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About Erebus

  • Birthday December 17

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    St. Catharines, Ontario

Erebus's Achievements


Landsmen (1/13)



  1. Like the title suggests, I'm new to the game and certainly not an expert on naval combat, but I've been having a lot of trouble with mission 10 in defeating the 3 heavy cruisers. I've found battleships to be extremely underpowered, and get picked off easily by the cruisers. I remember someone on the forums saying they used a mix of 13-inch guns, heavy armour and 19-knot speed, so I tried that and got picked apart. That led me to sacrificing almost everything but armour, and resulted in the screenshot posted here. I still got picked off and sunk before one of my guns even got a hit. I could be wrong, but is one of the benefits of a battleship its longer range accuracy? Should it be the case that cruisers can pick off a battleship from long distance without take any damage itself? I can post a video of my attempt in battle if that helps. I've tried several approaches, including handing over the control to the AI, but nothing has worked. I figured I'd post this because this makes battleships almost useless with their near-zero accuracy. Either that, or I'm doing something wrong that makes them useless instead.
  2. I'm new to the game, so maybe this is something I'm doing wrong. But I attempted to take a crack at the Semi-Dreadnought mission with a heavy cruiser that's fast, light, and armed with torpedos. Along with two other light cruisers which also had torpedos, I got close to the battleship and waited for the torpedoes to start firing. They didn't. You can see in the image below; the light cruiser selected had its torpedoes set to aggressive. The heavy cruiser's were also set to Aggressive. Despite this, even when I approached the battleships with two ships, neither of them fired and they promptly got destroyed. This is pretty dumb, considering I've had situations where I approached AI-controlled ships which launched torpedoes that were accurate, well-timed and well-aimed at me and wreaked havoc on my own ships. What am I doing wrong here, or is this an issue on the game's end?
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