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Hussarball_PL last won the day on July 10 2022

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  1. Hello I would like to suggest a new wacky mod idea: "the 10x" - Every modules feature (negative and positive) is multiplied by 10
  2. Let's not forget about communication improvements which somehow add 500T on biggest battleships
  3. Thank you for giving me opportunity to recreate my favorite modern ship from my least favorite nation: Kirov
  4. Hello again I don't know why but research boost still doesn't work for me. I'm playing on that old campaign and current progress is something near 5%, which is normal progress P.S. I forgot to mention in previous post but thank you for the hard work on this mod! :)
  5. It appears that unfortunately this feature doesn't work Current tech progression is something near 4% per turn, which is close to normal 1-5 which game uses in vanilla.
  6. Oooh, I didn't know that. Interesting, thanks for info
  7. Is there a way to add absolutely bonkers modules? For example: -Atomic Engine as Engine -Railgun as propellant -Krupp 2000 as armor -Rocket propulsion as Torpedo propulsion -and other wacky stuff
  8. ctrl+alt+shift+z
  9. No. Researching cruiser tech, internal protection and boilers in 1890 campaign is too slow and you are always behind those "dates". You have to "focus" them in order to be up to date. 100% research funding by the way.
  10. I know your pain, I'm only play 1890 campaign and not being able to destroy transport ships "The most intuitional way" A.K.A killing everything that dares to oppose you is really annoying. So far I have discovered two solutions to this massive inconvenience: 1. Kill almost every combat vessel except one which you severely cripple, after that you go to the general direction from where enemy fleet dared to approach you. It is my preferred method due to it's simplicity 2. Use cheat engine. So yeah, it's hideous, don't recommend unless you go full cheater mode alt-tabing every turn and in best case scenario reaching radar technology after 40 months of speedrunning rangefinders, and on top of that this tech is not good as other options
  11. So, I have to put my fleet on every zone in which they have port? I guess that makes sense, thanks!
  12. 1 turn ago I have sank almost all of their fleet only few light cruisers (I think, not sure about that, might have sank entire fleet in one battle)
  13. So I was playing as Germans in 1890 campaign and wanted to destroy British economy by blockade and... It this case it is better to show than to talk about it: 12212 vs 812 power projection in North sea 3611 vs 0 in English channel And 5937 vs 0 in Irish sea I don't know how You guys but in my opinion I should be blockading brits... Am I missing something?
  14. I used to not put any armor on superstructures on any ship, which was a mistake. While this type of armor is not quite as important as other types in 1v1 scenarios it is necessary to put at least 30mm on battleship when expecting a swarm of enemies (i.e. in campaign) since overpens and superstructure pens can give you nasty -50% accuracy debuff.
  15. I can confirm Maximum bulkheads are mandatory, "standard" and "many" bulkheads don't quite work in 1890 maybe because the anti-flood tech is like, nonexistent. However towers posses stat called "damage control" maybe more advanced ships deal better with flooding. I haven't played "modern" battle in a while so I might be completely wrong
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