enemies really never understood the whys a wherefores of GA stepping back now they have moved we are slowly but cautiously stepping out into the world even to the extent of suicidal defences of ports like Peurto Escondido where we knew what we were facing but went in anyways carebears would have left the port undefended and walked away.