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  1. usnjeff19

    Crash Report

    I do have it installed on my PC but barely use it. Is it what is causing the crash/failure to load? EDIT: Uninstalling Citrix Workspace and rebooting resolved the issue. Is there a reason why it conflicts with the game? Even though I rarely use Citrix workspace, I do still need it at times. Thanks for your help!
  2. usnjeff19

    Crash Report

    Bump I'm having the same issue. Unity Player [version: Unity 5.6.6f2_6bac21139588] build.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module build.exe at 0033:107e6307. Error occurred at 2019-12-29_221752. C:\Games\Ultimate AdmiralAge of Sail\Ultimate AdmiralAge of Sail\default\game\build.exe, run by Jeff's PC. 39% memory in use. 16345 MB physical memory [9968 MB free]. 27097 MB paging file [15638 MB free]. 134217728 MB user address space [134213273 MB free]. Read from location 0000000e caused an access violation. Context: RDI: 0x00005853 RSI: 0x00001003 RAX: 0x00000000 RBX: 0x0075edd0 RCX: 0x0000000e RDX: 0x00000000 RIP: 0x107e6307 RBP: 0x00000001 SegCs: 0x00000033 EFlags: 0x00010293 RSP: 0x0075eba0 SegSs: 0x0000002b R8: 0x00000010 R9: 0x00000001 R10: 0x10f8d3c8 R11: 0x00000000 R12: 0x00000010 R13: 0x00000000 R14: 0x00b5b800 R15: 0x0075ed30 Bytes at CS:EIP: 0f b7 31 33 ff 48 8d 59 02 44 8d 7f 08 eb 07 0f
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